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Minds joined the fediverse
  • I'm seeing some stuff from there

  • Minds joined the fediverse
  • More likely there is some missing authentication token. I bet when you login to minds it generates a token and on each websocket request sends that over and it only accepts connections that have that token.

    In others words it's probably reserved for minds users and so is basically useless and serves no purpose but for them to virtue signal.

  • Minds joined the fediverse
  • I don't see any data when I scan wss:// for recent events of kind 0 or 1. It's like it's not being used at all.

  • Minds joined the fediverse
  • I can't connect to their relay. I guess they made it private somehow

  • Minds joined the fediverse
  • No more like be on nostr and get events from minds through the fediverse nostr bridge

  • Minds joined the fediverse
  • Idk. I've not even found that. I was thinking going the other way

  • Minds joined the fediverse

    They have a fairly large user base.

    I think this is pretty cool. You should be able to interact with minds now through nostr and a Fedi nostr bridge.

    Gunter's Ideas
    1. Age of consent is usually lower like 16.

    2. We have romeo and Juliet laws that add context to arresting Pedos like yourself. If you are a 40 year old teacher and sleep with a 16 year old you usually go to jail. There is a massive age difference and power imbalance. If you are a 18 year old and you sleep with a 16 year old nothing will happen because you are within a two year difference. Which is normal. Both biologically and culturally.

    Generally speaking nothing will happen to a 24 year old male who marries a 17 year old female. So your whole example is just pedo pushing garbage.

    If a older male is consistently hunting and fucking 16 and 17 year olds he should be arrested imo. I had a boss who did that. He would hire them at his restaurant basically just to fuck them

  • Apple Could Soon Pay You for Hindering Your iPhone's Performance
  • oh looks like iphone 6 and 7. I had the seven but it broke.

  • Why is federated with exploding heads?
  • I understand the reasoning but I think it’s not the same situation as lemmygrad, which I feel is a normal instance with an ideological bent.

    Lemmy grad actively denies Genocides. Lemmygrad says that that Tienanmen Square was fabricated by the U.S.

    Lemmygrad consistently host antiwhite racism and then defends it by saying something like it's not racist because white people aren't real or something

    Exploding-heads will poke fun at gender dysphoria in two communities, dank memes and dank taco.

    EH is morally superior to lemmygrad in every way.


    You all should be using nostr where admins can't take your voice away or your right to hear opposing opinions.

  • Tesla Jailbreak Lets You Unlock Free Upgrades

    Maybe when my warranty is up i'll buy the mod chip.

    Completely ruins it
  • To bad there are no vaccines that prevent covid.

  • Dont forget to place a PS5 in the storefront window for good luck.
  • Seeing that asian guy get sentenced to 5 years by a judge with a smile made me feel so bad. He was exactly doing his job and would not have known what Derek was doing. Don't be a cop in a democrat city. Way to dangerous. Get out at all cost.

  • Why was this thing ever allowed in a classroom to begin with?
  • I went to see my son's kindergarten teacher today. All was normal.i will be watching just in case

  • RFK Jr Sues Google And YouTube Over Censorship
  • He's a lifelong democrat. Supporter of abortion and affirmative action.

  • But it's not racist if Dems do it /s
  • No don't go. Please come back. How can we carry on without your commentary...

  • But it's not racist if Dems do it /s
  • No lefttards just can't meme and thus can't understand humor.

  • But it's not racist if Dems do it /s
  • Right. It was bad law to begin with. You can't just make up stuff in the constitution. Get a federal law passed or stop getting fucked.

  • Would you support the human sacrifice of 1 billionaire per year?

    Ok hear me out. Lots of people complaining about billionaires.

    I get it. They have a lot of money. They don't always give it away unless it's to avoid taxes.

    Just taking money from billionaires feels wrong

    What if instead we took a random drawing and just sacrificed one per year?

    So this way they would be incentivised to donate money. But if they wanted to risk it they could try.

    Maybe our corn crops would grow better too.

    New community, Nostr blog

    I would like to keep some notes on research I do in my free time on nostr. So i've made a new community.

    The side bar has the main problems I think nostr can solve in regards to the lemmy software.

    I'll post about what I do and learn along the way of retro fitting nostr to fit the community oriented social media format.

    masterofballs Masterofballs

    魔鬼. Internet Demon. Slayer of censorship. Programmer.

    Find me on Nostr:


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