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have you ever made and maintained a website?? well i have!!
  • Not a personal website, but I’m currently working on my portfolio site for when it’s time to find a job. I’m in school for software development. I’ve made websites using Wordpress templates and very basic html/css long before but now I’m actually trying to code mine from scratch with html/css/js now that I’ve learned enough in school. It is really fun, especially when you find cool tricks and they work!

  • Are you ok (really, are you)?
  • Just got the news last week that my dad, who was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in October, might have 5-7 months left. Plus my mom is slowly dying from COPD. I’m trying to stay positive and spend what might be the last Christmas we get with them. But to say I’m not feeling the happy new year vibes is an understatement. Only death and more depression coming in 2024.

  • What is the first movie you can remember ever having watched?
  • A horror movie called It’s Alive. I was 5 years old. My mom would rent horror movies without checking the ratings and I’d watch them. Even after this I always loved horror and never had nightmares or anything. But, I rewatched It’s Alive a few years ago and it is definitely not for kids… But honestly the craziest thing my mom rented was The Toxic Avenger, when I was maybe 10. She never saw it herself it so still has no idea what she allowed me to watch at a young age!

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I found out the difference between just normal dislike and phobias a few years ago. I dislike insects and they make me jumpy but I wasn’t terrified of any of them, even spiders. Until I had an encounter with giant carpenter ants, both the normal ones and the ones with wings.

    I was living in my RV and apparently it was their nesting season, and I come from a different province and normally never see large ants like these. I kept finding them everywhere in my trailer, these giant ants, like I’d open a drawer and pull out a dish cloth and one would be underneath it. I was crying hysterically and shaking and I would rather have died than come across another one. It went on for about 3 days, I barely slept because the fuckers were crawling all over the ceiling and walls at night.

    I went and picked up ant killer spray and went scorched earth on them. Within a day there were dozens of dead ones inside the trailer and probably thousands outside in the gravel. It was crazy. Neighbouring campers had these ants too, I guess it was normal nesting season there and no one worried about it much. They started to comment that the ants were disappearing earlier. I didn’t tell them it was me lol. But yeah, I have a phobia I wasn’t expecting and I lose my shit when I see them to this day.

  • What was one thing your teacher did that you still can't forgive them for?
  • I’m very sure I’ll be able to contribute to this conversation at the end of the semester. I have an Organizational Behavior class and the teacher is a prick, narcissist and a bully. Treating us adults like we are misbehaving children and gaslighting us every class.

  • After two weeks having zero sense of smell
  • It’s interesting how it affects people differently. When I lost my sense of smell with COVID, bad smells were the last to return. I could smell everything else but couldn’t smell bathroom smells, eggs, skunk, or weed (debatable if the last one is bad or not, but either way it was gone). It was nice, I was hoping to only smell nice things forever, but it came back.

  • What's a great but uncommon comedy movie we should watch?
  • Cold Pursuit

    I saw it in theatres and I remember people weren’t laughing and some were walking out because they were bored. I can guarantee that all of them saw Liam Neeson was the lead and were expecting another action packed Taken type movie. What we got instead was a movie reminiscent of Fargo or The Big Lebowski. It’s absolutely hilarious, I’ve watched it many times and I’ve shown friends this one and they’ve all loved it. Highly recommend!

  • How do you deal with high adrenaline situation afterwards?
  • This might sound weird but a bowl of milk and sliced banana always calms me down and makes me sleepy

  • Title
  • And then directly into sleep paralysis

  • Deleted
    What was your most difficult breakup?
  • Thanks. I have had a relatively drama free life, so this was a pretty significant event for me. I met an amazing man a year later and have been married to him 8 years now. But I still think about this from time to time and feel sad, and I guess a bit of guilt (which I know I shouldn’t). I realize this guy had a lot going on besides our brief relationship to take his own life but it’s still difficult feeling like I had a part in it.

  • Deleted
    What was your most difficult breakup?
  • It was 2010, and after dating a guy briefly for 3 weeks and noticing some red flags I made the mistake of breaking up with him while giving him a ride home. I wasn’t expecting what came next. He started yelling at me to pull over so I did. He yanks the keys out of the ignition and I try to grab them and he pulls me out over the center console through the passenger side and I land on the gravel road in a skirt. I get up and he grabs me by the shoulders and starts yelling at me (I don’t even remember what because I was crying so hard in fear). Then his demeanour changes for a split second and he’s like “why are you afraid of me, I’d never hurt you.” I had bruises on my legs for weeks after landing on the ground. His whole thing was jealousy and that’s part of why I was breaking up with him. He thought it wasn’t possible id wanna break up with him so I must be cheating and just randomly started naming names of guys he knew I was friends with.

    He tells me to get in the car, and I have no choice because I’m terrified of him and we are in the middle of a country road. He starts driving us back to the city and that’s when I realized where he was going. He picked one of my guy friends that he knows where he lives and is going to confront him over cheating that never happened. He knew the general area where this friend lived but not the house. When we got close and had to stop at an intersection, I took off my seatbelt, opened the door, and started running. I hear the sound of my own cars tires screech as he chases me. I saw a house with a door open and ran inside, there was an older couple there unloading groceries. I locked myself in their bathroom and they called the cops. He left my car and the keys with the couple and walked away before the cops arrived.

    I never talked to him again and got a cryptic message on Facebook from him a few months later apologizing. Then a few more months later a friend called me to tell me he had killed himself. It still haunts me thinking about the entire experience.

  • Similiar to email filters, does Lemmy know of any IRL tips to filter out junk mail?
  • I’m in Canada. We’ve never gotten junk mail because our mail delivery person put a green sticker inside the box that says no flyers. We never asked for it, it was always just there. When they upgraded the mail boxes, they put new stickers in too. It’s awesome.

  • What's got you happy this week?
  • I finished my first semester of software development school last week. I struggled with c# programming and at one point a couple months ago I was so upset I seriously considered dropping out. But I kept at it and handed in assignments, not confident in my code. Anyways, I just got my final marks back and I got A+ in that course… and all my other courses too!

    Also… I’ve been depressed for 2 days, I think I needed this post to remind me of the good things in life. I’m enjoying reading everyone’s answers!

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • The old turn it off and turn it back on solution, i always forget it exists… I should have tried it first!

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • You were right, but I have never encountered that bug before. Weird. Anyways, problem solved!

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • I just uninstalled and reinstalled the app and I can literally watch the icon change randomly. It is showing the old one but when I tap to open the app it briefly flashes the new icon before returning to the old one. Anyways, I’ll do the iOS update overnight and try again in the morning!

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • That was the first thing I checked, and nope!

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • ios 16.3.1. I’m gonna do a software update and see if that changes anything since I see there’s one available for iOS. Whats the weirdest is that when I search for the app on my phone, the correct icon shows up in the search results, but everywhere else it’s the old one.

  • Would love to see this selection grow based on the many entries we saw earlier
  • Mines not working. It isn’t changing the icon.

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • Just deleted my Twitter account. Of course, the app gave nothing but errors so I had to do it on desktop, but it’s done!

  •'s Main Community miz_elektro
    Request: lemmyNSFW instance filtering in All & Local

    I’m totally cool with the federation with lemmyNSFW instance and actually I made an account over there so I could subscribe to my favorite porn subs.

    But, I’d also prefer to keep it separate from my account feed. I don’t like to use the block nsfw option in my profile because NSFW isn’t just sexual content/porn. So basically, it would be awesome if there were a way to optionally block the entire instance on an account level, or optionally just not have posts from lemmyNSFW show up in All & Local. Communities are rapidly being created and I’ll never keep up blocking them one by one. I know not everyone likes to keep things separate and that’s why I’m wondering if this can be an option in a future update.

    miz_nocturnal miz_elektro
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