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MacOS is garbage
  • I mean, for me personally, I don’t mind having to do a good amount of legwork to get a distro running – that was the case with getting Linux running on most x86 laptops for a long time. but not even being able to get critical functionality working would make Asahi Linux a non-starter for me – I’d prefer to either get a PC laptop and run Linux or an MBP and run MacOS with a load of homebrew packages.

    and don’t get me wrong, it’s really cool that Asahi’s development is moving so fast! but it’s just not at a place where I could run it on a work machine, and I bet that applies to many other professionals, too.

  • MacOS is garbage
  • I don’t mean to be a total bitch, but damn, hardware support is… not great right now. no non-HDMI external display support (so Thunderbolt, USB-C, and DisplayPort displays are a no-go), no Thunderbolt or USB4 support at all (so good luck if you’ve been using a Thunderbolt dock to connect all your peripherals + display(s) via one cable), and the internal display can’t do 120Hz or HDR. it’s cool that it mostly works, but those issues would make Asahi Linux on MBP a non-starter for many professionals – especially since many of us who have been running Macs for a few years are using USB-C or Thunderbolt displays with built-in USB hubs or Thunderbolt docks at this point, or displays that can only run their full resolution and/or framerate via Thunderbolt or DisplayPort and run at lower resolution and/or framerate over HDMI.


  • Do you value high fidelity (audio, visual, or other)? Do you notice a difference?
  • Pretty much everything about Apple Music is worse than Spotify except for their catalog and their lossless audio

    doesn't hurt that they also pay artists 3-4x as much per stream, imo (which was my main reason for switching)

  • Kintpuash, Only Native in American history charged with a war crime.
  • that was not mentioned in the article, what in the actual fuck.

    death to all colonizers.

  • Kintpuash, Only Native in American history charged with a war crime.
  • holy shit this dude was based as fuck.

    also the fact that his remains were shipped to an army camp, then he was posthumously beheaded and his skull was shipped to the Smithsonian instead of his family, where it stayed for 72 years before his descendants became aware it was there and appealed to have it returned, and then then it took another 14 years before his skull was actually returned to them, is so incredibly far beyond fucked.

  • (CW: slop) If there's one franchise that just needs to stop, it's Ghostbusters
  • that’s definitely a huge plus to it overall, yeah.

  • (CW: slop) If there's one franchise that just needs to stop, it's Ghostbusters
  • not a fan of youtube channels in general, but I’ll check ‘em out if the youtube mood strikes me in the near future.

  • (CW: slop) If there's one franchise that just needs to stop, it's Ghostbusters
  • hot take: Ghostbusters (2016) was the best movie since the originals, possibly even on par with or slightly above Ghostbusters 2. it had good wacky energy and didn’t try to take itself seriously like the kids reboot, and it had queer rep that didn’t feel like queerbait, as opposed to the newest movie.

    oh, and while I can’t explain why this is, the homages to the original movies and actors felt like proper homages, rather than nostalgia traps like in the reboot series.

  • I give you a slice of toast - what are you putting on it? (Cw: animal product discussion)
  • Damn, that's too bad. Guess I'll have to drive across town to check the local Asian supermarket some time.

  • I give you a slice of toast - what are you putting on it? (Cw: animal product discussion)
  • Where do you source your ube spread? I've bought some from Trader Joe's during their yearly ube season, but I've never seen it at any other nearby grocery stores.

  • NYT: "Why Paper Checks Refuse to Die"
  • I pay my rent with a check because the company my apartment contracts to for direct payments wants a processing fee, like even for direct ACH withdrawals it's $5, and the CC fee is obscene, 3% or 5% iirc. That's just about the only thing I use checks for, though.

  • Word
  • A truck with nuts is canonically transmasc which makes this T4T

  • 45% of business leaders admitted they were making major business decisions with ChatGPT. 😂️️
  • can we butlerian jihad yet or do we have to wait for things to get worse?

  • The least surprising thing to ever happen happened
  • this was hilarious, and I’m absolutely integrating “phallic astrology” into my vocabulary, god damn.

  • "Mass casualty event"
  • "massacre". the word they're looking for is "massacre".

  • two wolves
  • same except mine got distracted making out with each other and stopped talking to me awhile back.

  • Lazy workers.
  • TFW you miss the bus by 10 seconds and now you have to wait until the morning to throw yourself in front of the next one.