lucas_givens @ lucas_givens Posts 1Comments 2Joined 1 wk. ago
The job market is pretty bad right now. There are lots of high skilled and talented devs that need work after all the large layoffs. Out of college I applied to over 300 jobs and only heard back from 2. That’s with tailoring my resume and having intern work experience.
My friend who went to a far more prestigious school then me has applied to 2x more then I did and heard back from 3.
It’s pretty rough out there right now especially with the way the economy is going.
Hey! Thanks for taking a look! The contacts shared by the initiator were intended to be generated randomly. I completely missed how a captured or malice initiator could impact other users. I suppose I figured it would be unlikely an adversary would be able to get a initiators keys and capture the correct traffic on the TOR network to decrypt the other users after they generate a fresh set of keys
The combination of TOR and HTTPS encryption is mostly just a bonus to slow down attackers rather then a real security mechanism. As for the HTTPS cets, I assumed the ones passed by the server could be trusted by default since it wasn't for security, and all incoming data would be encrypted.
The reason I'm focusing on symmetric encryption as the only security mechanism is due to its particular resistance against quantum attacks. From what I could tell, even post quantum encryption schemes, have the possibility of being cracked in the future.
I might do away with introduction entirely if I cant find a good way to pass they keys without relying on asymmetric keys.
I really appreciate the review, a second set of eyes is always invaluable. Ill check out Tamarin as well :).