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I've learned I really don't like large needles
  • I'm leaning to this realization also. Maybe because I have teeny tiny hands

  • Thread Random Mensual: Dudas, consultas, descargos, off-topic 05-2024

    En este thread va cualquier cosa que consideren no requiere un hilo propio o que no sea totalmente relacionado al ciclismo en Chile. Lo haré mensual para que se vaya actualizando el contenido. Este thread corresponde a Mayo 2024.

    Thread Random Mensual: Dudas, consultas, descargos, off-topic 04-2024

    En este thread va cualquier cosa que consideren no requiere un hilo propio o que no sea totalmente relacionado al ciclismo en Chile. Lo haré mensual para que se vaya actualizando el contenido. Este thread corresponde a Abril 2024.

    Finished my first child sweater

    Basic ranglan sweater. I used a cake of self-striping yarn for the body and finished off the sleeves with a spare skein in mustard. The pattern was very fun and easy to follow, I'm looking forward to knit more kid's projects because they're so quick xD

    Thread Random Mensual: Dudas, consultas, descargos, off-topic 03-2024

    En este thread va cualquier cosa que consideren no requiere un hilo propio o que no sea totalmente relacionado al ciclismo en Chile. Lo haré mensual para que se vaya actualizando el contenido. Este thread corresponde a Marzo 2024.

    El primer thread random oficial del año. Upsi xD

    [KNITTING FAIL] My first not so successful in the round knit

    I've been saving this one. It was my first attempt at knitting in the round and I totally twisted my stitches 😂

    I read in the pattern about checking your stitches before joining for in the round knitting, but I didn't quite understood what it meant until I was several rows deep into my project and there was a big turn in the middle lol.

    A friend told me that twisted cowls were actually a thing so I went ahead and finished it. I even wore it a few times and then I was made aware I also twisted my stitches from knitting into the back loop xD I could not unsee that so I threw it deep into my closet and forgot about it.

    Triple fail:

    • Twisted stitches in the round
    • Twisted stitches from knitting through the back loop
    • Taking the picture with the inside out hah!

    But wait, there's a happy ending.

    As I was getting my stuff ready to move I dug it out from my closet and decided to frog the darn thing. I re-knit it in the Free For All pattern and I'm much happier with it now. I'm looking forward to use this version when cold season finally hits.

    (In hindsight I should have done this pattern in the first place, it's been in my favorites forever, but back then I didn't really know how to read patterns in English so I never realized it was knitted flat lol).


    [WIP] My first kid's sweater

    I got this cake for Christmas and looking for some way to use it I thought I'd try my first kid sweater. The pattern is a very simple raglan sweater, but the self-striping yarn makes it look way more interesting. I'm gonna need to get a matching yarn to finish off the sleeves, but I'm kinda getting why people love knitting for kids so much, it's so fast!

    San Cris tardero

    La última vez que vine al San Cristóbal fue el 2017. No conocía este sendero con los puentes de madera, está muy bonito. Lo mejor que para llegar hasta acá fue casi todo ciclovía asi que no tuve que estresarme con los conductores.

    Third's time the charm! AKA I finally understood the importance of gauge samples 😂

    This is my first knitted garment. Actually the third, but we'll get to that. I got this gradient yarn during my trip to Spain last September. Initially I had no plans on what I would do with it, I had mostly knit accesories and just dipped my toes into shawls, which is what I originally thought I'd make. But when I got back home I though I might try kniting my first piece of garment so off I went to Ravelry and found this lovely pattern from Carina Spencer.

    I initially knitted this in my usual size (38) and with US 4 (3.5mm) needles... and it ended waaay too large. My mom said it was because it's a linen/viscose blend and it tends to "give" a lot. So I frogged it and re-knit it in a couple sizes down (same needle size). Still. Too. Large.

    At this point I realized knitting willy-nilly wasn't going to work anymore so went ahead and knit a gauge sample, which ended up resulting that I needed to size down to US 2 1/2 (3.00mm) needles. On this third attempt I decided to knit with the colors reversed (teal to burgundy).


    It is not 100% perfect fit, but it's good enough that I'm happy to actually wear this outside so I'm declaring it finished. Finally.



    Looking for pattern recs to learn colorwork (fair isle)

    Hello knitters! I have setted myself the goal to learn a new technique every few months. Now that I'm comfortable knitting in the round I'm looking to dip my toes into colorwork and was wondering if you had any recomendations for patterns to introduce me to fair isle. Preferably a small project, as I'd like to work my way into a sweater.

    Thanks in advance for any recs, I've already learnt so much from you guys here :)

    Pedaleando por el Valle de la Luna

    Aproveché la libertad de la cesantía para mandarme cambiar unos días a San Pedro de Atacama, probablemente mi último viaje ahora que me voy del Norte. No podía faltar la salida en bici aunque no me llevé la mía, arrendé una Trek Marlin 5 (sí, me reí todo el camino xd).

    Desde el pueblo hasta el Valle de la Luna son aprox 9kms. Después de comprar la entrada ($10.800 p/p) los guardaparques te dan un mapa y te dan las indicaciones de los distintos trekkings que hay. Mi plan era hacer el recorrido completo (11,5kms) y de vuelta ver si me quedaba algo de ánimo para hacer un trekking. Spoiler alert: no hice ninguno xd

    El camino de ida es exigente, hay un par de subidas medio cuaticas y una en particular la tuve que subir caminando porque había mucha arena suelta. El calor no ayudó mucho, con +35ºC el agua se me hizo bien poca. Pero la vuelta es MUCHO más fácil. Si sobreviven de ida de más la hacen de vuelta.


    • Buscar una bici con al menos 2 porta caramagiola (la que arrendé yo tenia solo 1).
    • HARTO bloqueador y reaplicarse cada hora.
    • Salir bien temprano para evitar las horas de más calor (no como yo xd)
    Ideas de regalo para el amigo secreto ciclista

    Le tocó un ciclista en el sorteo del Amigo Secreto de la oficina/familia y no sabe qué regalar? Pasé por aquí porque su mod favorita le trae las mejores sugerencias para salir del entuerto y quedar como rey/reina.

    • Calcetines. Sonará cliché, pero si a alguien le gusta recibir calcetines para Navidad es a los ciclistas. Mientras más chillones, mejor.
    • Guantes. Nunca son demasiados, con dedo o sin. Es de los accesorios que más rápido se desgasta así que siempre son bienvenidos.
    • Bandanas. Para el frío, para la calor, etc. Este accesorios es esencial en el clóset ciclista y muy versátil.
    • Luces. Hay sets para todos los presupuestos y si bien es probable que su ciclista favorito ya tenga su juego, nunca viene mal un par extra por si acaso uno se olvida de cargarlas (been there). Recomiendo las Bontracker por BBB.
    • Caps. Este no es un accesorio taaan difundido, pero si lo usan los ruteros y fixeros o ciclistas más... ñuñoinos. A mi me gustan por que así no me despeino tanto cuando me saco el casco xd Recomiendo los de Relevo
    • Caramagiolas. O en buen castellano "botellita de agua para la bici". De 600ml para paseos cortos, de 1000ml para salidas largas, con aislamiento para los dias de calor, etc etc.

    Dejen sus ideas o consultas, su mod está 100% disponible y cesante lol.

    [Finished] Vanilla DK Socks

    My first pair of socks, weee! I had way more fun doing this than anticipated when I first read the written instructions but it was very easy once I watched the matching video tutorial (I had to do 1/2 of the stitches mentioned in the video since I was doing fingering held double).

    I can now totally see why people like knitting socks so much and I can already tell this is the beginning of a new obsession 😂

    My first sock, WIP. I managed the heel!
  • Yay! I think it's coming out awesome, kudos to you for adding cables (I did a simple vanilla sock). Also loving the tiny specks of color here and there through your yarn.

  • WIP for monthly theme: my first sock!
  • Thank you! They're silicone beads from Ali, there are all sorts of cute designs :)

  • WIP for monthly theme: my first sock!
  • Thank you! You and others were right that it was somewhat easy and really like magic how it went from flat to tridimensional lol.

    The Crazy Sock Lady videos are super well explained and she covers a few methods of sock knitting, I definetely recommend her for beginners like me :)

  • WIP for monthly theme: my first sock!

    Ok so I finally took the plunge and I'm knitting my first pair of socks. Ever. I'm doing fingering held double because less stitches 😂

    Pattern: DK Weight Vanilla Socks Yarn: locally dyed mering sock fingering

    I'm following the vanilla socks on magic loop video tutorial by Crazy Sock Lady and it's helped sooo much. I suck at understanding written instructions (probably because english is not my first lanuage) so seeing it done has made things much easier.

    I can now totally understand why socks are such a big thing lol.

    How did you learn to knit, and where do you continue to learn new techniques?
  • I tried to learn knitting as a kid from my uncle (lol) but I think my left-handedness got in the way so I gave it up for 30 years. This year I started taking my mom to a knitting meetup as she's been an avid knitter for most of her life. At first I was just gonna make her company, maybe crochet something, but since I was there I said why not try again? I picked it up quickly, at least knit and purl and then I fell into the rabbit hole that is Ravelry and with the help of Youtube tutorials picked up more techniques.

    There's been a few quirks. I've recently learned that the way my mom, and honestly everyone here, knits is called combined continental and while it works really well in the flat, it doesn't so much in the round where there's no 'wrong'/purl side to untwist stitches. So thanks to Youtube I've learned continental for in the round knitting and keeping the style I was taught for flat.

  • Thread Oficial Gran Fondo Lo Vásques 2023

    Preparen la isótonica y carguen la luces porque como bien me recordó este mes tenemos el evento más esperado por toda latinoamérica unida... o bueno, los ciclistas de la RM/V.

    Una buena instancia para quienes quieran iniciarse en el ciclismo de larga distancia y un desafío para los más avezados que se atrevan a extenderla y hacer Stgo-Viña. Si vas a hacerla por primera vez y necesitas ayuda con equipamiento/entrenamiento o si ya la has hecho muchas veces y quieres compartir tu experiencia, este es el thread!

    Thread Random Mensual: Dudas, consultas, descargos, off-topic 12-2023

    En este thread va cualquier cosa que consideren no requiere un hilo propio o que no sea totalmente relacionado al ciclismo en Chile.

    Lo haré mensual para que se vaya actualizando el contenido. Este thread corresponde a Diciembre 2023.

    La bici siempre será la reina de la Navidad, ese regalo que todos los niñes anhelan recibir del viejo pascuero. O al menos así era hace 30 años cuando yo era niña cof cof. Si necesitas ayuda para vitrinear esa bici especial o no sabe qué regalarle a su amigo secreto ciclista, consulté acá caserito.

    What sort of holiday gifts are you knitting this year?
  • My LYS released a kit to knit the tiniest sweater ornaments, I thought it was stinkin' cute, I'll probably try that next year, because I already had my gifts planned. My usual strategy for the holidays is to gift the same thing for friends, coworkers, acquaintances and such. Usually somehting handmade and a little bit customised. I put more thought on birthday presents. Last year I made tiny succulent planters from coffe mugs.

    This year I got some keychains with initials from Aliexpress and I plan to embellish them with macrame and maaaaybe add a tiny amigurumi figure for close friends.

  • I have made for you this terrible sock meme
  • I just checked and it does not 😅 Thanks for the heads up! I'll just get a more suitable yarn (like I need more excuses for yarn shopping lol). I was planning to use this one I got in Spain, but with no specific plans, I'll just keep saving it for another project, no worries.

  • I have made for you this terrible sock meme
  • I LOL'd 😂 I have my merino fingering yarn chosen for the challenge, I'll wind it up into a cake this week. Brace yourself... sock knitting is coming

  • Finished! Spring Shawl
  • Thank you! I can see it: the cold colors on the outside, the warmer colors inside and the way I looped the edges kinda resembles the eyes.

  • Finished! Spring Shawl
  • Thank you! I used YarnArt Flowers in color #262

  • Finished! Spring Shawl
  • Thank you, it's a gradient cake so color palette is not my doing lol It's soo cool seeing the thread go from one color to the next as you work it

  • [WIP] Now actually on a Wednesday lol
  • Thank you! I was torn between these and going for brighter shades, but the colors looked so pretty together, like a sunrise, so I caved.

  • [WIP] Now actually on a Wednesday lol
  • That's beautiful! I hope I can use mine a bit before summer*

    • I'm on the southern hemisphere so it's officially spring for me, though you wouldn't know it by looking outside 🙄
  • WIP Wednesday - Spring Shawl
  • OMG I got totally mixed up, sorry about that!

  • What is a good hobby for a depressed person?
  • Cycling did wonders for my mental health. It's something I can do solo but I also do it socially (I represent a local advocacy club). Being outside, feeling the wind, exploring your surrounding in a new light, etc. For working out, I believe than in the beginning it requires more discipline than motivation. Set yourself a goal, like riding/running/lifting/whatever for x amount of time (say 30min everyday o 2-3x a week) and just. do. it. Do it even if you don't feel like it, make a routine out of it to create anticipation. In time you'll notice that it gets less and less hard to get up and do the activity and then comes the movitation (like wanting to go farther, faster, lift heavier weights, etc).

    If you're not feeling like going outside and since you mention wanting to make something, I'd recommend crochet or knitting. With crochet you can make amigurumi (stuffed toys) and with knitting you can make small items to gift (beanies, hats, cowls, scarves, etc). I recently discovered this craft myself and after noticing a positive effect I looked it up and turns out repetitive hand motions actually increase serotonine release. Plus the feeling of achievement after completing an item after some/lots of effort (and cursing) is very rewarding.

  • Ice cream snail
  • So cute! :)

  • kurobita kurobita
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