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Thanks for the good times EH chads 💪

I joined a short while ago, and I gotta say while our time together was very short Id had some good laughs and we shared some great insights.

So I want to say thanks to each EH user that ever posted a meme or a discussion post, or simply commented. Thanks for making pooping time ten times more enjoyable.

Also shoutout to yobama for wasting 2 whole weeks on entertaining us.

See you later fellow chuds, hope we all meet on a new federation to rile up shit and post the truth.

No matter what, everyone knows
  • Everyone also knows you cant just remove the sign of the pizzahut and call it an office. It will be a pizzahut without a sign.

  • White Privilege
  • No you didnt work hard, no you didnt study for years, its whitey privilege.

  • Why is federated with exploding heads?
  • I thought this one was funnier tbh

  • Safe for who?
  • It is what it is toobz

  • Actual trans people
  • They must love AI, they can finally pass online. Photoshop in cope mode now 90% of their customers left.

  • Deleted
    Its still more expensive in the long term for an employer tho
  • ofc PR disasters

    Freshest memory was that troon that got mad at bethesda for not hosting her coming out party and the manager basically crying that the troon should finish some work after three months of sicks days and planning the coming out party.

    And then the troon decides that the best way to navigate this problem is uploading 2 hours of footage of them complaining and posting company internal chats.

    Fucking loved reading that one. Its always funny when troons fight with companies that went woke.

  • The final frontier
  • Subbed 👍

  • The final frontier
  • source:

    Funny comics.

    some more from the site

  • Luke 17:2
  • I stole this meme so Ill also steal the explanation from the comments.

  • Its cringe btw.

    True chuds drink everything as long as its low in sugars 💪

    Luke 17:2

    >It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Ftm sports
  • correct. Id watch that.

  • Ftm sports
  • I just want one neowomen team to bash all women teams to see the salty tears 😭

  • Title
  • Parents divorced by any chance? 😁

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I agree partly. Mostly because the last couple years we are following the best case scenario scientists predicted, and capitalism lets people innovate. We have electric cars, solarpanels etc which are cheaper than fossil fuels for the average consumer.

    And these products are getting cheaper over time as capitalism supports price competition. Not to mention the fact any government can subsidize and help their paying tax members transition to a greener alternative.

    If we keep up as we do now fossil fuels will be more expensive and we will transition to a fuel free future.

    Capitalism might be ripe for abuse but any economic model can be abused by a bad actor. At least with capitalism its easier to turn the tide.

    I personally wouldnt even read any commie literature written decades ago as its outdated in this global economy and most of the literature doesnt apply to this society. Not to mention any of the numerous attempts failed so far. Biggest example being China which switched over and got a massive economic boost and is investing billions in green energy. When they had communism as main drive millions died of hunger. Look at them now.

    A true utopia would be a fascist model in which one person will decide the course of action for a plethora of decades to reform and build changes towards a green future. That will never happen.

    Side note, I dont like the word "climate change". My preference would be "climate crisis".

  • Deleted
    Big /s here but still thought it was funny
  • Showing powerlevel 🌚

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I posted my reply to you in the other comment. Im taking you 100% serious on this incase you think im arguing in bad faith.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Your problems are all related to economics and can be fixed with the right laws. Capitalism just has the inherent problem of edging on the border of abuse of the working man if not left in check.

    Democracy with short term roles has the issue of politicians chasing short term goals to convince the public to vote for them again.

    We get those weird situations in which some folks get massive taxbreaks and others get nothing nada.

    Feel free to correct me if im wrong.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Like, rich people kill themselves all the time, which suggest there’s no relationship between the two

    Posting a fallacy. Everyone knows rich people are on average happier than poor people. Up to a certain point it has a massive improvement in happiness and stagnates above a certain point.

    There are dozens of studies that show that wealth correlates with happiness. Which is kinda obvious as well.

    So yes, there is a correlation.

    Again, your issue is with democracy and not capitalism. Its a flawed system but the only one that will ever work in this world.

    Any other option never worked out and usually had genocides as result.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • That’s why minimum wage isn’t a livable wage and why employers engage in wage theft at levels that dwarf all other forms of theft.

    I fail how to see that this is an issue of capitalism? Isnt it on the people to vote someone in that will raise minimum wages?

    This looks like an inherent problem with democracy, not capitalism.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lmao all three that still accept us 🤣

    Fuck them lmao it's more fun without the serious posters anyway

  • Deleted
  • Ill never not upvote a Stonetoss comic

  • markeuzu markeuzu
    Posts 65
    Comments 44