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State of Liberal Democracy 2023 - V-Dem institute, funny stats libs believe in
  • When you know that to them democracy == complacency towards imperialism, you see these graphs as a massive W

  • I have no fucking idea what the Dialectic is and I'm not in any hurry to learn.
  • Just cause and effect would be vulgar materialism

    Dialectics means that all things are changing each other rather than one another, it can be idealistic or materialistic

    Marxism is dialectics + materialism

  • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • C'est une dinguerie frer les vieux sont ravagés

    (you awakened the french, billions must die)

  • Yes I'm aware of the irony of Batman being anti-capitalist. Stop overthinking it.
  • Batman realised that abolishing capitalism was the only way to stop crime in Gotham and became DC Engels

  • Fake: No G@mer has a gf.
  • I regret to inform you that many g*mers do have a gf

  • the DEFINITIVE spreadsheet of WOKE and DEI bideogames
  • Do they think anti-capitalism isn't woke or are they this oblivious to satire?

  • NO.
  • Lmao

  • NO.
  • Hot take : Jack Black is devoid of talent and people should just stop talking about him

    Well I'm not sure it's that hot here but it certainly is on the mainstream internet

  • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • This one is going to be a bit esoteric because it's a very "local" movie but I'm gonna try my best to explain.

    I've been recommended countless time by the gen X of france-cool a movie called "Le Père Noël est une Ordure" (Santa Claus is a Bastard) which is a 80's comedy that ticks all the boxes for garbage conservative humour except for some reason everyone above their 40's seem to think it's really really funny.

    It's deeply misogynistic with extreme domestic abuse used as a plot device and running gag, as well as general contempt for women. It's outright mocking poor people, shows disdain for white collar workers, while poking fun very respectfully at the bourgeoisie. The richer the less degrading. I'm pretty sure it has some racism but I don't care to remember. And the most egregious of all is how massively transphobic the movie is. There's a trans woman character, she's an asshole, she's creepy, and being trans is mostly what's expected to be the actual joke.

    I'm not even sure it has genuine comedy at some point, the cringe makes it hard to remember anything cringe

  • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • The abject ableism of making the person with kyphosis betraying everyone after not being allowed to fight in the most gentle and reasonable manner by the good compassionate king is absolutely disgost

  • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
  • Glad to hear that, lots of older folks loved that movie like "tehee so true, le gommunism ahh" and I always suspected it would just be propaganda. Now I know I'll just avoid it at all cost

  • Best fantasy worldbuilding of all time
  • Given that the first world wizards blindly emulate capitalist society when there's no real need it's coherent to imagine that they helped colonization by waging colonial war against the magical indigenous people

    Yeah that doesn't make it look cool but that's an explanation!

  • I am a follower and admirer of Noam Chomsky
  • Noam Chomsky is like Mao because he has good takes and bad takes. Noam Chomsky isn't like Mao because he's a white US academic who never lead any popular movement

  • I’m sorry but as a brown dude, having a hot white female friend is pretty much a cheat code in life
  • "Heroic white woman fighting for the rights of the black community vs black person being aggressive and uncivilised" liberal's concealed racism perfectly exemplified