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  • An ex-member of the Squirtle Squad surely.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • Teaching changing minds, influencing... it needs plenty of repeating and sleeping on things. To be fair, when all else fails applying pressure has its place as well. Nevertheless small victories are still victories.

    The ability of Ladybird’s team to face scrutiny of all kinds is important for them to eventually gain traction in the browser market. But I’m still hopeful, and we need more options.

  • Google and Microsoft are getting dirtier. They can’t help it, it’s AI!
  • Switch off your air conditioner, we need the power to make pictures of pretty ladies with several fingers on each hand and the wrong number of arms.

    This right there makes me angry every time I think about it. My local government keeps promoting energetic sobriety: wash your clothes in the middle of the night, freeze your peasant ass off all winter, etc. My local government also sells power for dirt cheap to fucking global corporations. Furthermore AI is pushing data center power consumption through the roof. To think the techbros are trying to frame AI as the solution for sucking every little drop of inefficiency out of households. Maybe start by producing less green house gas then fucking aviation before pretending you’re not part of the problem.

  • Removed
    saw a coworker wearing this shirt and it made such a profound impression on me that I had to search forever for a picture to show people because I couldn't describe it adequately rule
  • It sooo looks like this, but the poster is a an actual Beehaw user though, not a bot. I don't know what to think bee sob emoji

  • Locked
    don't use ladybird browser lol
  • Kernel/Syscalls/jail.cpp includes the gender neutral "they" as well. Good on them for merging that PR.

  • Jason Rohrer’s Project December: AI seances at $10 a pop
  • Yeah in retrospect I see what you mean.

  • BBC: What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?
  • I've gotten a few of these questions at work. Non tech workers will throw ideas such as "random math drill powered by AI" or even "search powered by AI". These things are already solved following a traditional approach. In the end they add "powered AI" in the hopes the estimate will be lower I think.

  • Jason Rohrer’s Project December: AI seances at $10 a pop
  • Oh no. I mainly knew Jason Rohrer for his video games. For a few minutes I hoped this was some elaborate prank, but apparently he drank the Kool-Aid. He wrote that Project December’s chatbot was arguably the first machine with a soul. I preferred the playful minimalist existentialism of Passage.

  • Slide
  • While clothing slides at exhilarating speed over a metal slider, sticky sweaty skin will instantly and firmly grip to it. You do NOT want to initiate thigh skin contact in the middle of a descent.

  • Removed
    Is she flirting with me or just being polite
  • Why is Jesus blasting that woman with Netherlands flag energy?

  • It can't be that the bullshit machine doesn't know 2023 from 2024, you must be organizing your data wrong (wsj)
  • If you don’t have your data house in order, AI is going to be less valuable than it would be if it was,” he said.

    If your data house is in order, why do you need AI assistants to find your neatly organized information for you anyways?

  • Ubisoft CEO Condemns ‘Hateful Acts’ Against Developers Following AC Shadows Backlash - IGN
  • I know Ubisoft has a history of making greedy decisions, but when I see the disgusting backlash they get for being woke I can’t help but get curious about the game. There’s something irresistible about that kind of salt. That’s basically how AC Valhalla got in my backlog.

  • Removed
    How open source money fixes a corrupted banking system
  • Open source money? Why not just call it crypto so everyone understands what this is about?

  • What was using the internet in the early 2000s like?
  • Personal websites were a thing. Web design was in its infancy and tools were pretty basic so every site looked different and artisanal. Fiddle with HTML in notepad, upload by FTP on some cheap host and there you are. There were webrings and guest books to connect with each other. I started corresponding with the woman who became my wife because she signed my guest book :)

  • Embarassing(?) confession
  • Everytime my new washing machine's done it's like somebody opens a musical Christmas card. Why can't it just buzz like a decent appliance.

  • Sedum after rain
  • The beading of the water on the leaves is impressive. Thanks for that photo!

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Take care of yourself! If you only come once a week, please pick Wednesday it’s gonna be hilarious my dudes.

  • Software with politic opinion is are security threat
  • Agreed that it’s an entirely acceptable position to try and avoid being stuck in the crossfire of cyber warfare. Let’s be clear though, cyber warfare is already going on and Russia+China are pulling no punches routinely wiping American and European servers in various ways. Anyone on the front line of cybersecurity sees them knocking ceaselessly.

  • Software with politic opinion is are security threat
  • Whether it is being offered to the end users as free (as in freedom) software or as paid closed source has the usual implications. Ease of use, accessibility measures and support impacts inclusivity. Supported languages (natural and programming) will influence further who uses them or not. What constitutes the user base will determine what’s it’s used for and in turn will apply pressure to the editor to take a certain direction.

    Political impact is not always obvious and not every single grain of software will be infused with a powerful one. The point is that our choice is either to ignore it or to acknowledge it. We can’t opt out of the world; blind neutrality is as political as any other position.

  • Software with politic opinion is are security threat
  • I would like to offer as a counterpoint that everything is political. Tech is no exception. Tech is a tool, a tool comes with a specific affordance and an affordance suggests to the wielder a certain worldview. To wilfully ignore the social and political impact of one's work does not protect it from the world's turmoil.

  • Le «gros bon sens», ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence

    À chaque début de saison estivale, le débat revient inévitablement : paie-t-on trop de taxes sur l’essence ?

    Le « gros bon sens », ce serait de hausser les taxes sur l’essence
    Things Will Fall Apart - Louis Cole

    Fresh new Louis Cole dropped along with announcement for a whole new orchestral album to be released Aug. 9.

    Happy Pi Day!

    It’s March 14th! An excellent day to eat pie and do maths. I might brush up on my geometry and try the NASA Pi Day Challenge.

    SMILE - Doohickey [post punk]

    "SMILE is a post-punk band with a singer who prefers not to sing."

    Whole album's a banger. Sort of Sonic Youth vibes except I don't get bored halfway through (sorry Sonic Youth fans 😬)

    Relationship between vehicle characteristics and injury severity

    This report published on August 30 by Vias (Belgium) studies the relationship between the car’s characteristics (such as size, weight and power) with injury severity in case of collision. It’s available in French and Dutch only, but it includes an English summary.

    Here’s an excerpt:

    > With the exception of vehicle age, we find that vehicle characteristics that reduce the injury severity of car occupants, such as high mass, are more likely to be detrimental for the other party. For example, when the mass of a vehicle increases by 300 kg, the probability of fatal injuries for car occupants decreases by half while the same probability for the other party increases by 77% for car occupants and 28% for vulnerable road users, respectively. A similar pattern is seen for other vehicle characteristics such as power and pickup trucks. This indicates an opposite relationship between occupant safety and opponent safety, or put another way: vehicles with a high capacity to protect their occupants (= high crashworthiness) tend to have a lower capacity to protect the opponent (= high crash aggressiveness).

    Big takeaway for me: if the vehicle hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist is a pick-up, the victim is 91% more likely to be severely wounded and 196% more likely to be killed.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    Technological bias is about more than audio quality—it’s about the forces that influence whose stories are told and how.

    A Century of “Shrill”: How Bias in Technology Has Hurt Women’s Voices

    An old article, but I just stumbled upon it and found it enlightening. The trope of criticizing women for the way they talk has deeper implications than I thought.

    Slag Queens - Excuses

    The song's on the album Favours:

    Why We Hate Bi Men
    Eisenhower's farewell address (1961)

    I’m not American, so it’s hard for me to judge how famous Eisenhower’s farewell address is in the USA. There are things I probably don’t know about it as well. I just find it fascinating since it warns against a number of threats that have basically materialized.

    He warned against:

    • the dominance of the arms industry
    • being captive of the tech elite
    • becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate

    The place of religion is interesting as well, as his language is quite pious while being inclusive as well for the time, as he "prays that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied" and so on.

    Anyways, to me it’s interesting to give it a listen in light of how things are today. It’s ~15 minutes and there’s a transcript too.

    I’m NOT excited about coding by AI [venting]

    I’m a dev. I’ve been for a while. My boss does a lot technology watch. He brings in a lot of cool ideas and information. He’s down to earth. Cool guy. I like him, but he’s now convinced that AI LLMs are about to swallow the world and the pressure to inject this stuff everywhere in our org is driving me nuts.

    I enjoy every part of making software, from discussing with the clients and the future users to coding to deployment. I am NOT excited at the prospect of transitioning from designing an architecture and coding it to ChatGPT prompting. This sort of black box magic irks me to no end. Nobody understands it! I don’t want to read yet another article about how an AI enthusiast is baffled at how good an LLM is at coding. Why are they baffled? They have "AI" twelves times in their bio! If they don’t understand it who does?!

    I’ve based twenty years of career on being attentive, inquisitive, creative and thorough. By now, in-depth understanding of my tools and more importantly of my work is basically an urge.

    Maybe I’m just feeling threatened, or turning into "old man yells at cloud". If you ask me I’m mostly worried about my field becoming uninteresting. Anyways, that was the rant. TGIF, tomorrow I touch grass.

    In 1987 a group of orcas spent the summer wearing a dead salmon hat

    I heard about this today. I thought no animal could be as silly as humans but here you go.

    Just Mustard - I Am You [Shoegaze, Post-punk]

    Love their last album. The kind of music that draws power from vulnerability.

    luciole luciole

    Doesn't know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

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