lumony @ lumony Posts 0Comments 26Joined 1 day ago
I totally agree with what you're saying.
If we keep rewarding people with social praise every time they contribute to the problem, they're going to keep contributing to the problem.
This is what I mean by changing as a culture. We need to value different things.
Dick Durbin.
Apparently he swindled some Illinois voters into voting against their own interests.
They need to get the memo so they can prevent it from happening again.
Damn, it's sad people can be so clueless yet still have a voice.
Gotta stop voting for him!
Vote with your wallets. Bring back ownership.
Stop subscribing to dumb shit you can be getting for free. Use your brains before your wallets.
Only good thing that happened in awhile was the united healthcare CEO getting what was coming to him.
We need more rich people to suffer the same fate if we ever want things to change. Arguing isn't going to work because they control the discussion.
Keep in mind, rich people kill poor people every day. Directly, and indirectly. Someone died in a robbery because a poor person was chasing that rich lifestyle? Blame the ruling class. Someone committed suicide because they have no prospects in life other than serving in dead-end jobs? Blame the ruling class. Somebody shot up a school because they have no prospects in life other than serving in dead-end jobs? Blame the ruling class.
Why don't we have the resources to build and repair communities? Because any excesses we have go to the ruling class, not the people who actually need it.
It's fucked. I genuinely hope we have mass executions for the ruling class and their children at this point if they do not willingly give over their wealth.
It would be a small price to pay for all the damage they've done over generations that will take generations to fix.
Minimum wage is a joke. It only exists so corporations can say they're not paying you minimum wage.
It's actually quite funny, and sad. This generation sucks so bad. Too many punk-ass bitches just trying to look good in front of their peers and afraid of conflict at all costs.
Democrats need to stop being controlled opposition to nazis.
They need to start being the good guys. We need to stop voting for people like hillary clinton and joe biden in primaries.\
Shame everyone who has supported either candidate in the primary.
Fuck everyone who voted for hillary clinton in the 2016 primary.
We need to point many fingers at them and give them the blame they so rightfully deserve.
It's their fault, and they need to be reminded of it constantly.
I'd say the solution is a cultural shift.
We need to value different things.
- Stop thinking those who have more deserve more (shut up, most of you do it.)
- Stop thinking those who have less deserve less.
- Stop thinking products are priced according to what they cost to bring to market. They are priced according to what our dumbasses are willing to pay.
- Stop spending money on things you can be getting for free.
- Stop praising people for what they spend their money on.
- Stop expecting praise for what you spend your money on.
- Start praising people for what they do, not what they buy (notice there's a lot less praise to go around now.)
- Value modesty. Consume less. Spend less. Do more.
Pretty much all the hippie-psychedelic counterculture that was snuffed out in the 80s was correct. Grow your hair out, guys. You've been conditioned to keep it short, and it looks like shit.
I mean, they would have to value different things if they want things to change.
For some reason, this generation is proud to be a follower rather than a leader.
It's like they enjoy being foot-soldiers of the people who keep them in their destitute positions. Rather than fight the ruling class, they envy them.
I just did some looking into this.
Apparently defense contractors get paid twice.
- They get paid by taxpayers when they get the contract.
- They get paid by foreign nations when the equipment is sold.
It's so fucked beyond belief, I hope this generation can do something about it.
Counterpoint: They know exactly why people love him and why they are hated.
It's time for a revolution.
I think you both have a point.
Lost, huh?
Does that mean casualties? As in, not necessarily deaths?
Russia has lost 1,330 soldiers killed and wounded over the past day alone
I would assume the answer is 'yes.'
Fuck I hate the propaganda reporting on both sides.
I always think less of people when I see them jerking themselves off over isms and sects.
Truly missing the forest for the trees.
I don't know what you said, but I can safely assume you've been conditioned to believe that government is evil no matter what.
That kind of indoctrination is hard to overcome, especially when you dig your heels deeper every time you discuss it.
Try to keep in mind that you've been conditioned to work against your own interests by people richer than you. These people recognize the threat government poses to their wealth, so they peddle rhetoric to people like you to get you to vote against your own interests.
It's very effective.
Libertarians that aren't making money off of the ideology just haven't grown up yet. Once you look at the libertarians who have renounced their libertarianism, it becomes obvious who's a child and who's an adult.
Whew! Lot of censorship going on here!
Wish there was a lemmy setting that allowed us to displayed censored comments without having to go through extra steps.
Let me decide what I get to see!