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E3 series
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  • E3 series

    By 出町柳彩都, source

    JR Pass is so expensive....



    And the dance is not completed, be patient.

    Sapporo city subway

    Another people mover system?

    By 出町柳彩都,source

    It gets crazy acceleration.... and higher chance of break down.

    Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Used commonly in railway maintenance in Japan! This budget friendly truck is favoured by JR which want to cut budget on everything.

  • Nevada class battleship

    By gegeron,source


    Don't ask the logic of kentai collection.




    By 出町柳彩都,source


    A limited express train from....umm....

    I'm not very familiar with Osaka Area.

    Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku? • Train to the End of the World - Episode 2 discussion
  • It's Seibu 2000 series, which serve the Seibu Ikebukuro line as express train. However, there are a few mistakes in the anime.

    very long text!!!
    1. When departing, point and calling is not performed. This is an extreme dangers practice as you have to confirm the doors are closed, signal is clear when departing. She is disqualified for sure.

    1. There is not even a signal on the track!! The line running ATS system, so I assume there is a signal, at least a home signal at the station. Where do they go???

    1. Also, there is not even a long bridge in the line. I don't know how 7G can change the world like this, but there is not even a long bridge in the line, as the line just pass a really small river.

    2. It's unprofessional for her to turn her head, rest her eye when the train is moving. She has to be aware on situation of the track in front.

    3. The distance between Agano and Higasi-Agano station is 4km. For a speed of 60km/h, it takes her about 5 minutes to get there. However, consider the time they stop at middle, how come it takes a whole episode to get there!? As she stops in the middle with no reason, she is being unprofessional.

    4. No one build a train track like a rollercoaster. The slope of the track is unrealistic sharp, but the character still consider driving though it, demonstrating lack of safety awareness.

    5. You can always use the train radio to communicate with nearby station. As Agando is a terminal, it should have a control room that can receive radio from train. Why still use moose code?

    In conclusion, the main character is not qualified enough to become a driver as demonstrated with above unprofessional actions.

    Thank for hearing my useless information.

  • Hong Kong Article 23: Basic rights threatened as law enacted, critics charge
  • TL;DR: Only New Territories is leased for 99 years, remaining part of Hong Kong is ceased. So the statement is partly correct.

    About "China only leased Hong Kong to Britain" is partly correct, and here is why:

    After the first opium war, Hong Kong Island (including Aberdeen Island/Ap Lei Chau and surrounding islands) was cesed to British under Treaty of Nanking, which stated that

    His Majesty the Emperor of China cedes to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., the Island of Hong-Kong, to be possessed in perpetuity by Her Britannic Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and to be governed by such Laws and Regulations as Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, &c., shall see fit to direct.

    Wikipedia source

    Treaty source

    Then, after the second opium war, Kowloon Peninsula was cesed under Convention of Peking, which stated:

    With a view to the maintenance of law and order in and about the harbour of Hongkong, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China agrees to cede to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, and to Her Heirs and Successors, to have and to hold as a dependency of Her Britannic Majesty’s Colony of Hongkong, that portion of the township of Cowloon, in the province of Kwangtung, of which a lease was granted in perpetuity to Harry Smith Parkes, Esquire, Companion of the Bath, a Member of the Allied Commission at Canton, on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty’s Government, by Lau Tsung Kwang, Governor General of the Two Kwang.

    Convention source

    Wikipedia source

    Note: Kowloon Peninsula was leased initially, but latter ceased to British, see cite 1.

    So , the remaining part of Hong Kong, the New Territories, is leased under The Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory , but English translation is not available, so here is a machine translated version:

    After many years of investigation, it was learned that a non-extension site in Hong Kong was not sufficient to defend, and now the Chinese and British governments have agreed on a general plan to expand the British boundary as a new leased land according to the attached map. The detailed demarcation shall be drawn after the two countries have sent personnel to survey and demarcate it, with a deadline of 99 years....

    Convention source

    Wikipedia source

    To sum up, only the New Territories is leased and the remaining part is ceased. For more detail, please read Cession of Hong Kong from wikipedia (Chinese Version only, you may use machine translation)

    Map of Hong Kong

    Cite 1:

    The Arrow Incident in 1856 triggered the Second Opium War. On 18 March 1860, the British 44th Regiment occupied Tsim Sha Tsui, and on 20 March the Governor of Liangguang, Lo Chong-guang, agreed to "temporarily lease" Kowloon.

    Chapter 2 British Occupation of Hong Kong and the Establishment of the Colonial System from A Brief History of Hong Kong—From Ancient Times to the 1997 Handover, by 劉智鵬; 劉蜀永, ISBN 978-962-937-420-4.

  • Cyber cat

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    > Cyber cat > > By hetza (hellshock),source > > > Stop that blade! > > Rule of nature

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer

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    armed cat

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    sleeping under warm sun

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    > By nashigaya_koyomi,source

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    tofu and fox

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    > By rimukoro,source > > Tip: Fox loves tofu!

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    cat force

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    > cross-posted from: > > > By tac239,source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    year of dragon

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    > By amethy (19833275),source > > 2024 is year of dragon... though lunar new year hasn't arrived yet. Anyway, happy new year.

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    new year

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    > By eleven-sora,source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    want one?

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    > By lerK_Puzz,source

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    By kuruowl,source

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    > By riri_(ri0177),source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    Manhattan Cafe

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    > By flippy_(cripine111),source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    fubuki get you present

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    > By rappi,source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    Christmas with dogies

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    > By Noshiro,source

    kemonomimi 京成スカイライナー enjoyer
    suzuran in snow

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    > By nihnfinite8,source > > Alternative title: I don't care

  • Someone told me it's midriff, so I post it on here. Well, better post on thiccmoe.

  • maxso216 京成スカイライナー enjoyer

    Keisei Skyliner is the best airport express between Narita Airport and Tokyo City.

    When you mention Taiwan is a country: !

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