The article undersells the amount that's been leaked. Taking a look at the X/Twitter account the article linked to, there are beta sprites of gen 3/4/5 Pokemon being shared. Allegedly the source code for Black 2/White 2 is out there as well.
A recent Game Freak hack has revealed several Pokemon titles in the works.
π Daily Quordle 992
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Aston Martin are hopeful of becoming an F1 title contender following a series of high-profile signings, including legendary designer Adrian Newey; Formula 1 next returns at the United States GP in Austin live on Sky Sports F1 from October 18-20
> Former world champion Nico Rosberg says Aston Martin should beware of following Paris Saint-Germain's failings in football after the Formula 1 team's recent high-profile signings.
Sarah Bond said "...starting in November, players will be able to play and purchase Xbox games directly from the Xbox App on Android."
Not sure how the play aspect works.
Microsoft is taking advantage of a US court ruling.
Link to Haas press release:
Was rumored a few months ago:
Empyrion - Galactic Survival:
Outliver: Tribulation:
π Daily Quordle 989
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No mention of Qi2. Any reason why we aren't seeing more adoption of it?
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Future Halo Games Moving to Unreal Engine 5 as 343 Industries Rebrands, 'Multiple Projects' in Development
Tried the demo for it a while ago. So eerie.
Definitely want to give it a try in the future.
π Daily Quordle 986
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Genius Bar
Two sisters from Virginia sold their Illinois-shaped corn flake on eBay Friday night for $1,350.
Daily Duotrigordle #945
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Plan on playing Alan Wake's American Nightmare?
I played it a few days ago. Been a while since I played AW and I enjoy Remedy's games so it was worth checking out for me.
I thought it was alright. Aside from the main character, the voice acting is ridiculously goofy.
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The Android 16 codename has been revealed, and it isn't at all what you're expecting. In fact, it doesn't start with the letter "W" at all!
> The new dessert codename reflects the change in Androidβs build process that made Google start the lettering over again.
Michael Andretti has restructured Andretti Global to give co-owner Dan Towriss control of the organization.
Liam Lawson will start 10 places back from his sprint qualifying spot in Austin after Helmut Marko said he will take an engine penalty.
New Zealander Liam Lawson will replace Daniel Ricciardo at RB alongside Yuki Tsunoda for the remainder of the season.
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Came across this video critiquing the gameplay of some out of the sheer number of "cozy" games coming out recently.
Wondering what everyone's opinions are on cozy games. Do you feel the same or do you have differing opinions on them?
Internet rando.
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