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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
10 mo. ago

  • Thanks, I am trying to make them responsive as possible, the ones which are not :

    • Tower Defense
    • Moon LDR
    • Tetris
    • Pacman Slasher and the main Pacman
    • Tron

    Contributions are welcome, I will try to improve them in my free time.

  • Open Source

    Online game collection

  • Well as expected, the expectimax(by depth search), cannot take you further, only way is machine learning; On the most recent set of tests, it reaches (4096) 99.4% of the time, gets the (8192) tile with a 91.8% success rate, and reaches (16384) in 34.6% of its games. I mentioned that in the AI code.. In later time, in my free time, I will try to rise the success rare for the (16348)

  • Open Source

    Vanilla JS games

  • The main libary I am using is a plugin from dflip which is called jQuery_dflip library; which in fact has a commercial license.

    I look into it, when the first issue in the repository have been opened, so Apache license is a good license for this project.

    Thanks for passing by, and dropping the good feedback.

  • Yes it's would be much cooler, I have a friend working on something like this, but he said it's in it early development.

    As the actual look of long stripes of pages is good, but as I said it has a bit dry look and not very engaging, when you read a lot, basic PDF viewer kills that joy. Anyway maybe I am wrong.

  • Glad you like it. For the current time only PDF, because epub, cbz are not supported in dflip library, and they tend to have more work to render them. Epub is a favorite file extension for me, so I will try to add this into the project when I have time.

  • Open Source

    Flip book PDF viewer(PAGINIS)

    Open Source

    C/Cpp Projects