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When your name is perfect for a themed pun day, but people only ever call you by your first name
  • With how often we see people in a holodeck, I actually wonder how many hours a week they actually work. When Le Forge says it's gonna take 16 hours to fix the engines, he isn't working that whole time right? I thought the future was supposed to be better with the whole work/life balance thing.

  • Why do anarchists stay on reddit or other corporate-run platforms?
  • "Why do anarchists live under capitalism if they hate it so much?"

    Bro, sometimes you don't have a choice. They might not know about Lemmy or other Reddit alternatives that aren't corporate owned piles of dogshit. For a while, there weren't any; that's why I was there for so long.

    It's also hard to just up and leave a community. Even if it's in a bad neighborhood. Your friends are there. Unless they come with you, you're much more inclined to stay.

  • I don't trust like that.
  • Fool me once, shame on you.

    Fool me twice... Can't get fooled again.

  • The Complexity of the Conflict
  • I think you really need to look up the definition of the word nazi...

    Okay, let's see..

    a person who seeks to impose their views on others in a very autocratic or inflexible way.

    Words sometimes mean more than one thing.

  • Adulting rule
  • Hm... I should go out in public with my leash and collar like this and maybe that'll help me find someone else to hold the leash. ๐Ÿค”

  • Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It)
  • Just stuff that has no theatrical release so far. Crappy original streaming service comedies and such.

  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today.
  • I mean, I played all of them as they released, at least from 3 onward. I picked up GTA2 for PS1 from a discount bin way before 3 was even announced which is what had me so hyped for 3 in the first place. Though for 3 I waited until it was on PC as I didn't have a PS2 then; but by VC I had a PS2 and had SA on pre-order (I still have the bandana bonus from it somewhere).

    My recollection of when things happened is fuzzy AF though lol

  • What small, everyday life tips do you have to offer?
  • If you see a problem you can fix, it's best to fix it right away because very often it can become way worse if you leave it for later, costing more time, effort, and money to fix than if you just took care of it immediately. Everytime that little voice says "you can fix that later" you tell it to stfu.

  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today.
  • I live where Trevor lives :(

    At least I'm old enough to get the references in SA. It's all hood and cop movies from the 90's.

  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today.
  • I can't believe that shit came out after I graduated high school. I feel like I played it while still in school; I graduated in 2003.

  • What RSS feeds do you follow and why?
  • I haven't used RSS since once a long time ago when I confused it for CSS when I was trying to figure out how to change a website I didn't control's layout automatically in my browser.

  • Tim Walz and AOC are going to play Madden together on Twitch
  • Are there any crazy glitches/exploits one can do in a modern Madden game that would be akin to taking shots from that one specific spot in Double Dribble where it's 100% guaranteed to go in?

    I wanna see one of them just gobsmack the other with that kinda play. lol

  • The absolute state of online housing discourse
  • Are these being discussed as one or the other things? Why can't we have both, where applicable?

    Edit: Er... I only just now noticed the "deport immigrants" part of the top panel. ๐Ÿ˜จ I want everything but that one.

  • Anon lives dangerously
  • He's pirating games and watching free porn; his online banking is just looking at the $0.17 in his account every single day, hoping that it will magically one day say it has millions in it, like what happens in Wanted.

    Hacker: "Oh jeeze. Now I feel bad. Here, lemme deposit some of Jeff Bezo's money. I gotcha, fam."

  • โ€˜MALL REAPERโ€™ [OC]
  • Mall Reapers should be a thing that you see on Dia De La Muertes.

  • Apparently I'm banned from, I guess I'm here now
  • They still have their Hexbear accts I'm sure, but they'll be maining the troll accts because they need their supply.

    They should try attaching a tube from their asshole to their nose, then, so they can get high on their own supply.

  • I just realized why some people hate replicated food...

    Two reasons, actually.

    1. It's not their preferred preparation. All the replicated food is based on a pattern from an original recipe. It's not adding flair or anything, it's literally a copy of a dish made who knows how long ago. And that's where the next reason comes from:

    2. Imagine eating some spicy pepper dish from, like, the 1940's vs the same dish made today with spicer peppers. It wouldn't be as spicy eating something that wasn't, at the time, really selectively bred to be more spicy. If the recipe for the replicator is, like, hundreds of years old it would probably not be as potent as the same dish made with real ingredients.

    I can imagine that the characters that have expressed disdain for replicated food probably get hit by both of these. It's not the way they would preferred it to be made, and it's also like eating vegetable jello salad in 2024.

    Sort by "Most Viewed?"

    Would it be possible to have that added as a method of sorting posts on Lemmy? Instead of including votes, or just the most recent comments, "Active" and "Hot" could also include simply what's being looked at even if nobody is actually interacting with it in any other way. Actually kinda baffled why this is already a thing on SM.

    Also I wasn't sure where to really post this, which is why it's here.

    Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?"

    Personally, I don't* but I was curious what others think.

    *some sandwiches excluded like a Cubano or chicken parm; those do require cooking.

    I feel like I am getting WEAKER the further I go; how do I actually get stronger?

    I'm half-way through Sedna right now. I have just 1 Warframe (though I did start building Limbo last night when I remembered I did that quest) and it, a long with my best weapons, are maxed out and either at mod capacity or damn near (still need endo for a few). MR5.

    I have a railjack, I unlocked the Operator, and I have so many resources and credits. But everything is starting to take forever to kill and hurts me so much. When I did the whole Drifter quest thing, I choose everything I already used but it was so much stronger. The Warframe had way more shield and health even though I have Redirection and Vitality maxed out on it. The Boltor had a super high ROF compared to what mine has and did way more damage.

    How the hell do I get that kind of power on my normal stuff? I know about Forma but I haven't even seen some of the mods for the weapons I have I've seen suggested for maximum damage, so I'm just hanging onto those until it makes sense to use them. Is that really the only way to get stronger?

    Top level comments sometimes end up as a reply to another random comment

    I'm not sure if this is a Lemmy issue, an instance issue or a Jerboa issue but occasionally when I hit the button to reply specifically to the main post and make a top-level comment, it instead replies to one of the already existing top level comments.

    I don't know how long this has been happening; I only just now noticed it wasn't me accidentally clicking the wrong reply button when it happened twice in a row and I was making absolute sure I hit the right button the second time.

    S Ranking in Armored Core 6 - Does anyone play? Help.

    I have 1 last achievement to get and it didn't seem like it would be that hard since I already got S rank without even trying on all the high payout missions when I was grinding cash for all the parts.

    However, a few seem to be completely arbitrary and not simply about speed and efficiency. Or maybe I am just not fast enough? I have to actually use a stop watch because the game doesn't actually tell you the mission time...

    Anyway I have literally 2 left that I can't get above A rank on and I don't know why.

    First is Stop The Data Breach. I zip through the level as fast as I can destroying the hacking nodes, and even take out the tetrapod in the hallway while waiting for the dialogue to continue and give me access to the last door leading to Iguazu. I know from watching a video of someone getting S rank that the damage and ammo costs I end up with are good (even lower) so it's gotta be the time it takes to do the final fight. But that dumbass Iguazu heals like 4 times every time he's down to nothing which makes it take way longer than it should. I can kill him faster but that would cost more in the ammo cost, assuming it even hits because the weapons that would allow near instant death are also super slow and he constantly dodged all over the place.

    The other is Destroy the Refuelling base. I've zipped straight to the main objective and killed the ACs at the end in under 2 minutes and got A rank. I've gone and blown up all the fuel dumps then the main objective and killed the ACs in just a few seconds more; still A. The fuck does it expect me to do? Finish in 30 seconds? I can use the fastest possible mech build and it still takes like a minute just to reach the objective going in as straight a line to it as you can.

    The lack of clear objectives listed for these arbitrary requirements is driving me crazy. I've looked for answers online, of course, but every answer is different. Some people got S rank doing this, others got it doing something else. Neither method worked for me, so it just feels like random.

    Why does Frame Generation say I am getting 60fps but it doesn't look or feel like it?

    Playing Ghost of Tsushima and just trying to get the best settings for my machine and was suggested to use high preset with resolution scaling off and frame Gen on.

    It certainly makes the FPS counter say it's 60fps now when it would constantly dip to 40, but it doesn't feel or look smooth at all. I can get 60fps without frame Gen in much of the game, and turning it off in those areas looks smoother and feels nicer.

    I've never used frame generation in anything else before so I don't know if this is normal or what's going on. Would it feel better if I uncapped the frame rate and turned off vsync?

    Could an animal be taught how to throw accurately?

    Just thinking about how I've read that humans are the only animals on the planet that can throw objects with a degree of accuracy. But could a dog or other animal be taught, and trained to throw things to hit a target? I mean, it's not like a human can throw well without guidance and practice, either.

    Would native speakers still understand words that are basically the same in Japanese as English?

    Like "radio" or "fantasy" or "game..." They're basically the same in Japanese (radjio, fantaji, gaamu) so if I just said them in English pronunciation, would someone with no experience in English still be able to tell what I'm saying?

    Quest 3 controllers disconnect and won't reconnect until restarting the whole system.

    Just curious if anyone else with a Quest 3 (or even 2 I guess) is having this issue. Seems to have only started after v68 dropped. Is there a fix? The patch notes said I should be able to handle the connection from the system menu, but there's nothing to force them back on or turn them off; it's the same shit that's been in there since I got the thing.

    [SPOILERS] They missed a huge opportunity for a PvP boss fight.
    Spoilers ahead for real; if you haven't gotten to the end of the DLC be warned.

    The fight against Leda and her allies vs you and yours was the coolest fight IMO. However, I am disappointed in it just because they didn't make it like the Mirror Knight or Half-Light. Instead of just the NPCs, it would have been gnarly to get actual players in there.

    It really annoys me because, you can have a big PvP melee with the group fights in the arena... But even the day they added those arenas, the queue for those matches is always seemingly empty. I have never been able to actually get into anything but duels.

    The AI being AI, it's not a particularly challenging fight. But man if they were real players, instead, it would have been an adrenaline rush.

    Can't find the locked spiritspring cairnes? Use a shackle.

    Just like you can use them to reveal illusory walls and kill chariots, Margit and Mogh's shackles can be used to unlock the locked spiritsprings.

    If anyone else has been tearing their hair out looking for some of these things, this oughta help.

    [SPOILERS] The Shadow Realm is, in fact, still inside the Lands Between.

    So we all thought that this island of clouds was the possible location for the DLC up until it was shown to be in a "different" realm, however...


    The Shadow Realm appears to be at the exact center of TLB. Meaning that, even though the main map wasn't changed to reflect it, these lands are probably located under that shroud of clouds, obscured by magic.

    Is the world really empty or is it just that way because video game?

    I never really noticed or thought about this before but there's quite a bit of stuff in the DLC that has me questioning whether or not the game itself matches the lore in the sense that there are plenty of people who are alive and well (Melina's line when urging you not to seek the Flame of Frenzy also states that life still flourishes and that births still happen), they're just not shown in game because Fromsoft doesn't think they can do bustling, living cities well.

    What do you think? Are the few NPCs we meet all that's left in the world or are they just representative of a larger picture we don't see due to the fact it's a game?

    Game minimizes when being summoned?

    With the new update and DLC, I've noticed every time I get the being summoned message, the game will minimize. Like.... Every time. Anyone else getting this or am I uniquely being annoyed?

    Kolanaki ๐Ÿ‡ฐ ๐ŸŒ€ ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ฐ โ„น๏ธ

    I'm just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

    Currently on Earth for 8 years ensuring steps to unite humanity and usher us into the galactic civilization just so I can see my boyfriend again.

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