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2 yr. ago

  • I got to ride with that guy back in ~2013. Rad dude. I completely forgot his name.

  • Joe Rogan is like Mikey from the old Cheerios Life cereal commercials. He'll eat anything you serve him.

  • And my day was going so well.

  • Welcome to the club y'all. What took you so long?

  • Chrome is capped at 1080p and has more lag.

  • Browser is capped at 1080p and the experience is mediocre at best (and laggy) when compared to the native app. I run at 1440p and it is smooth as butter with no noticeable lag.

  • Geforce Now is literally the only Windows app I've got left. A Linux app would be the nail in the coffin for Windows in my environment.

  • Their definition of poor is likely not ours. We might see someone rich beyond words while they see themselves as ruined. A great example of this is the ending of Succession.

    But no. They will never reach our definition of poor.

  • Hell seems to be where all the interesting people go to, so there.

  • I am a chronic insomniac. At my worst I can average less than 90 minutes of sleep in a 24 hour period, which is actually very dangerous. Before bed I eat some bland protein (plain super firm tofu and a handful of almonds), never carbs, and I microdose either Indica or if that is not available, Indica based Delta 8. Microdose is the key word here. I take two deep puffs and that's it. Enough for a little head buzz but not enough to get high. Bundle up, close my eyes, and most of the time fall asleep for a solid 4-6 hours.

  • Don't call police about any person or animal you aren't willing to see dead. This should be common sense by now.

  • You have the classics like;

    • Fawlty Towers
    • Black Adder
    • Mr. Bean
    • Monty Python's Flying Circus
    • Keeping Up Appearances
  • That "Spanish" saying is a Spain saying. Things get more colorful in the new world.

  • It's Hasbro. This is part of their Blueprint 2.0 strategy to monetize everything.

  • Today, January 6th, is the 12th day of Christmas. You know, the one from the song. It is called Epiphany amd in many countries it is celebrated as Three Kings Day.

  • I also do this with things I truly care about. For things I don't (most things), I buy used and as cheap as possible. I rarely buy new for most things.

  • Let's be honest. Agree with it or not, it is difficult to argue against the effectiveness of that assassination. Three bullets have brought true discussion about the cluster fuck that is American healthcare further than over a decade of Bernie screaming about it every chance he got. Will something come of it? We shall see.

  • It really wasn't. I am 51 years old and I noticed a big shift when HMOs became a thing. Also, ask any doctor in or near retirement age and they will also tell you that it is very different now. Hell, twenty years ago it's when I started hearing about doctors closing private practices because of medical malpractice insurance costs exploding.

    I think this is the end result of a deregulation perfect storm across multiple aspects of American healthcare.