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Mojeek Search Engine
Mojeek Search Engine @ Mojeek
4 yr. ago

  • 8bn pages crawled and indexed in house by us, but if you want something a bit more fleshed-out:

  •, just in case anyone doesn't want to append the y :D

  • We'll try and get that okay up to a good and then a great as time goes by! There's a submit feedback button on results pages if you'd like to be a part of that.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • thanks a lot in advance, and fedi is where it's at ! 💯

  • Permanently Deleted

  • sorry to hear that; if you are using us any point in the future and want to flag this, we have a "submit feedback" button on pages, this is a really useful thing to do for us, as it helps us to identify results which are not so good :D

  • coming up to 20 years of no tracking, 18 of having the first privacy policy to say it:

    hopefully a good consensus 😅 at least seen very little of people saying bad

  • you can smash the "submit feedback" button on the page when you get a duff search and send it into us, it's how we improve:

  • biased but i think they're doing just swell (and getting better by the day) ;)

  • looking at it it would seem to be getting results via the brave search api

  • mojeek and lynx together, love this combo!

  • Thanks for mentioning us, here's a good quantity with information on sources: if it is of use

  • ah no bother at all, not everyone is gonna be across every single kind of company and they are functionally very similar!

  • thank you kindly, that is great to hear; we've got this new and even better (so far testing is showing that) algo ready to go too: so hopefully it'll be even more fantastic-er soon :D

  • or search engines with several engines, such as Mojeek or MetaGer

    Just a flag, we don't use several engines, all Mojeek is Mojeek, you might be conflating this with Search Choices. AstianGO seems to be inaccessible now, but it wasn't an own-index search engine,

  • good write up, we're Mojeek Limited, not Mojeek LLC; LLC as a formation in the UK is called a "Private Limited Company" (PLC) which is contracted to .ltd or limited.

  • Currently looking at mojeek myself

    How'd you find us?