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Decidim: a governance-first platform

I've just started looking at Decidim, so this may be a case of everything looking like the nail to its hammer, but, given all the posts about the mechanics of governing this instance already, I wondered whether considering a separate platform specifically designed to address many of these governance-related problems (as I understand it -- again, early days) might be in order.

Decidim might actually be more akin to a sledgehammer in this case, but I figured the point still has merit, as a discussion. There must be other solutions out there too. How does Debian make decisions, for example?

Anyone want to contribute suggestions for what to use as banner and profile picture of this sub?
  • What are the banner & icon recommendations / requirements when it comes to dimensions and format? Does anyone know? I've found a few posts where people ask, but no answers. And I'm getting errors on my own profile, for example.

    Oh, and, so this isn't completely off-topic, :P I forgot I made this:

    Which was also getting rate-limited or something, until I scaled it down and dithered it.

  • jlj jlj

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