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why should I care about the people in this community!! if they don't appreciate & respect me!!!

why should I care about the people in this community!! if they don't appreciate & respect me!!!

the supervision, guidance and assistance that I provide is useless.

even though my work has been done a lot in raising awareness and saving the fate of millions of human lives. but what treatment do I get from you guys.

this is the no.1 trending information & news, which I am sharing with you guys right now.

\#kbin #lemmy #fediverse #trend #news #global

Fediverse News maskugatiger
if the leaders of the kbin,lemmy and all fediverse community here can't find bastard accounts, who deliberately downvoted posts (which contain truthful content) from user accounts, while you don't eve

if the leaders of the kbin,lemmy and all fediverse community here can't find bastard accounts, who deliberately downvoted posts (which contain truthful content) from user accounts, while you don't even mark them all and ban their accounts permanently. then I will quickly get out of this community. and one more if the people who have been blocked by the author of the post, but they can still read and downvote the account that has blocked them. then it means that the system in the application in your community is disabled, damaged and useless!!!


The Fediverse needs you! Join the fight against tyranny!
  • I tell u.. before u fight tyranny, that first u must found idiots people in any kbin social an fediverse, which like down vote post which right!!!!! And u must found that ,ang sign him and banned from di social microblog!!!

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  • after the NWo agenda, namely (Great Reset), actually materialized, after previously (plandemic covid19/before name "corona"/ 666 gematria , this satan number) where they would create a global recession, not only mass layoffs occurred, but also chaos and crime rates & various riots will increase in the streets. We have to force these Globalist & Cabal agents out of their nests, we have to seal wallstreets, the UN building, and also the Fed and B.I.S awaken the patriots, survivalists and military who are pro-people, to fight against the corrupt and righteous soldiers & police who will descend from the street where deployed by the FBI, CIA and generals who became the accomplice of Globalists and Cabals. We must call on the people to burn all their paper money, when recession, inflation and devaluation really happened and resulted in a global economic collapse. because so far the monetary system of the world's currencies has been controlled by Jewish bankers and Globalist agents, and we have been deceived by their money laundering and duplicating practices, they have long been cheating, deceiving and carrying out usury and laundering & multiplying currency, including digital currency decentralization agenda to trap slavery & new robbery, people's money & assets. then we must seize and control the parliament building from the hands of the minions and puppet leaders who become their slaves & accomplices. but they will deploy the military, to forcefully implant and tag each person with biometrics, to trace & enslave them. and limiting food & food stocks for the population. and some of their food is mixed with nerve poison, as well as their military will form concentration camps & will close airport and sea access, if there are people who refuse & disobey their instructions, they will not hesitate to kill. at that time, the chaos and riots in all countries will get bigger and more massive, and the final way is open war between Globalist agents & cabals represented by the corrupt military & police with the people power of global civil society. until they were cornered, the Globalists & Cabals, due to the attacks & resistance of the people power, and the great bloodshed that occurred, then their last resort was to finish their fight against them, by igniting WW3. and the destruction of the modern era is also part of the final contract between the Globalist & Cabals and the devil / lucifer, they are ordered to create the destruction of the world / nation state system, & modern era civilization, to roll out the red carpet for the arrival of their Master and leader, namely Antichrist / Dajjal. this still little information which i give. And i knoq where place for bring save people, from this biggest threat , Calamity & the judge day if God to punishment the evil & heresy people.

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  • And evil man likes u dnt understand and like about the truth, then accept your accountability to God in the hereafter, who will drag you to hell, for downvoting. maybe you think this is trivial for you, but this is not a trivial matter in God's eyes!!

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  • no one in my community dares to call me you, and one more thing, when you start to feel smart and underestimate a straight leader, actually you haven't just swallowed your pill of stupidity. but also dig your graves. very big consequences if you belie and do cruel to pious people who guide you on the path of truth.

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    We destroy the Globalist system & agenda !!
  • Whose that @sheawoodrow ? Do down vote me, With do it without thinking.. i more choice block his account, than i must report him.

    I am sorry..
    because Keanu Reeves has never been directly involved with the activities of the global civil society community. I actually want the vote up and down feature to be removed in any forum community application, all fediverse forums. including in the cabin. and replaced with this emote button option ❤️👍🎗️✊😢😇🙏⚓ . and i want & hope the report post feature is replaced with the block post, magazine and user features. where the user personally uses this feature to block posts from users or communities that he doesn't want to see. I also ask people in any community, to start learning to appreciate,value & respect. especially for people who have good supervisory skills, people who fight for truth & justice, people who have insight & high scientific dedication. people sharp in understanding global issues that develop. the words of the wise & pious, who convey guidance & prophecy about the end times. and leaders in the community who consistently fight for justice & human rights.

    and besides this, there are many other best people

    I sometimes don't want to write comments and there are lots of threads here, because the delete system on new user posts is completely deleted, after 30 days of being deleted. the same as the system in the retroshare application. therefore, maybe I will delete this comment from me 1 day later after you read it :) and nice to meet you. @derin

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  • Thank you.
    .i will delete my threads.

  • maskugatiger maskugatiger

    a.k.a Cybernetwalker

    > > > The Highest Leader Global Civil Society > >

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    @Global\_Civil\_Society @Maskugatiger\_kbin\_phlog @maskugatiger

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