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Macron is already over. Can anyone stop Le Pen?
  • Of course there is going to be a preference for those that will integrate easily. Why wouldn't there be?

    The Irish didn't go over there and "civilise" anyone so that argument doesn't apply.

    Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians, Lithuanians and other Europeans have come here in numbers and they've been welcomed because they integrated. Many folks from African nations too.

    Syrians.... Not so much integrating.

    Edit: To be clear I'm not in the anti immigration camp. I just think a preference for those of similar culture or who will integrate is natural.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • Funnily enough, I don’t think I ever believed in Santa either, so I guess your barometer checks out :)

    Yeah, fair enough. I suppose that's unusual in the West if that's where you're from.

    I mean it depends on your background a bit. I don't think kids who grow up on a farm have any doubt.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • Fully agree though as a broad rule but there's an age of innocence that needs respecting IMO. I got told by an older boy I knew when I was just 8 and honestly that was not great. My own barometer is that if you still believe in Santa we'll have the talk later.

    Funny story - Our eldest had some broad strokes when we sat him down but thought from the playground stories that you used a condom if you wanted to get pregnant. I was very glad to clear that little misconception up.

  • Time lapse plant growth
  • his pants grow


  • CAM ON
  • Sending this to my English brother in law in 3...2...1....

  • Starship Noise Generator
  • Magnificent. I have hum off and beeps off and love it.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • I'm starting to think that maybe you're trolling again. You see I've spent lots of time in America, very fond of the place, and a lot of it on the beach.

    I spent 4 straight months in San Diego and lived near the beach while I was there. I know that the beach is not a place for fucking in secret. Sure maybe it happens as little or as often as it does in the rest of the world but that doesn't make it the default function.

    Anyway I'm trying to get back to sleep having woken in the middle of the night so I'm out. o/

    I would gently suggest trying not to view naked as being sexual for a bit. It'll probably ease some worry in your mind that you don't need to have.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • I'm gonna break something to you here that might blow your mind.... Europeans (and the people in the article) do not go to a nude beach to fuck. They're going there to feel more natural in nature.

    Naked bodies are not sexual unless you sexualise them, which you are doing. The statue of David is a fine example here.

    I honestly have never heard of a sexual nude beach in my life before. Maybe they exist where you live.


    EVERYTHING nude is sexual

    If this is your world view I don't think we'll ever agree. That's kinda messed up IMO.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • Right. Now we're getting to the crux of it and I understand where your thinking is coming from but...

    Because a nude beach is supposed to be sexual.

    This is absolutely incorrect. Like totally wrong. There is nothing sexual about a nude beach.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • I'm honestly not sure if you're trolling or not at this point. We're discussing nude beaches here. Lazy parenting and kids using bad language is nothing to do with nude beaches.

    Like.... Nothing at all.

  • Byron Bay is to be stripped of its nudist beach – and naturists blame ‘conservative creep’
  • However I still maintain that kids should be treated as if they are as innocent as I was as a kid. I didn't know what sex was until puberty, and thats the way it should be. Let them have a childhood.

    This just reads so..... Strange. Nobody is advocating telling young kids about sex.

    There is nothing inherently sexual about a naked human body. It's only weird if you're making it weird and, well, you are.

  • Meal at office canteen in Zurich: CHF 14.50 (~ €15.10)
  • Welp. Guess I'm never visiting Switzerland so. That is a sad looking meal for 15 euros.

    Out of interest, what's the damage for a medium Big Mac meal there?

  • 'Black Americans for Trump' event a 'major bust' that featured 'a sea of white people'
  • Oh that's a great spot. Didn't notice it initially.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • You may bet your bollix that tank designers are earning really good overtime at the moment.

  • Neighbors looking out for each other.
  • Also not a thief but I've seen what a BB does to flesh. Definitely in the "stop what you're doing immediately" category.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • Magnificent machine. I loved mine so much for so many years.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • Or when your mobile phone was about to ring.

  • North Korea sends balloons with bags containing poo to the South North Korea drops balloons carrying trash in South

    The balloons, which were found across South Korea, carried toilet paper, batteries and suspected poo.

    North Korea drops balloons carrying trash in South

    South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that "some of the fallen balloons carried what appears to be faeces judging from its dark colour and odour".

    What are you doing with the kids this weekend, dad?

    Keen to hear any novel ideas (or just the humdrum of your weekend).

    Planning on watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and / or Star Trek Voyager with the 10 year old myself. Going on a decent hike and playground with the gang also in the mix.

    The usual sports stuff.

    US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes

    Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, spoke with Republican senators on Wednesday, saying that the House will prepare its draft to support Ukraine, but in a significantly different form than the one already approved by the Senate.

    US House Speaker promises to unblock aid to Ukraine but with significant changes

    > Senator Kevin Cramer also said that Mike Johnson clearly expressed his intention to help Ukraine. > > "He was pretty clear about it,"

    Sounds positive.

    Cillian Murphy wins best actor 'Proud Irishman' Cillian Murphy wins Best Actor Oscar

    Oppenheimer's Cillian Murphy has become the first Irish-born star to win the Oscar for Best Actor at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles, with Poor Things, produced by the Dublin-based Element Pictures, winning in four categories.

    'Proud Irishman' Cillian Murphy wins Best Actor Oscar
    Ukrainian children in warm embrace of west Clare

    A nice story for a bit of a change. This one's about kids from Ukraine who have settled in the West of Ireland. They seem very happy in the video.

    Minefield breaching for victory in Ukraine (English subs)

    This Swedish lad does incredible work demining and teaching over in Ukraine. Definitely worth a subscribe.

    Ukraine downs three SU-34's Ukrainian Air Force Takes Down Three Russian Su-34s, Patriot Potentially Engaged

    Without disclosing details, the Air Force commander claimed kills on three Su-34s in response to Russia’s overnight “Shahed” attack. The downed jets are platforms for Kh-59 missiles and guided bombs.

    Ukrainian Air Force Takes Down Three Russian Su-34s, Patriot Potentially Engaged

    Details are fairly scant at this point but the head of Ukraine's air force has confirmed it on telegram.

    Total value of that is > $120M USD. Nom nom nom.

    Irish man killed fighting against Russia in Ukraine Irish man killed fighting against Russia in Ukraine

    An Irish man who travelled to Ukraine to fight against the Russian invasion has been killed.

    Irish man killed fighting against Russia in Ukraine

    RIP :(

    The Rock Volunteers: an almost Secret Production of FPV Drones

    Love this lady's channel. Nice video where she interviews volunteers who build FPV's.

    "20 days in Mariupol" now on YouTube

    Incredible documentary. If you haven't seen it yet, you should.

    Currently limited to US on YT but this link works for those outside the US at 720p.

    I'm also happy to give free VPN for a few days to anyone outside the US who wants to watch in > 720p, just drop me a PM (I work for a VPN company).

    "20 Days in Mariupol" online screening 20 DAYS IN MARIUPOL - DOC NYC

    Ukrainian journalist Mstyslav Chernov arrives at the strategically key city of Mariupol, Ukraine just as Russian forces begin assaulting the city on the


    I've wanted to see this documentary since I first heard about it but it has only been done in select screenings.

    You can stream it here from November 10th to 26th.

    $13 USD for a ticket.

    Trailer here.

    IMDB link.

    It's very old but if I ever get a tattoo, this will be it

    As I age, the number of fucks I have to give is declining towards zero

    I'd love to hear your no fucks stories if you have some

    khannie khannie
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    Comments 877