ikesau @ ikesau @startrek.website Posts 0Comments 1Joined 2 yr. ago
ikesau @ ikesau @startrek.website
2 yr. ago
Zombie Hemmer was freaky! Nicely done, wardrobe/makeup.
This clearly took a lot from TNG's Night Terrors right? A bit of Firefly's Bushwhacked in there too.
I liked it overall, but my favourite Star Trek episodes are when the crew gets to use their extreme competency to overcome a difficult challenge. This episode, the crew was... not so competent.
- Una's team can't identify that there's been sabotage even though it's just like, phaser blasts from a half-deranged man
- The dude easily escapes from sick bay and blows up a nacelle (had the stun setting not been invented yet? What about locked doors?)
- There's no way the medical team could keep Uhura around and try to do some tests when she's having an episode, they can only put on the brain scan screensaver
- They can't shut down the dang refinery! The lever's stuck and they're out of WD-40!
- Pike blows up the quadrillion dollar infrastructure project immediately, not even just targeted laser blasts to the parts that are doing the murder. The whole thing has to blow up.
I guess this is just trek being trek and I shouldn't take it so seriously. Emotionally, the crew was at the top of their game: intuitive, perceptive, empathetic, trusting. good stuff.
But yeah, I feel like I would have enjoyed this more had the problem been made more difficult instead of the crew less capable.