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All four brought us together
  • Thanks for adding /s at the and I would thought they really changed the flag.


    Oh god pleas stop using that / s thing in freaking shitpost-like kommunities. That was the stuppidest shit ever r*dditors came up with to save their precious karma from stupid downvoaters. No karma here, we can play dump freely finally.

  • All four brought us together
  • But they have 5 vertices, are you sure? Iirc penta means five in french. 4 at the bottom plus the top.

  • All four brought us together
  • No, that was obvious.

  • All four brought us together
  • Thank you

  • Rule
  • Basically it's the combination of these 2 memes:

    1st one is from the manga "The Enigma of Amigara Fault". It's just 30 pages, you can read it e.g. here, worth it, I'm not a manga fan, but I liked it:

    I think the "square hole" is one of the funniest video of the world:

    Lucky 10000 is from this xkcd:

    God I spend too much time on the internet.

  • First Day Rule
  • How do you type that rolling crying face? I don't have that key on my keyboard

  • All four brought us together
  • I don't recognise one of them.

  • Rule
  • I've seen this a lot of times, and I still love it. Usually there are some comments asking whats going on, by some people not knowing some layers, but I can't see one yet. Are we finally arrived to an utopia where everyone knows all refrences? Where is today's lucky 10000?

  • Eye contact, it's a very important Rule!
  • ayyyy, I call that the Dalí emoji :3

  • Deleted
  • I was thinking, ok its a double post lemmy bugs sometimes, also happened to me before, but its the third post of this image. I will continue scrolling, lests see if i find more instances

  • Eye contact, it's a very important Rule!
  • I just made eye contact with the phone, so now 3 of us contacting. Sounds like a happy family

  • Viktor Orban's Hungary batting for the other side on Ukraine, Estonia foreign minister says
  • "I am certainly not optimistic on this though, because it requires the consent of all 26 other member states

    Trying to start article 7 is ongoing for more than 10 years now. Before that Poland helped, now Slovakia will save Orbán's ass

  • Goodbye Fmovies, and thank you 🤍
  • What was fmovies? Some streaming sites?

    These things are come and go, but old ways of the warez are still working. I remember one of my classmates taught me how to torrent more than 20 years ago. I had to change trackers and cliens during the years, but I never had to think about things like this because the workflow will always be the same.

    Soulseek is still up there since 2003.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It seems like you accidentally moved your mouse to the side of the screen, let me introduce you to some unfogettable deal, I'm pretty sure you didn't wanted to leave yet.

    Oh, you clicked on the back button, but fortunately we can override that, so you can enjoy another popup before we allow you to go back to That other website.

  • Pair of Honkers $32
  • I have small river next to kennel, but gipsies always put their mercury in the river. How much mercury can they accept?

  • Pair of Honkers $32
  • H-4945

  • Honkin bonk
  • TIL Cyriak still makes the same kind of videos 20 years later. I feel old

  • Pair of Honkers $32
  • How much is shipping to east europe? My brother was looking for this exact model for years.

  • Honkin bonk
  • That game was good, thank you for reminding me. They added local coop with one of the updates, I should replay it again.

  • 121 phones wrapped in aluminum foils found in the luggage of a Romanian man who tried to smuggle them from Switzerland to Italy on a train. The phones were stolen on Street Parade in Zurich, 10 Aug

    Salaries of head of governments compared to avarege salaries of their countries

    Hungary first!


    • Title: The salary of Viktor Orbán is the highest in the European Union, if we compare it to the gross average salary of the country's population
    • Left column: Yearly gross salary of the head of government in Euro
    • Right column: As a proportion of average annual gross salary
    • Middle column is the list of head if governments, their respective country is in parenthesis.
    • Footer: Source: Wikipedia, Eurostat, research by Átlátszó

    How to read country names in Hungarian: Remove the accents, replace SZ with S, remove ország from the end (it means country) and usually you get something similar to English or the native name of the country.

    "Irregular" ones:

    • Görögország - Greece
    • Lengyelország - Poland
    • Olaszország - Italy
    • Németország - Germany

    Infographic is from the Hungarian NGO newspaper/think tank, (Átlátszó means transparent in Hungarian)


    You can try to read the full article in English with google translate (afaik deepl doesn't have a feature like this):

    Orbán meeting with Zelenskyy in Kyiv right now

    More images:

    The official slogan of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union:

    This is not a joke...


    Make Europe Great Again.🇪🇺 The official slogan of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 🇭🇺🇪🇺 #HU24EU

    Most EU regions record an increase in real GDP in 2022

    Source and clickable map:

    Fidesz parliamentary group now supports Swedish NATO membership Fidesz parliamentary group now supports Swedish NATO membership

    Fidesz parliamentary group leader Máté Kocsis asks the Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament to put the issue of Swedish accession to NATO on the agenda for 26 February.

    Fidesz parliamentary group now supports Swedish NATO membership
    Katalin Novák (president of Hungary) has resigned Katalin Novák has resigned

    She is the second Hungarian head of state to resign over a scandal since Fidesz began governing in 2010. Former justice minister Judit Varga, who countersigned the presidential pardon granted by Novák, has also resigned from all her duties.

    Katalin Novák has resigned
    Hungary 2024: Soviet tractor overtakes Czechslovak train

    Background: there is a 20kph speedlimit for trains on this section because of the state of the rails. The max speed of an MTZ tractor is 30-35 kph

    The Italian Man Who went to Malta. (2001/2005)

    The dialogue is from Pizzaman by Cisco Kid, a club song from 2001. Music video here:

    Animation from 2005.

    Which news sources do you trust the most? (Eurobarometer Media & News Survey 2023)

    Download full survey:

    idegenszavak idegenszavak

    Languages I can speak: Hungarian, Lisp, Broken Engrish

    Posts 14
    Comments 198