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Compact mobile for linux
  • @cyberwolfie I used postmarket with phosh interface on it for a month. I am impressed with its stability and overall experience. Most of drivers are already out. Is even better supported than Fairphone 4. However, it has no audio support. No microphones or speakers are working ATM. You can use sound via Bluetooth or USB for now.

    Once it gets audio support I will get back on pmOS. Until that, I am also daily driving calyx on it.

  • Compact mobile for linux
  • @markkdark also waiting for a decent phone size to use with Linux myself.

    Currently, I use a Fairphone 5 only because size is its only negative aspect. Apart from size, it has upgradeable battery and storage, decent performance and very good camera. As soon as there is another option at around 6 inch ready for Linux, I will sell this tablet from Fairphone.

  • PostmarketOS v24.06: The One With Over 250 Devices
  • @DerisionConsulting @poVoq even on custom android ROMs you don't have full camera support.

  • PostmarketOS v24.06: The One With Over 250 Devices
  • @RecallMadness @poVoq oneplus 6/6t is the one supported by most of linux distros and also has close to 99% compatibility and stability.

  • I feel like I've crossed some sort of line ...
  • @qkall @linuxphones @PINE64

    is the fan really needed? as in temperature wise? or is just for fun?

  • Downloading files not working... help
  • @chiefbongo @Tixanou @velox_vulnus ppa is for system updates. flatpak is for app updates.

  • This bank is trying to tell us something with the choice of color of this cash withdraw notice
  • @Andr3wJackson @tusker

    Human rights does not allow you to disclose the identity publicly. It doesn't stop you from disclosing it to the authorities.

  • UK seized new powers starting today [including destroying Monero]
  • @bluedoves Do we still need more of this crap to implement a way to automatically burn old, untouched wallets?

  • Will an iOS like interface for FOSS phones help with adoption?
  • @haui_lemmy not more than any other interface. We need to have options. You would probably find less than 5% of people who will be selecting an iOS like interface, due to Apple being ferociously anti Foss ecosystem. But is good to have that option too.

  • Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • @DisgracedDoctor Yes. Monero lost some interest over the past months. I guess the propaganda of CBDC works quite well. We probably need to wait until further plandemics are deployed. More people are going to see the need for real currencies then.

  • Could Monero switch to a proof of stake model?
  • @GregorTacTac energy consumption is not the reason for the monero adoption dilemma. The corporatist propaganda is.

  • Could Monero switch to a proof of stake model?
  • @GregorTacTac @n3m37h a regular bank has about 1000 branches in a single country to feed energy to.

    Not even counting the central servers that process transactions.

  • EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • @lud We used to delegate power to a smaller group. Now the group is delegating itself. That's why today, you are calling it an establishment, and not a government.

    The only thing the "normal people" must do is participate in the decision making process. The implementation itself will be delegated to a smaller group indeed.

  • EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • @lud decentralized governance doesn't mean there won't be any governance at all. There will still be policing, taxes and social services. The difference is that in governing process we will all participate, not only a herd of politicians which decide the fate of everyone else.

    Take example the Monero system. When there is a network upgrade it can be proposed by anyone on the forum and if everyone agrees it will get implemented. if there are disagreements they will be put on the table.

  • EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • @lud decentralizing the financial system is basically the first step. Then slowly you decentralize most of the social system components: education, sick care, transport, food chain etc. At the end you replace the political law with natural law. Everything will be based on rights.

  • EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • @lud @helenslunch Just because most idiots only use cards these days, it doesn't mean that only criminals use large amounts of cash.

    I only use cash, to prevent the CBDC scams from ever implementing. I also use large amounts. Need to pay rent, buy a car, borrow money to family and friends etc

  • EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • @lud @tusker by changing the governance. More specifically: decentralizing the governance.

  • The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof
  • @monerobull @tusker is not only an issue, it is awful. Some people barely afford a storage drive of half a TB. Many nodes are actually ran on raspberry PIs.

    And that 150gb is growing exponentially according to adoption. We could easily exceed 2TB every 10years.

    Now, someone has to wait hours to sync the block chain already.

  • Monero under spam attack, is Nostr's creator behind it?
  • @SummerBreeze before migrating to BTC shitcoin I would rather go back to fiat. At least fiat is visible to the establishment. BTC shitcoin is visible to the whole world.

    Did anyone told that guy about the mindset of XMR users and human rights defenders?

  • mariob Mario

    Humble hero online. From London. I have nothing to hide and nothing to show.

    If I can't own the product then I have no use for it.

    Corruption is deadly, incompetence is painful and ignorance is expensive.

    Standing against child grooming and pedophilia. I will take the matter in my own hands if I have to.

    Monero currency: We are not here for the income. We are here for the outcome.

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