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2 yr. ago

  • It is a beautiful piece of gear.

  • Aside from the obvious Aphex Twin tracks, here is an old one I always liked. It gets progressively more broken halfway through, which is is a good example of what I mean.

  • I'd risk the cancer

  • ...podcasts and audio books that I have rewind because I forgot I was listening to something.

    I sad chuckled because I am the same. On the other hand, I listen to glitchy electronic music with irregular patterns on my headphones in order to concentrate on a task. My brain tunes out the mayhem and focuses on the task at hand. Imagine a screen full of jumbled, ever changing imagery with a single fly crawling across it, but in sound. My brain will focus on the "fly" and blur out the rest because it makes no sense.

    Listening to proper music has the opposite effect where it will immediately trigger my mental wanderings.

  • I wondered if she was disappointed when he turned human.

  • I clean as I cook, food goes straight into a container, and no eating until all the pots and pans are clean. I had to make this the default behaviour because otherwise my kitchen would quickly become a biohazard.

  • Back when I lived in Austin, Texas, Alex Jones was just our funny cable access lunatic. He was like a funny wrestling match interview during a UFO convention. Then we built the modern internet. Sorry.

  • Before I moved here I used to think temps in the negatives were crazy, but you really do get used to it. Plus, good cold weather gear makes a huge difference.

    I'll tell you what's crazy, the 95°f+ with 90+% humidity we used to get in Louisiana. There's no getting use to that. I don't miss that one bit.

  • That sounds amazing.

  • Ikea used to sell vegan caviar. I loved it.

  • Wyoming my guy. -20°f, I'm still bagging at my car and taking the cart back to the store. Five minutes isn't going to kill you...maybe.

  • It wasn't symbiote spidey. It was Peter Parker wearing the black suit.

  • I like to rawcart it without protection. Don't judge.

  • You mean like Grumpy Old Men?

  • The Kessel Run was a 20-parsec hyperspace route within the Akkadese Maelstrom used by smugglers and unscrupulous freighter captains to move spice from the spice mines of Kessel at the behest of the Pyke Syndicate, who relied on the foolhardy Kessel Runs to deliver the illicit substance to their customers.

    Han Solo, piloting the Millennium Falcon, made the infamous run in slightly over 12 parsecs, boasting about his ship's ability to endure shorter but more hazardous routes through hyperspace. By doing so, Solo broke a long-held record.


  • everyone forgot about circles.

  • Didn't spidey rip someone's face off in one of those alternate reality runs?

  • It doesn't take a genius to see that Alphabet Soup and Metastasis are not in a good position for the future. Smart of the Dutch to bail before they bomb.

  • I bring it back to the store, like a proper child of the light.

    EDIT - ProTip: Leave your reusable bags in your car. When you checkout tell them you don't need bags and to just put the groceries back in the cart. You can bag the stuff at your own pace once you are back at your vehicle. No self bagging stress, no "I forgot the bags stress, no extra work for the cashier, no need for a bagger, and you help the queue move faster.

  • Guitar Pedals

    My board of tone.


    How To Make A Legit Sound Camera




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    In praise of Linux.