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Gibt es Musikstreamingdienste mit Sozialabo?
  • Ich werfe mal noch eine Bibliotheksmitgliedschaft in den Raum. Da ist heutzutage oft mit drin. Bibliothek sollte nur irgendwelche 15 € im Jahr kosten. Außerdem ist da auch die onleihe für e-books und Hörbücher mit drin und wahrscheinlich noch filmfriend wo man einige wirklich gute Filme sehen kann.

  • Deleted
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  • The ones I always hear about:

    But to be fair I don't really trust any search engine. I'm currently working on a simple webpage that serves as my "search engine" by randomly redirecting each search to one of the above ones.

  • Keep proton pass and proton mail with single account?
  • I don't even know my master password :D I use some script to generate it and I just copy+paste it.

  • Keep proton pass and proton mail with single account?
  • In my opinion the centralization of all your data and secrets to one single company is itself a security risk. When I realized that, I completely stopped using proton. I see 2 main issues with using all-proton: 1. they could turn evil (like a lot of big companies do) 2. They can have exploits which then can effect all your data / secrets. I switched to have a different company for each service and I don't really pay more than what I would have to pay proton to get the same things.

  • lauch Lauch

    1 Lauch

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