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Dems are getting passive-aggressive
  • Weirdly I was doing the same to various other texts “stop arming Israel” etc and they didn’t stop until I sent the single word “stop”

  • We built it within 0.01 tolerances.
  • Yeah, I know some of that exists; it never showed up in my world. We never modeled buildings with enough detail to make it really useful. Occasionally someone would get excited about Tekla and we'd spend some time trying to do shop drawing reviews in 3D and then go back to PDF. What I meant was that it isn't yet a standard thing that is understood by any technician in the industry, it's proprietary software that is subject to change with every release.

  • We built it within 0.01 tolerances.
  • Prints have a design language to them which allows you to express fully constrained geometric designs on a napkin if you need to. Dimensions, radii, diameters, angles, datums, positions, projections, sections, GD&T. None of this is obvious in a 3D model. You don't know what the driving dimensions are, what can be inferred from other dimensions, if it is a coincidence or a requirement that two features line up, etc.

    This is so critical. In architecture and structural engineering, you can add to this that you don't actually know a lot of the real dimensions - you're laying out the important ones from the structural grid or from survey points, and whatever is left doesn't matter.

    Even markup, at least in a design environment, can be done in 3D (or at least on a computer), but the communication of constraints, that is, what dimensions are important and which are irrelevant or unknowable has not yet been developed in 3D models, and I suspect it will be some time before any useful language for that purpose stabilizes.

  • Get real
  • Ugh you’re right I clearly don’t read enough r/AITA

  • Get real
  • This guy either does not know binary or has a weird idea of what constitutes a child

  • lets talk about Rome Guys
  • Need a version of the “this is fine” gif but instead of fire it’s a household of enslaved people and instead of a dog it’s a Roman guy and/or Rome Guy

  • lets talk about Rome Guys
  • Per Dr Eleanor Janega, Rome guys are continuing the Roman tradition of pondering the last ‘cool’ empire. Romans pondered the Greeks, now Americans ponder Rome. I think a lot of the Rome/Greek pondering in America was about justifying slavery. Hence why there’s a Parthenon in Nashville. The Romans were a “democracy” with a slave underclass, so it’s actually cool and normal to do that.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - Haters Stay Mad(uro) - COTW: Venezuela
  • Which is, I believe, the origin of the Latin ’ursa’ and Spanish ‘oso’

  • Started walking everywhere, and honestly I don't miss driving
  • Username checks out (you can call me 5bicycles)

    Yeah, making a habit of walking something like what you’re describing is not a great plan. Make noise at your city council meetings instead.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 15th to July 21st, 2024 - It's Joever
  • Yeah like all they had to do was wrap “democracy” in scare quotes

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • Right? Is the vomit emoji an ancient anti Semitic trope?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ah, I forgot we were talking about vintage furniture. Bad paint sucks but people have got to get over this obsession with looking at wood. Color is fun and not every piece of wood is imbued with sacred beauty.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I need a link. I must see this natural great looking wood for myself, though I know it to be pine and spruce from a pallet

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras

    But [Palestinian medical workers], they are working on a daily basis on the most horrific, explosive trauma that you’ve ever seen. They’re doing sometimes 14, 15 amputations, mostly on children, per day, and they’ve been doing it for six months now.

  • AI is fueling a data center boom. It must be stopped. AI is fueling a data center boom. It must be stopped.

    Silicon Valley believes more computation is essential for progress. But they ignore the resource burden and don’t care if the benefits materialize.

    AI is fueling a data center boom. It must be stopped.

    Butlerian Jihad now

    Freedom of Contract: Help divest me of this brainworm

    Reading Giblin and Doctorow’s Chokepoint Capitalism and they used a term “freedom of contract” I hadn’t heard before, and which I realized that I have over-valued in my brain.

    I’ve already broken through in a few spots, for instance employment contracts can obviously be exploitative and workers have little ability to negotiating the terms on their own.

    Or bank loans, not because of the negotiation so much as the moral stigma attached to defaulting on loans. I can see that the bank took a risk, they can take the consequences too. Why add moral consequences to an action that already carries financial consequences?

    I think this loans issue comes back to an association of business contracts with social promises, which I’ve spent some time breaking down.

    The employment issue is another kettle of frogs. That comes back to consent and whether a person who is not entirely free can consent. I guess that’s the whole point of a revolution though. Any attempt to make contract law fairer to respect the fact that some parties are signing under duress will be thorny, because all people are under duress under capitalism.

    There’s barely a question in there, but … thoughts?


    This is showing up everywhere, can’t be a coincidence!
