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Feature request

I was wondering if there were any plans to include collapse bars on scroll for the iOS app

Thanks for all the great work

Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002'
  • Can’t figure out if you are trolling or if you are just very stupid

  • Avelon 1.0.7 out now - adds text selection, tweaks to the free tier, new pro features and lots of QOL improvements
  • Okay that’s fine you want it to succeed but you aren’t the one actually making the app or doing any of the work so why do you think you should be the one dictating the business model?

    And complaining about some things not being in the free version sure doesn’t come across as “suggestions”

    What are the business models of the other apps? And where are you coming up with your metrics that those apps haven’t succeeded?

  • Avelon 1.0.7 out now - adds text selection, tweaks to the free tier, new pro features and lots of QOL improvements
  • Oh no “sweary” please anything but that… most people here are adults that can deal with some uncouthness and some condescension, I’m condescending when I see people act like entitled asses

    Telling someone how to make something for free for you and to your liking is civilized though?

  • Avelon 1.0.7 out now - adds text selection, tweaks to the free tier, new pro features and lots of QOL improvements
  • Fucking entitled people here…

    The non pro version works great and has plenty of features, I haven’t gone to pro cuz it’s not fully there yet for what I’m looking for, once it does I’ll buy it.

    No one here goes to their jobs and works for free so why should the dev? He made something that works for free, you want something specific that’s not free then pay for it for fucksakes…. If you don’t want to do that then make your own app

  • [Feature request]

    Any chance of adding a toggle to hide the markdown editor? I never use it and accidentally keep hitting it, small phone with fat fingers

    amazon anti union posters put up by the company
  • Ya it’s not really noticeable especially for all its upsides

  • amazon anti union posters put up by the company
  • Dues deducted from your pay.. yes true… oh no it’s a whopping $20-50 a pay (spitballing a range.. I pay $44.49 per pay)

    No guarantees on pay, benefits or work rules even though it’s extremely unlikely you won’t get better pay, benefits or work rules using that line of thinking the company doesn’t guarantee that either lol

    Typically must go through union, not supervisor or manager.. okay for what? I got to my supervisors and managers every day for stuff and even if that is the case so fucking what supervisors and managers don’t have my best interest in mind.

  • Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter
  • You only like to read the headlines of anything posted don’t you..

    I know it takes a bit of extra time but why don’t you give reading the whole thing a try. Could help make or break your point

  • The Amazon Is Getting So Hot That Dolphins Are Dying En Masse
  • Hey no problem with having an opinion I just can’t stand people online spewing hyperbolic divisive type stuff, we already get enough of it from every corner of the internet

    And sorry that you think having a discussion online is confrontational bullshit maybe you are just being too sensitive

    I actually do agree with some of the stuff you are saying which is the funny part, the world is seeing a tilt towards far right/populist types but there is no need to fire up the bullshit with exaggerated statements

    Why do you think places like Lampedusa want their borders closed you had an influx of migrants that was more than the total population of the island that’s not sustainable so it’s not just a “Italy bad” scenario

  • The Amazon Is Getting So Hot That Dolphins Are Dying En Masse
  • I find it funny that you talk of rhetoric from the media and then go right ahead and do it yourself, fair enough on how you should have phrased it but then you still stay on the same line.. there are those out there smarter than me that have seen this coming

    Seen what coming? Possible closing of borders? Limiting immigration? Forced immigration from climate change? Rise in populist politicians?

    Straight from the Canadian Government website

    • In the 2023–2025 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada aims to welcome from 410,000 to 505,000 new permanent residents in 2023, from 430,000 to 542,500 in 2024 and from 442,500 to 550,000 in 2025. These targets are incremental record highs for Canada and reflect the government’s belief that newcomers are instrumental in driving economic growth and building our communities. Achieving these levels will also mean reuniting more families and protecting democratic and human rights on a larger scale than ever before.*

    So once again you are saying Canada is talking about immigration what are you even trying to say? You are pushing your narrative

  • What a feeling
  • Brought to you by Anti Vax, MLM huns/wellness coaches, do your own research scientists…

    The internet has helped make everyone a fucking expert with no expertise

  • Netflix falls to sixth place in customer satisfaction survey
  • I grew up with Christopher Reeves as Superman and I still think Cavill is the best Superman to ever be cast

  • The Amazon Is Getting So Hot That Dolphins Are Dying En Masse
  • lol what counties are starting to close their borders? Only countries that have closed borders have had them for a while Korea, Armenia/Turkey/Azerbaijan and Columbia/Venezuela

    You straight up just made this shit up… speaking of rhetoric

    I’m always amazed at the amount of international political scholars that are on Lemmy

  • Great upgrade!
  • Basically my favourite features also

  • How do I get informed on Joe Rogan without watching his videos.
  • Don’t kid yourself, you “giving” him a few views isn’t gonna make any difference, taking a principled stance on it is like peeing in the ocean.

    Just watch a few of his videos or listen to some of his podcasts, instead of letting other people give your their viewpoint on him just get your own viewpoint, do it without any bias either.. pick an episode that you are interested in pick something you don’t agree with and pick something that could go either way. You might agree with some stuff and not other things but at least you determined that for yourself

    I used to listen to his podcast but lost interest plus I’d only listen to the stuff I had any interest in, science and technology stuff. He had some odd views/stuff I didn’t agree with but that’s living in reality you aren’t always gonna agree with people.

  • YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star
  • Fuck that, nothing wrong with being downvoted to shit, it’s your opinion some people may not like it but so what, plus internet points don’t mean anything

  • YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off his channel — The suspension comes following the publication of rape and sexual assault allegations against the British star
  • I can’t stand Trump but I also can’t stand people who don’t shut up about him either, some people make talking about Trump part of their personality and it’s on both sides… but in this case the way the person framed their comment makes sense

  • Why did the chicken cross the road?
  • This isn’t even boomer shit this is someone who has no idea what funny is, this is more at the 8 yr old humor level

  • On Self-Diagnosis
  • So you took all this time to find an article that you liked and this is what proves that it shouldn’t be called a disorder? It’s some guys blog…

    Find something in a peer reviewed journal and then maybe you will have something of substance

  • Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift.
  • Lol did you just use the freedom convoy as our version of Jan 6th? Riiiight

  • Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift.
  • Pretty sure he straight up pulled that one out of his ass

    Canada is basically always mentioned as a place to live with a high quality of life, even with all that’s wrong here I’d sure asf rather live here instead of say South Sudan