istewart @ istewart Posts 0Comments 164Joined 6 mo. ago
Bruce Wayne asserts to Alfred in The Dark Knight that "Batman has no limits." But what if, and this has gone totally unconsidered by anyone up until now... Buttman also has no limits????
Central Preference Vector seems like a fantastic band name if some producer was trying to mainstream industrial music
It helps sanewash their own prejudices. "See, this guy could be talked down from the worst of it, aren't we reasonable by comparison?"
They're going to be headline sponsors of Fyre Festival II
lol wow, I'm cackling at Gackle. Perhaps we can call his brand of caping for polo-shirt fascism "gackin' off"
Why not just make the refrigerator itself a robot
Mobile kegerator for tailgating/festivals might be able to pull Boston Dynamics outta the shit
Never got too deep into Hossenfelder, but I gradually got the impression that Woit was taking a bit of an online-influencer tack, even starting before influencers were really a thing. The whole "not even wrong" flap seemed to draw in people who wanted to have strong opinions about high-energy physics and string theory without really studying them in any detail.
Quantum computing will enable the AGI to entangle with all surrounding molecular vibrations! I saw another press release today
bahahahaha "judge every molecule." I can't believe I ever took this guy even slightly seriously.
I am willing to bet the upshot here is that he has certain very specific ideas about how humidifiers can be improved, and of course will accept nothing less
Peter moonlights on the weekends
Nice try, but you're going to have to work a lot harder if you want to trick me into clicking on that. I lived through browsing peak Slashdot at -1, you know
• Diligent application of Bayesian reasoning finally gains you the ability to fly, propelled by your own farts
#include BidenThoughts.h
The cult will be the very last constituency to drop away, and likely form the majority of his hiring pool at this point, especially to replace the high-level attrition they suffered last year.
Substantially, uh, wider than I expected. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The bird flu is probably hitting that fellow's diet hard.
Stellantis is circling the drain even more rapidly than Tesla. The 3rd-runner-up car makers of both the USA and Europe bonded together into one great big Megazord of mediocrity. Unsurprising they'd pull something like this.
A bit of a superpower, just a bit. A tiny little morsel, a sample of superpower, if you will.
If you gotta qualify it like that...