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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • the critical window has not arrived yet. every other cycle of accumulation has undergone a gradual geographic transition of the core only after the extant capitalist system was thoroughly in the process of collapsing in on itself, heralded mostly by a withering in overall trade volume and corresponding with widespread conflict and a retreat into everyone's respective national economies

    so basically, we're waiting for the us to sanction/declare war on china

    in the meantime, so long as the powers behind the us political classes remain incapable of formulating a new framework of hegemony, the dollar will only continue to decline, taking the world economy along with it

  • Why the Chinese are Dissatisfied with Black Myth: Wukong
  • apocryphally, jttw itself was a satirization of ming bureaucracy through its depiction of the conflict between tang era buddhist and taoist factions of divinity

    a lot of issues were overcome on the journey are the result of some god's pettiness/fuckup

  • Why the Chinese are Dissatisfied with Black Myth: Wukong
  • theres a fan theory out there that the game is a plot by wukong and erlang shen to overthrow heaven


    main point is that there is mutual knowledge between the two that wukong can't die if he doesn't want to (since he's like six or seven different kinds of immortal), so the first scene where wukong 'dies' is just creating plausible deniability for part one of their plan to get rid of the jingu curse

    as for why erlang shen needs wukong to overthrow heaven when he can probably do it by himself... idk, unresolved mommy issues probably

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • so what im hearing is iran retaliation eta q2 2025 earliest

    nothing ever happens gang stays winning

  • Look at my beautiful boy
  • is this just a proto turtle? is there a word for the turtle equivalent for carcinization again? chelonization?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • i feel like they could just get tencent to delist wechat from the app store in the name of not getting robbed

    the gaming market tho lmfao, a lot of games are tied to both os and messaging service you used to register

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • so ukraines ambassador to japan just paid his respects at the war criminal shrine the other day

    idk if fake news or not but it is weird that its basically not been reported on

    apparently got scrubbed from ukrainian embassys twitter right after it got posted lol

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • imo the us thought it was basically a no lose situation while europe gambled on russia folding

    then october 7th happened and now the west is staring down a three front war that it cannot lose lest the mcm' military keynesianism that underpins its entire currency falls apart

    crazy how well timed oct 7th was, i am this close to thinking it was a joint chinese/russian conspiracy

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • though geopolitically it feels like we're more situated in a united provinces -> gb process i think economically it's more useful to consider the gbp -> usd transition:

    Through its support for the international gold standard, the New York financial community thus encouraged and sustained London's ultimately futile attempts to remain at the center of world finance... most Western governments shared the conviction that only the re-establishment of the pre-1914 world monetary system, "this time on solid foundations," could restore peace and prosperity.

    Ironically, however, this concerted effort, instead of reviving the pre-1914 world monetary system, precipitated its terminal crisis... The pursuit of stable currencies under the pressure of "capital flight" eventually turned the stagnation of world trade and production of the 1920s into the slump of the early 1930s.

    seems like we are hereabouts

    ... as the dependence of the world's payment system on the US dollar increased, the United States acquired foreign assets... on private account to over $8 billion. Ultimately, however, the growing structural imbalances of world payments were bound to impair the continuation of the process... The halt in US foreign lending and investment was made permanent by the collapse of the Wall Street boom and the ensuing slump in the US economy. Faced with sudden recalls or flights of short term funds, one country after another was forced to protect its currency, either by depreciation or exchange control. The suspension of the gold convertibility of the British pound in September 1931 led to the final destruction of the single web of world commercial and financial transactions on which the fortunes of the City of London were based. Protectionism became rampant, the pursuit of stable currencies was abandoned, and "world capitalism retreated into the igloos of its nation-state economies and their associated empires."

  • til adderall makes me mew

  • Sensory Overload in Terraria, or: How I Learned to Git Bad
  • for some reason i can't see shit in terraria, i think it's my monitor because i play with a friend and he can see things in the dark way more easily than me

    also couldn't beat moon lord until i got razorblade typhoon from fishron, the lunatic cultist stuff just wasn't cutting it for me

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • how does a random sniper guy know how to operate an entire srbm complex? youd think theyd have the missile equivalent of a jtac clear it before launch or smth lol

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis
  • confessions of a buddhist patsy, or how my horny alt history fanfic agitprop failed to topple the taoist regime and instead got coopted into literary canon

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • raven rock and norad: soyfaced, pissing and shitting themselves, ugly crying uncontrollably

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • vibes based discussion

    xi jinping is the second coming of han wudi and drives the american barbarians back across the atlantic into their ancestral homelands

    destroys western civilization once and for all and ushers in era of unprecedented peace and prosperity with world governmental institutions that are just the UN/WB/IMF without anglos in charge

    after like 50 years it all goes to shit because lmao bourgeois counterrevolution/eunuch takeover/bitcoin

    russia annexes china after warlords fail to unite the country after another 50 odd years of fighting (we get cool literature though)

    russia becomes chinese, the prophesied han-byzantine empire comes to pass, no one gives a shit

    except for the twitter marble statue pfp dudes they mald hard, ukronazis get to claim they were right all along about the asiatic russian hordes

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • china was doing 'good enough' under the us yoke, theyre still reluctant to totally give up what many still perceive to be a valuable if not particularly healthy relationship and ride headlong into the inevitable bloodbath that multipolarity will turn out to be. things are not yet sufficiently asymptotic, inflection points still on the horizon, nothing ever happens gang still reigns supreme

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • he actually just decided to do real praxis by going deep undercover into the black heart of terf island to destroy it from within, he requests that everyone call him by his codename agent seethe going forward

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from August 5th to August 11th, 2024 - LGBT - COTW: Iraq
  • fuhrer kkkamala giving out blank checks to the entity so they drag the US into a war in order to pull a zelensky and appoint herself president for life

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela
  • marshall plan

    didnt work that well in the first place but they found a fix by dumping weapons everywhere and havent been able to kick the habit since

    so hes actually saying he wants to ukrainify south america lol

  • tomatoes snapped

    fucked up again this year and didn't support my tomatoes fully because i figured the stems were thick enough

    rainy season hits and two of my biggest plants snapped in half because they were too top heavy lol, lost like half my first batch. is there any coming back from this or are things joever for me this season?

    wat do

    i'm trying to improve the soil quality in my yard, it's hard and clay-like and roots have a hard time going down below like 4 cm. i have cow patties, rice hulls, rinsed coco coir and some cardboard.

    currently the plan has been to mix up the patties and rice hulls and bury that below ground (completed already), then mulch with the coir + hulls + patties, then finally cover with cardboard. the yard is small so not much cardboard involved. i'm growing cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and beans this year, they should have been in the ground already but i wanted to grow from seed and my cats got to the sprouts. so i gotta get new ones !agony-acid

    please tell me what i am missing or what i could do better.

    wtf is wrong with my computer

    recently there has been this problem that has been getting more frequent, my computer just randomly freezes up/blackscreens and then fails to post when i do a hard restart. this doesn't resolve itself until after i open it up and play musical chairs with the ram for a bit.

    shit that i have tried:

    1. swapped the ram around to different slots. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't
    2. cleaned out the case
    3. wd40'd the ram pins (helped with the posting but seems to have increased crash frequency, not enough data to tell for sure)

    no idea where to begin with this one, can't tell if it's a motherboard or a ram issue or something else entirely. the sticks are of differing sizes and manufacture so that may also be an issue. would give specs but the thing just died on me in the middle of posting this and i can't boot in just yet. motherboard is a supermicro x9 something server board.

    plans are good, have a plan.



    this was my garden a few weeks back. i'm basically totally new at this despite having done this for a few years now and this is gonna be a sort of lessons learned kinda deal.

    the story so far is that i decided i was too busy to fuck too much with replanting seedlings this year and figured that i would just go straight from seed, hoping that the unusually cold weather we were having in spring would kill most of them so i would have less work to do down the line. that was a completely unfounded and stupid assumption on my part and i had to replant/uproot a bunch of plants (see above) because i ended up just haphazardly scattering seeds everywhere and the distribution of plants was totally fucked.

    a lot of them started flowering last week-ish so i decided to fertilize this week. this was initially impossible because i hadn't really done any maintenance on my little guys since i replanted them and so the place was basically a jungle. after two afternoons worth of effort the garden now looks like this (didn't really do much to the guys in the planter, there's a drainage layer but the big drainage pipe is above the drainage layer for reasons outside my control and i really need to get on that...):



    all this to say that for anyone starting out, just bite the bullet and start your seeds off somewhere where you can keep track of them and replant them (IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION) later on. you'll save yourself a lot of trouble and won't end up spilling fermented soybeans all over yourself because you tripped over a potato while trying to maneuver yourself around your poor man's tomato cage.

    about to replant a bunch of tomatoes in wood ash

    is this a bad idea? plan on mixing some topsoil in, but dont have very much on hand
