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Ex-OpenAI star Sutskever shoots for superintelligent AI with new company
  • The point is not that we can't imagine speculative technologies. The point is that this is a grift which distracts from the real and present threat of AI like the threats to privacy, artists' livelihoods and the internet itself which is being poisoned by LLM generated content

  • Ex-OpenAI star Sutskever shoots for superintelligent AI with new company
  • I don't think he plans on delivering much product at all

    Well good news. If the product you're imagining is 'Skynet' or a 'god-mommy' both of those are science fiction and we don't need whatever this bullshit is to save us

  • Tobacco-like warning label for social media sought by US surgeon general who asks Congress to act
  • I think we need regulation, that doesn't make me a person who irrationally hates children skateboarding.

    Also skateboarding hasn't led to and been complicit in genocide on two continents, but social media has in Asia and Africa. If it had, maybe you'd see people writing op-eds about that instead of social media companies that value profits more than human life

  • 'Manufacturing Obituaries': Media Falsely Reports Noam Chomsky's Death
  • It's extremely low of anyone to make to distressing news about a public death. These people might be famous, but they have families and friends whose heart will sink when they see this news. Not to mention the members of the public who will be shocked by this

    The sad thing is he will probably die soon and we will be hit even harder because or this

  • My Sextortion Diary: 'Hackers leaked intimate photos after my laptop was stolen'
  • Don't pay it too much mind. It's clear that your intentions were good, your message was good and most people understood what you were saying. It's just that written language can be interpreted in different ways, but that's not your problem

  • ‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd
  • Instead of using YouTube for guidance, why don't you talk to your Imam on Friday. The answer you get will be 1000 times more compassionate, practical and in-line with what your belief systems are than watching 'Blacks for Trump' videos.

    It really sounds like you're brainwashed by online content if you're a pro-Trump muslim when Trump is the most anti-Muslim President in history. He literally tried to stop all Muslims entering the United States and then changed it to 'countries which happen to be muslim' when he was told it was illegal and discriminatory. The list of Islamophobic Trump quotes is endless, and if you're going to search the internet for anything I suggest you start there.

    Unless you're a multi-millionaire or your last name is Trump, this guy is not your friend. He is nobody's friend. Please stop caping for him on the internet because you're only hurting yourself

  • Should I quit engineering?

    I could use some honest advice from experienced programmers and engineers.

    I'm almost at the two year mark as a developer. On paper I might look like a passable Junior Dev, but if you sat me down and asked me about algorithms or anything else I did to get my job in the first place I would be clueless. I can solve problems and always get my work done, but I don't even know the language/framework I use daily well enough to explain what's going on, I can just do things. I don't think I have imposter syndrome, I think I really might have let any skill I had atrophy.

    I used to enjoy programming as a hobby in my spare time, but in two years I've opened the IDE on my personal machine no more than twice. People talk about all the side projects they have, but I have none. I feel too stressed out from the job to do any programming outside of work, even though I love it. I feel like I can't level up from a Junior to Senior because I either don't have the headspace or the will to do so. It doesn't help that the job I've had has taught me very little and my dev team has been a shitshow from the beginning.

    At the moment I have an offer on the table to do a job that isn't engineering (but still tech) and it surprisingly pays more. Part of me thinks I should take that job, rediscover my passion in my spare time and build my skills, but I fear I might go down this route and never be able to come back to engineering. Not that I'm sure I want to.

    It might sound defeatist but I don't think I'll ever be a top 5% or even 25% engineer. I could be average with a lot of work, but not great. I could potentially be great in the new field I'm being recruited for, but that's also hard to say without being in the job.

    I know that some people just aren't cut out for being engineers. Maybe I have the aptitude but not the mentality to do this for 30+ years. I want to know if that's what it sounds like to people who've seen that before. If you were in my position, would you walk away and just be a hobbyist programmer or stick it out and hope to be a mediocre engineer one day?

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