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Found while tidying (Oveready shorty P60)


18350 tube P60 twisty setup that was basically as small as you could get a P60. I never did get a nice head for it though.

Also pictured: the neat case/diffuser/bezel remover that shipped with EDC Plus P60 dropins.

Handheld infrared Paradise (Mt Rainier NP) (ISO 100,000) [OC]
  • I assume OP was using an unmodified camera. The hot mirrors (IR blocking filters) built into modern cameras are extremely efficient, so it takes a lot of exposure to get an image past them.

  • [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - August 2023
  • I got mine recently and have been playing a little bit of a lot of different stuff, but the thing I've put the most hours into has been Midnight Suns. I did not expect a Marvel game to my new favorite turn-based tactics deckbuilder, lol.

    The stupid open world collectible part blows chunks, but the actual core gameplay is shockingly fun, if not perfectly tuned the way some deckbuilders are. The extremely weird lightweight high school dating sim / bioware relationship management aspect is very odd but produces some extremely funny interactions at times.

  • False color infrared

    cross-posted from:

    > Taken around the block. False color IR image. Yes, I blew the reds waaaay up because I like how they burn my retinas.

    Type K - Tented Ergo keyboard (03/08/2023 - GB DATE AND PRICING ANNOUNCED)
  • I did see that and it looks cool, but is it actually a tented PCB, or is the tent part of the keycap sculpt?

  • Type K - Tented Ergo keyboard (03/08/2023 - GB DATE AND PRICING ANNOUNCED)
  • I wish someone would make a nice tented unisplit like this with an actual ergo layout.

  • Fellow Drop from Kurasu

    !Brazil Luis Paulo anarobic natural from Kurasu, "floral aroma, taste of white grape, rum rasin and grapefruit, pear-like sweetness and accompanying aftertaste"

    This one is interesting. It's medium funky and my first cup is a little harsh, so maybe next time I'll try a cooler water temp or something. The fruit notes are interesting and seem pretty complex, there's a lot going on there.

    The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media
  • Unsurprisingly given its extremely high profile as a purveyor of transphobic coverage, many mastodon instances have greeted them with a firm block. (If this confuses folks who don't pay attention to this sort of thing, just picture in your head if it was fox news.)

  • The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media
  • It's pretty widely known and has been an issue for a long time. It's not terribly hard to google for.

  • How to Move from Mastodon to Firefish
  • The question is, if there are instances that are full of transphobic content, and they're reported, does firefish defederate them. If they do, the view will improve. Although, global feeds are never very useful.

  • Mastodon is useless (to me.)
  • They serve vastly different purposes. Lemmy would be a terrible place for people to chat about how their days are going, which is a key part of what microblogging platforms provide to be honest. And conversely, for structured conversations focused on specific topics, Lemmy has obvious advantages.

    Beyond the basic structure, there are cultural issues with both that make them a bit tenuous for me.

  • Huh. I had no idea there were stock phones with IR cameras

    It's a "night vision" mode in a ruggedized mil-spec phone, so I assume it's supposed to be tactical or some garbage. But if it worked in daylight it would be a legit feature for me. (I have no idea if that's the case.)

    Also they could definitely sell units to the "ghost hunter" market, which is definitely a thing as I've bought a couple interesting 3D-printed IR lights targeted at them.

    0 defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
  • The actual issue is, that as an instance admin who had previously been in the loop for some time with #fediblock and other channels in which admins share this kind of info, folks expected him to already have disqordia blocked.

    Also, it seems from his posts elsewhere that he actually was aware and didn’t care. Ample reason to defederate from .art’s perspective. ( has subsequently silenced but not blocked disqordia)

    All of this is relatively routine, the screenshot fabrication thing more unusual.

  • defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
  • I posted a medium-short summary elsewhere with a couple of links for folks looking for slightly more context.

    I don't think the eris or defederation things are Huge News in themselves, but if it's true he doctored a screenshot to make the .art admin look bad, that's not a good look for a lead deve/flagship instance admin.

    .art is an influential leader in community safety/moderation standards in the fediverse; their standards for federation are moderately high, and probably higher than folks on many lemmy instances would likely agree with. But it feels like the firefish guy has possibly a pattern of not doing his homework about things in general?

    Obviously the big question is, did he actually doctor screenshots and if so, WTF, man.

  • defederating calckey firefish social. Cites behavior of lead project dev
  • The iceshrimp fork actually came before the thing with .art broke and seemingly had to do with issues internal to the calckey development community. It's hard to say for sure what the situation was because most of the stuff on both sides was pretty vaguely stated.

  • FediLore + Fedidrama kukkurovaca
    Firefish / .art / disqordia / iceshrimp / we didn't start the fire

    Trying to follow everything is, as always, tricky without the ability to really search for stuff on Mastodon.

    1. Calckey, which was a fork of Misskey, rebranded as "Firefish" (for which name choice they have been widely mocked; also there's already a software company under that name in the UK with a trademark, which could be...interesting)
    2. This also I think was meant to be the start of a push for more popular adoption of the platform, which has just generally led to a lot of buzz and attention
    3. Apparently for some days the code was hosted on a far-right git host, which the main developer says they didn't know at the time; they eventually moved it somewhere else but didn't openly address the issue until later
    4. Folks also noticed that the dev was boosting posts by someone with a reputation for being problematic/racist
    5. .art admin removed the dev from a discord channel where instance admins share safety info, and says that subsequently the dev started circulating a fabricated screenshot regarding this.

    Also, that is all coming a couple of days after someone who had previously contributed to calckey forked firefish as iceshrimp (lol) citing being erased from the list of contributors I think and also saying that other folks were leaving that community because of toxicity/safety issues that weren't really elaborated on in what I saw. I don't have a link for this because it didn't happen today and you can't search for things on Mastodon. My sense at the time was that I had basically no way to evaluate the claims made on either side.

    Moka Pot or AeroPress
  • Yeah, aero press is generally considered to be an immersion brewer, rather than a drip/percolation brewer. It's functionally like a french press, but paper filtered.

  • Video comparing coffee processing methods

    From the creator:

    > What's the difference between a Natural and a Washed coffee? What makes coffee anaerobic? How is an Anaerobic Washed different from a regular standard Washed coffee? > > During January through March 2021 I lived on a coffee farm in Kona, Hawai'i. Most of my job involved working with the baby plants in the nursery, but I also got to witness the tail end of harvest and learn about coffee processing firsthand. > > I made this video to show the answers to the coffee questions above for anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to see it in person.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Welcome to the fediverse! Instance admins are under obligation to federate with every other instance possible, and are also under no obligation to do everything in their power to recapture the reddit experience.

  • LemmyBhalajZone blocks LemmyNSFW, users complain.
  • Lol what does any of that wall of text have to do with "diversity."

    There's not much drama here tbh; "admin defederates a somewhat controversial instance and some people agree and some people don't" is, as other commenters have said, very business as usual for the fediverse.

    I do think it's natural in lemmy for people on other instances to have takes about defed calls because they may use communities on one of those two servers, or both, and be impacted as defederation splits the user bases. But it feels like most of the "drama" here is just free speech maximalist/libertarian trolling.

  • Where do I buy coffee filters for Hario v60?
  • Hario or their US distributor have a storefront, thanks to which I just found out that they sell cute slash disturbing bird-shaped filters??!? wtf

    And yes, lots of independent roasters carry filters. Rogue Wave in Canada has a really good filter selection including Cafec ones.

  • is a bit messy and compliacted
  • I feel like finding a good instance in the fediverse (that's accepting users) is always a nightmare.

    That being said, I've been happy with the vibes on and they have a calckey/firefish instance (that's the main But it's not strictly general-purpose.

  • a weaker v60 without extraction change
  • Yep, adding water is a perfectly good solution! You can do it a little at a time until it tastes right and then make a note of however much water that was.

    Bypass brewing seems underutilized in pourover -- although it's pretty common in aeropress recipes. Crown coffee has an interesting post about it from a while ago.

    Bypass will reduce your extraction and hence efficiency, but that only matters in a commercial setting IMO. That being said, if you want to achieve the same thing without bypass at the end, probably what you'd end up doing is using a longer ratio (more water) and then possibly needing to tweak another variable such as grinding a bit coarser to re-balance the flavor.

  • Solenoid Keyboard Sounds Very Much Like A Typewriter
  • I wish there were more boards with solenoids

  • Hand-painted ILE Default ILE x Shogun Shido Default

    Oakland-based artist Shogun Shido is an innovative creator who hails from New Orleans and uses art to explore the depths of introspection and observation. Shido’s expressive, free-flowing line work is immediately recognizable. From canvases to murals, clothing, sculptures, wine bottles and more, his...

    ILE x Shogun Shido Default

    A lot of money for a bag, but not necessarily overpriced; ILE bags are handmade in Berkeley and extremely good quality, and hand painting a whole bolt of fabric and then cutting it down and assembling it into a 3 dimensional object is a lot.

    I wonder what the durability is like, assuming people are going to actually carry it (more likely it will be a show piece)

    > Oakland-based artist Shogun Shido is an innovative creator who hails from New Orleans and uses art to explore the depths of introspection and observation. Shido’s expressive, free-flowing line work is immediately recognizable. From canvases to murals, clothing, sculptures, wine bottles and more, his ever-expanding body of work bridges all mediums. We met Shido through a mutual friend last year and quickly connected over our shared passion for creative expression.

    > This collaboration features Shido’s custom painted 1000D Cordura, which started out as one continuous length of fabric before being cut down into panels for our signature Default. The panels were cut and placed at random while maintaining the orientation of the original painting, with drips and splatters cascading down the bags.

    More on the production

    MR District Pro District Pro | MYSTERY RANCH Backpacks

    Turn your daily commute into an eco-friendly victory lap with the DISTRICT PRO, outfitted with pockets, compartments, and protection ‘to make your urban journey a success.

    Interesting, don't think I'd seen this particular bag before. The organization looks like it would be pretty nice to work with.

    Best way to recommend instance blocks?

    Someone just announced their new instance ( with the intent to federate with absolutely everyone, which is a pretty classic reason to defederate. I don't know of a Lemmy equivalent to Mastodon's #fediblock tag yet, what's the best way to surface this?

    Review of MHW-3Bomber Sniper Grinder

    Truly ridiculous name.

    Anyway, this may be of interest for those who are looking for a single-dosing "all-purpose" grinder in the sub-$500 segment. Most grinders in this space are regarded as either being good for either filter or espresso but not both, or else have a history of mechanical difficulties like the Varia VS3 and to a lesser extent the Lagom Mini.

    These are wild GOOPi MADE × master-piece | master-piece | マスターピース公式サイト

    GOOPi MADE × master-piece ページです。 ファッション性と機能性を高い次元で融合させたバッグブランドmaster-piece(マスターピース)。カジュアルからビジネスバッグまで国内工場で丁寧につくり上げられた鞄は、使えば使うほど細かいディティールへのこだわりを発見できます。

    GOOPi MADE × master-piece | master-piece | マスターピース公式サイト

    Via Carryology. It's fun to see more experimental bag designs sometimes, and these are certainly unexpected.

    !blobhaj, thinking

    Canon RF 15-30mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM

    My RF native kit to date has consisted of the 16mm f/2.8 and the 50mm f/1.8, plus sundry adapted lenses. While I'm extremely pleased with the performance of both those lenses, I did recently find that for landscape-y type scenes I was doing a bit more lens swapping than ideal.

    So, after seeing that someone on flickr had some good IR results with the 15-30, I decided to give it a shot. (First time using a zoom lens in like a decade, I think.)

    Initial impressions are that it's usable, but not ideal. There's a hotspot that kicks in at f/11-ish. It's somewhat dependent on the scene, so I suspect a lens hood might help (I have one on order.) Overall contrast is a little low, which is no big deal, and at the wide end, the edges can get a bit funky, which is not uncommon for IR.

    (BTW, from what I could tell by trolling google, it looks like the 14-35 f/4 L has somewhat worse hotspot performance.)



    Here's a hotspot comparison at f/8, 11, 16




    Any communities for tea?

    Search turns up a ton of groups where the string "tea" appears anywhere in the name (e.g., "team")

    Berkeley, CA

    Kolari IR Chrome filter on full-spectrum Canon RP, Canon RF16mm f/2.8

    Stock/straight out of camera, the IR Chrome filter gives a pretty orange rendition to IR. Getting to a more traditional pink-magenta look requires a bit of color correction. Example correction in DXO:


    The shift is easy, but it can get troublesome to apply in cases where there are visible orange or light brown objects in the scene. Untreated wood is particularly tricky and requires local edits.

    Palm Flag

    Since there should be at least one IR photo post, right?

    This is a US flag that some folks in Santa Clara, CA hoisted up a very tall palm tree. This photo shows off three of the fun things that infrared light does:

    • Living foliage turns white because chlorophyll reflects infrared light very efficiently
    • Clear skies turn dark, a feature infrared filters share with regular visible red filters
    • Dyes and pigments behave unpredictably. US flags are a great way to demonstrate this because, unlike a piece of clothing, everyone knows what a US flag is supposed to look like. (This also impacts night vision stuff, as a result of which military folks have special patches that are intended to be legible in IR.)

    This was shot with an original Canon 5D with a black and white IR conversion (720nm I think) and an old Nikon 105mm f/2.5 K-type.

    I spotted this flag from Caltrain while riding to visit a friend in Santa Cruz, then spent a few hours using google street view to figure out where specifically it was located and how to get there.


    ! - Infrared Photography Community Infrared Photography - Blåhaj Lemmy

    Photography capturing non-visible near infrared light. Feel free to post infrared photos (black and white or color), questions and gear talk, etc.

    Infrared Photography - Blåhaj Lemmy

    Infrared photography uses modified cameras, filters, and/or specialized film to capture near infrared light that is outside the visible range. Originally used for scientific, agriculture, and notably for military surveillance, but later was deployed for artistic effect due to its distinctive rendering of foliage and skies.


    Lens IR Performance Resources

    Pinned post for links to lens IR performance/hotspot info

    Soviet Cinematic IR in Soy Cuba / "We became friends with infrared"

    I don't know a thing about cine stuff, but a friend pointed out to me that this film was partially shot on infrared stock. Fun quotation here:

    > “We wanted the cane white because sugar is white — it was sugar,” according to Calzatti. “Urusevsky had used infrared before. Russia didn’t produce infrared film, so I came to a manufacturer in Kazan who made film strictly for the military – for shooting the other side of the moon, for spying on American objects. They hand-made infrared for us in what looked like a kitchen. It was of very high contrast and very low sensitivity — around 30 ASA — and it was on celluloid instead of tri-acetate. We had no infrared meter, and no infrared marks on the lens, so many times the results were unpredictable. After a while we just used our instincts, and we became friends with infrared. What you see in the film is okay, but we shot much footage to select from. Each scene was done for 15 or 20 times, so it never was filmed spontaneously.

    kukkurovaca kukkurovaca

    No nazis, no TERFs, no yimbies




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