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Have any Jewish people left Judaism/reverted to Islam because of the Palestinian genocide?
  • Thank you, I don’t know what the thought process behind someone doing this is but I’m actually kinda sad it’s this uncommon. I wonder what the interracial marriage rates are between Palestinians and Israelis. Like it is lower than America or South Africa or what? Intermingling is maybe a bandaid to a gunshot wound here but it says a lot about society there when you never hear of it happening, during segregation/reconstruction/slavery in the US there was probably more of it proportionally than there is right now. In Palestine.

  • Removed
    Have any Jewish people left Judaism/reverted to Islam because of the Palestinian genocide?
  • Claiming antizionists and zionists are not the same culture is the no true scotsman fallacy. There are parts about being Jewish one does not choose, but one can choose to not associate with zionists and the simplest way to do that is to just leave the religion.

  • I hate the Space Shuttle, Part 1/?
  • Humanity can remain an industrialized society while decreasing consumption significantly, and space has little to do with that transition. The human need for space is nothing more than satellites, we will never need a white man on Mars, we will never need astroid mining or manufacturing, we don’t need deep space probes, we don’t need a human in space, we don’t need a space station. All investment in space is military investment, all space programs are military programs. While cutting space programs will hurt scientific progress, demilitarization is preferable. If we had a ww3 there would be huge scientific breakthroughs, it wouldn’t be worth it though, not unless the left would unambiguously win that war, and we wouldn’t want to have that war for science.

    And say communists did gain full control, space would not be their priority. We would cancel all the moon missions, we would axe basically all the shit nasa is doing, the entire planet could be serviced by a few spaceports. In 1000 years there would probably not be a man on mars still as there will always be a more important issue on Earth. The only reason the Soviet Union developed a space program was that the nazis fired rockets at them and had to develop it defensively. Humanity’s scientific advancement in a communist society would be focused on more mundane things if there is no pressure from reactionary forces. The good future is one with no ai, no space, no megaprojects. Stagnation would be good.

  • I hate the Space Shuttle, Part 1/?
  • All space colonization is a colossal fuck up. Let’s remain in earth picking nuts and berries instead paying for a billionaire to mine water on some far flung space object in our solar system that we will never be able to go to.

  • We should do a mock UN but instead the UN it’s a Communist Central Planning Committee after a global revolution.
  • That entirely dependent on your girth stat, it’s like charisma but more dependent on your physical ability to stand real close to somebody to intimidate them. Whoever can block out the most sun with their immense figure naturally becomes the cult of personality leader like in real life.

  • We should do a mock UN but instead the UN it’s a Communist Central Planning Committee after a global revolution.

    Would anyone be down? We would need a game master, players would represent different interests groups (labor unions, poc, scientists, revolutionaries, ect), everyone would have a hidden agenda, players can become a supreme leader or it could end up entirely as anarchy, it would be entirely text based through discord. Gameplay would consist of passing laws in a weekly held congress and the laws can either have positive or negative consequences based off a chance roll. Everyone loses if the committee loses power, if the character your playing as gets purged you just play a new character, getting kicked out of the game for real requires you being an asshole. I call it committees and chairpeoples.

    incels should take SSRIs
  • No. Just because a life is salvageable doesn’t mean we should expend the resources to do so. There are so many Black men being held in literal slavery in the US prison system they deserve all resources first compared to any fucking incel. Even if we did have the resources to give everyone mental care, we should not give it to incels because their suffering is good, they are the people we want to dispossess as communists. We should not spare any effort in trying to deradicalize the right, they made their bed now they should lie in it.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Quitting cold turkey is the best way to end an addiction but if that’s not possible (because alcohol addiction can literally kill you if bad enough) then you have to ween yourself off the junk ideally with medical intervention. Throw out whatever alcohol you may have if it isn’t going to literally kill you, if you will literally die without it then get real fucking help.

  • DC has assisted suicide, people can choose to die in the hospital or their homes, nothing in the rules say they can’t die outside the Israeli embassy.

    Imagine a long line of terminally ill cancer patients and old people laying on gurneys being pushed by hospice workers towards the Israeli embassy for their turn to commit suicide in front of it. Imagine granny choosing to go out by self immolation smoking one final cigarette as the hospice workers pour gasoline on her. I’m not kidding if you work the medical field and are even tangentially involved with medically assisted suicide suggest it a joke, maybe not the self immolation part, maybe there’s a cool dying boomer that would do this.

    This owl fucking died Flaco, the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Has Died

    New York City, Feb. 23, 2024 – The following statement was released by Central Park Zoo: We are saddened to report that Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl discovered missing from the Central Park Zoo after his exhibit was vandalized just over a year ago, is dead after an apparent collision with a

    Flaco, the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Has Died

    He hit a fucking tower

    How do Hollywood make a civil war movie and make it apolitical? LOOK AT HOW AWFUL THIS MAP IS!

    You cannot make a civil war movie and it not be political the British guy who thought California and Texas would ever be allies needs to get fired. IF HE HAD ANY BRAVERY HE WOULD HAVE MADE THE PRESIDENT TRUMP!

    If we say Reddit’s IPO is going to fail then it’s going to fail. Will it into happening people, we already learned from GameStop that the stock market is just vibes.

    If you do not want to see Reddit crash and burn then why are you on a Reddit spin off site? The peoples view on Reddit, left and right, black and white, women and man, trans and straight. EVERYONE HATES REDDIT. It has become a symbol for the technocrat arrogance of Silicon Valley, it started as a company that allowed literally anything from child abuse to beheadings and whole bunch of other heinous shit, and they have been trying to sanitize the front page with bleach for years while sweeping all the problematic shit that doesn’t get noticed under the rug. Reddit is no different from any other social media website (besides lemmy, luv u lemmy). Today it’s Reddit going on the stock market, tomorrow it’s discord, how long until the people who idolize Patrick Bateman are trading in 4chan stock? Reddit can go two ways, it either can die a slow painful death like tumblr which is preferable because that would force people to migrate to new social media sites, or it can go like Twitter and become the mouthpiece of some asshole billionaire.

    If anyone has any idea of how the internet could do some collective action to make Reddit eat shit please, share them. My idea is we should write to the advertisers and complain about the mods and try to get those two groups to fight each other, causing the site to implode.

    hey US education system, how's it going little buddy?
  • Fellas, I have a solution. We round up all the children and we force them to live on a farm and do communism together. Then every fall, we get the twitch streamers to come to the farm and select which children should be taken to another farm and taught to read, then we take half the children who can read as selected by the twitch streamers and take them to another farm where twitch streamers choose their jobs (the ones that stay on the farm exist purely to watch the twitch streamers), and when the children can read and have jobs on the third farm the twitch streamers select the best out of all of them to make the next generation of twitch streamers. Those that are selected to move to another farm and fail are not sent back to the first farm (or is kicked out of the first farm), is moved by high speed rail to the pits to mine valuable asbestos to make twitch steamer branded blankets. We cannot let those who those who know how to read or work possibly teach those who do not. This is how we build a perfect socialist society, we must follow the tenets of communism with grifter characteristics and create slave plantations.

  • Google AI has gone woke, smh.
  • I really hope this program isn’t doing the opposite and imposing white people in Black and Indigenous clothes and historical events, it’s funny when it’s happening to white people but in reverse it’s racism.

  • Does anyone remember when a chud brought a bunch of pepe frog signs to a right wing rally and he ended up getting the shit beaten out of him by a bunch of chud boomers who didnt know what memes were?

    I think it was during the trump presidency, but early into the trump presidency before qanon. I had a random flashback thinking about it earlier. I’m pretty sure one of the pepes was like Bain from Batman and it had text that said “the fire rises” or something cringe like that.

    David Cameron getting fooled by schoolchildren
  • Before seeing this photo I wanted the bri’ish colonizers on Islas Malvinas to be rounded up on boats by the Argentinan navy and thrown into the sea, but after seeing David Cameron being forced to eat grass by the local school children I call it the Falkland Islands now and have become an unshakable defender of Margaret Thatcher both online and in real life. Now I want to make Argentinians soldiers walk through the Falkland minefields so no sheep accidentally steps on them!

  • Hasan is the Assad of twitch streamers

    Some call him teflon hasan because no internet bullshit ever sticks to him. We have seen generations of breadtubers come and go during his career (which is only a few years to be fair) but absolutely NUTHING can stop this man. Hasan is the kind of guy who could shoot a person on 5th avenue and get away with it. Hasan could have been caught red handed on Epstein island and walked away with more twitch subscribers than he had the day before. He is the face of the modern left. He could call for red brigades to descend on the streets of New York or Washington, but he doesn’t. Because hasan is also a bonafide leftist theorist, for you see hasan has made a incomprehensible calculation in his head that buying Ferraris and Hollywood mansions for himself is more important to the leftist cause than calling for any direct action. Genius really, we already see the fruits of his labor as his brash spending habits have caused a complete collapse of the Israeli Zionist terrorists, Palestine is winning because of hasan, the left is winning, you are winning, that is unless you don’t donate your entire life savings to hasan in his twitch streams as an epic act of praxis. He might even say your name, probably not, but self sacrifice is the greatest virtue you can ever have unless your name is HASANABI FUCKING PIKER! DO YOU KNOW WHO HIS UNCLE IS?! DO YOU CHUD!?

    Iran claiming to own the entirety of Antarctica in 2024 wasn’t on my bingo card but like I’m all for it.

    Even if they’re not serious it’s a pretty amazing bit, and if they decide to actually build a military base down there and say fuck the un treaties and the penguins, I’m not saying the development of Antarctica is a good thing, but all that environmental destruction would be offset by counteracting US hegemony so it’s better that it happens than it doesn’t?

    Someone should write an alt-history book with marxist levels of analysis.

    Alt-history is so infested with the right the left has given up with it, why must we be relegated to to the realm of sci-fi? It’s impossible to predict how the past would have went if things had gone different, but what if we predict it anyways? The left doesn’t need a Henry Turtledove, we need a Marx writing a detailed non-fictional thesis about what would have happened if history events had gone differently. We need someone to take a scientific approach towards alt-history, that’s why we need marxist alt-history.

    Thread talking about the non-potential of the United States ever being reformed into something useful to leftists, GET IN HERE!

    I had this what if floating in my noggin for a while, back in the 1910s when Russia had its revolution, Russia then was a colonial power similar to the United States and the rest of Europe, had Russia not had that revolution and instead it was France, today leftists would possibly be okay with French Algeria but be rightly against Russian occupation of Siberia. Why? I think that there were was a brief period in the 1900s when a colonial nation could go socialist/left wing and then its colonial holdings could be legitimized as an integral part of an AES nation. There are limits of course, the USSR did give independence to lands it controlled under the czar like ukraine and after ww2 east germany wasn’t part of Russia proper. China could easily have annexed Mongolia but they didn’t, socialists tend not to favor empire as a matter of ideology, but they will use the legacy of it to their advantage. It would have been crazy then to give up that much territory.

    So what about America? Maybe in the Great Depression era we could have elected Eugene Debs, or he could have pulled a January 6th. That was probably the last time an actual leftist could have salvaged the United States as a socialist nation. Now it’s going to require balkanization to implement socialism here, it’s going to have to be done piecemeal, probably will require military occupation, a socialist in power would have to basically burn the whole system to the ground instead of taking over the system. No more White House, no more states, congress, constitution, all that shit has to go now, but it didn’t have to if we had achieved socialism early enough. So say America did achieve socialism in the 1920s? What would the borders look like?

    I expect the Indian reservations would have become semi-independent republics like we see exist in Russia now, I would expect desegregation would have happened a lot earlier, we probably wouldn’t have kept Hawaii, and Hawaii probably would have still been attacked by Japan or some other fascist nation in the pacific so ironically America could have been liberators there kinda like we were in the Philippines (not saying the US was a force of good there but a socialist US would definitely have a navy in the pacific and use it). Alaska would have been kept, either Russia is our friend and wouldn’t ask for it back, or Russia isn’t socialist so fuck them. I bet the border with the US and Mexico is a more contentious issue because even if both nations are socialists I would expect both to be claiming the south west as theirs, but the US would get its way as the larger socialist state. And Canada, I think we would have annexed it. It was a British colonial holding, Quebec didn’t want to be in Canada, the maritime providences weren’t even officially apart of Canada yet, the northern territories were entirely indigenous land. If the US went socialist it’s unlikely Canada would have lasted. And the Caribbean, imagine if Cuba was like an an American Taiwan, just the descendants of slave owners doing wholesome capitalism off the shores of communist United States empire. It would be incredibly ironic.

    Thats it, that’s the post, please tear it apart and explain why my theories are dangerous.

    American football causes brain damage and the sport needs to be banned. Happy Super Bowl!

    My treat is lecturing others on why their treat consumption is bad. And cocaine, I really really love cocaine.

    If you don’t support Taylor Swift and the Chiefs then you literally aren’t a communist!

    All the good things Taylor Swift supports



    Joe Biden

    Black Lives Matter


    Trans Rights

    Climate Change


    The Marvel Cinematic Universe

    The Walt Disney Corporation

    Saudi Aramco

    DuPont Chemical Company

    White Girls With Horses

    The Culture Of Twitter Before It Was Bought By Elon Musk

    Still Thinking Hillary Clinton Should Be President

    The Petit Bourgeoisie Being Ground Up Like Hamburger Meat To Be Eaten By The Grand Bourgeoisie

    The Relief Prince Andrew Felt After Not Being Arrested For The Sexual Assault Of Minors



    Soylent The Meal Replacement Drink


    Rick And Morty

    The Status Quo

    Precious metals be like…

    Gold: Im bright and shiny and never rust, I can be easily bent, put into food, and you can find flakes of me in the river!


    If we are fighting reactionaries, does that make us actionaries?

    You see, the beta right winger reacts to conditions, the chad leftist creates their own path. I am the chad now.

    All of humanity should be forced to live in a single building, contained in cells 7 by 10 feet in size, all food should be nutrient rich goo delivered by pipe, nobody should be allowed to leave but me

    I call it the ethical panopticon of human sensory deprivation and it takes up the same amount of space as all the parking lots in Los Angeles. The EPoHSD recycles the human waste through an on site reclamation center to be reused as food. Yes we can make humanity eat its own shit for an eternity. It’s powered by a nuclear reactor that can be used to blow up the entirety of EPoHSD should anyone attempt to leave. On the rooftop of this building there is a public mini golf course for me and my homies as well as an antifaircraft gun in order to shoot down any capitalist pig invasion forces that attempt at destroying my valid attempt at communism. In the middle of the night we launch black site raids on unsuspecting villages and towns to abduct the bourgeoisie resistors to place in the EPoHSD. Once they die the cells will be filled through a cloning programs, I will be the only human contact for the billions inside of EPoHSD, they will not be alienated from their labor because their labor run through the pipes, and by labor I mean poop. Communism is when you eat your own poop.

    Does anyone else find the right owning the word chud to be utterly fascinating?

    At first it was a niche reference to a niche b-horror movie that soon became a niche insult then that niche insult became applied mostly to the right and someone had the bright idea of making a wojak meme out of a racist mass shooter and it became associated with chud itself and that stopped chud being a wing meme after that, it’s similar to what happened to woke. Nowadays whenever I hear the word chud I wince a little, especially when it’s coming from a fellow leftist. Similar thing happened the stonetoss edits, leftists kept editing those comics which usually had racist/transphobic/offensive jokes to like not be offensive and that became a meme to the point that the right wing is now editing the stonetoss comics to be ironically “woke” and the left by engaging with the right wing meme sphere have inadvertently created a reactionary force against themselves. TLDR the left shot itself in the foot by making the chud meme.

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