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Psychotherapie: Kasse machen mit Kassensitzen?
  • Ich bin bei mir bei der Ausbildungsstelle fündig geworden mit relativ kurzer Wartezeit und relativ entspanntem Prozedere. Ist sicher für die meisten hier auch ne ganz gute Anlaufstelle weil an solchen Praxen eher jüngere Therapeuten zu finden sind, ist glaube ich gut so mehr oder weniger in der selben Lebensphase wie der Therapeut zu sein.

    In Köln nennt sich das avt Institutsambulanz sollte sich aber auch in anderen Großstädten ähnliches finden lassen.

  • Fellow Europeans, which oil do you use for cooking?
  • Olive oil, butter and coconut oil are the ones that get used in my kitchen, none of it has to do with what you discussed in the OP, the reason for using them is basically flavour above everything else. I also have roasted sesame and pumpkin seed oil for finishing.

  • What's the greatest videogame of all time?
  • There are to many genres in gaming so if we reduce the scope to only card games (which is obviously the only relevant genre), It's slay the spire obviously.

  • What is your favourite album at this moment?
  • Hellmode - Jeff Rosenstock

    The only other thing I'm listening to atm. is the Monogatari series openings and endings

  • People often point to the terrible things in the world as evidence we're living in "the worst timeline". What examples are there of things that suggest our timeline is actually better than it seems?
  • I mostly just think worst and even better is hard to judge. We just exist here. Good and bad are just labels. And I find absurd to be an often more applicable one when it comes to the timeline stuff.

  • What is your favourite board game?
  • Mysterium among others already mentioned. Very similar core mechanic to dixit, but co-op and some what longer/more expansive.

  • Blaming accessibility tools for what people do with them is reactionary
  • Removing almost all cars is the only way to effectively be able to walk to places.

  • A cool guide software alternative
  • Yes it's freemium, but it's very usable for free. I'd estimate 95% of non professional users don't care for the difference between free and paid. Also if you want to pay it's a perpetual license for the current version, not a subscription like increasingly common.

    It's competitive with Adobe in terms of features and usability UX/UI, perhaps even better than Adobe in some parts.

    It's probably the best choice if you want to do video, movie maker and the like are to weak for your use case, and your not an ffmpeg magician. Because you can download it for free and get used to it quickly, and it can likely do everything you want for free. Except GPU rendering.

  • kugel7c kugel7c
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