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ladfrombrad 🇬🇧
ladfrombrad 🇬🇧 @ ladfrombrad
2 yr. ago

  • Because you're trusting and paying two third parties instead of one? Like I say - my provider I imagine is dumping the copyright violations directly in the bin these days and if I wanted to really get off the clearnet and things went to shit I would simply spin up an I2P node/moar bandwidth if I was really concerned.

    But I'm not currently, and find it weird how many want us to use things hosted in a different country which might be at any time under obligation to release all my details to a foreign entity. Each to their own and all.

  • It's definitely something we could get on board with over in ! and shunting app requests etc that belong over in the respective ! community.

    But I think like @Dessalines said re-writing posts rings true with us because over on reddit, when we got to a post that violated our rules but had already met a threshold of engagement (100 votes / 10 comments) before we got to it left it up (with a sticky comment explaining why) regardless.

    Anyhoo, my 2c and thanks for all your work :)

  • I really don't bother, and last time I got emailed from my ISP was 2019.

    I have family members on my Tailnet seeding happily away on another ISP which also seemingly doesn't give a fuck too, so why the big push recently for everyone to funnel their traffic through a third party?

  • So why can't we predict when I need to defecate and take that suit off in time since I don't work in an office, and have none of these "heat and air" systems you talk about?

  • 1 million air traffic controllers

    I'm sorry but if you're going to exaggerate numbers you should cite the exact amount there are.

    Fools only believe in made up numbers.

  • Yeah I checked it out and it seems nice with all the other info not available in FlowX such as sunrise/sunset times etc in a Material theme. But I like FlowX simply for its information density and accuracy, latter being my most favourite thing since I can switch between high res models and predict myself if I need freezer pantie time/weather proofs.

  • Hell yes.

    I ain't a lover of that kinda app (aesthetics plz) and why I stick with Boost being a RiF user but having lots of alternatives is one of the many reasons we all kicked off originally over in r/Android about the API bollocks Mr Greedy Piggy Spez brought in. That, and shitting on the disabled/spam whackers/translators you name it. Pissed us off enough we made this instance.

    Does that official reddit app have decent Accessibility features yet, or was Spez yet again talking out of his pooper?

    Good work btw, and obligatory fuck spez ;)

  • I haven't built / tried it yet but would getting rid of the reddit logo up top too (leddit, perhaps?) work well? Or even load up your local instance favicon etc?

  • I kinda disagree on the weather app subscription model.

    The API usage cost devs a fair whack depending on the sources they scrape from and while I've never used Today Weather, I have used FlowX (formerly WeatherBomb) for ages and the free version has no crap / ads/ nag pages with basic radar models available, but I decided to subscribe since it (besides supporting the dev) gives me high resolution radars for longer time-spans. And since I'm an outdoor worker too I thought it best to be on top of the weather.

    But overall I do agree some of the forced "subscribe or ads" model can die in a fire.

  • 2 week old account blathering as per usual in the OP

    I’m able to torrent on it without issue

    Proceeds to comment that it doesn't have port forwarding

    No, unfortunately (at least to the best of my knowledge.)

    OP doesn't even realise that I and others use torrents from public trackers and don't need me no third party VPN because I use my domestic ISP w/ external IP address and, throughly ignored the two emails they sent me saying I was "bad" downloading Animal Kingdom in around 2016? I should print them out and use them as shit roll.

    Fucking noobies trying to shill some bait if you ask me.

  • Over half of us in r/Android left and while a few of headed over here and made our very own instance, some stopped on and, I paraphrase

    I'm not seeing some shitheel coming and doing spezs deeds, and I'll just mass approve/remove shite

    Brave fucker that mod.

  • I don't need to do nothing because as I said, there's no copyrightable content hosted here.

    Now go over to /r/piracy on reddit and ask them why they're not taken down. We'll be waiting.

  • You do understand that hosting copyrighted works, and linking to them are two entirely different things?

  • You are welcome to modify the title to make it more accurate and less exonerative if you' like.

    I'm for one quite impressed that you stood your ground here and went with the non-editorialized title.

    We've had it for years in /r/Android and has worked very well. +1 u

  • Cars don't belong in city centres.

    There's a fair bit of controversy about this here in my locale, insomuch the comment sections (don't breathe these) are lighting up about an old jorno complaining about pedestrian areas

    Again, pro-tip, don't visit the comment section on that rag but it pisses me off that I can't even insure/use my escoot still riding into those "pedestrian" areas without threat of 6 points / fine / confiscation. Fucking utter bollocks

    edit: man, the censorship on that Newsquest (quest muh arse) article/comments is currently at 12 out of 51 visible unless you visit via /new. Pepperidge farm remembers that Reddit does this for mods viewing modqueues too

  • Yeah but that doesn't have the same ring as

    The Français Channel; where we wipe our noses on your very own sleeves!

    (i'm not very good with these as you can tell)

  • It's really not surprising since everyone is far too eager to connect their shiny "Smart TV's" to the internet.

    Thankfully I kinda watch over a family members network, and had to firstly block the MAC address of its wifi and then the eth port too since they were so eager to watch some YTPoops on it.

    Dunno if making them use their Chromecast's for their YTP addiction any better but at least one less OEM/Corp was took out of the equation :/

  • inb4 Macron renames the English Channel to something other than what it, is.....