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Workers united!
  • That's the reason why UBI and raising the minimum wage isn't a permanent solution for the working class though. They are good and provide some relief certainly, but in the end the corporations will exploit even harder, raise prices causing inflation that makes the raises unimportant, and use all that as a debate point to show that giving back to the workers leads to price raises.

    Workers should still fight for raises, benefits and better contracts, but the end goal should be ending the system that gives the owners of capital all the power in the world.

  • Tic Tac Toes v1.0.1 released: The classic game but harder
  • Yeah, the original Super Tic Tac Toe is like that, but I decided to change it a bit because it seemed more intuitive when playing.

    There can also be two game modes to choose from before playing that includes the original, I'm not planning on that right now but I'd be very glad with a PR for it if someone makes that effort

  • Tic Tac Toes v1.0.1 released: The classic game but harder GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe

    Super Tic Tac Toe. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe
    Tic Tac Toes v1.0.1 released: The classic game but harder GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe

    Super Tic Tac Toe. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe
    Tic Tac Toes v1.0.1 released: The classic game but harder GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe

    Super Tic Tac Toe. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: Super Tic Tac Toe
    Tic Tac Toes - A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game I made GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    cross-posted from:

    > A twist of Tic Tac Toe inspired by VSauce written in React + JS. > > I will happily accept contributions, if you're interested you can check for any open issues or create your own!

    Tic Tac Toes - A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game I made GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    cross-posted from:

    > A twist of Tic Tac Toe inspired by VSauce written in React + JS. > > I will happily accept contributions, if you're interested you can check for any open issues or create your own!

    Tic Tac Toes - A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game I made GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A three dimensional Tic Tac Toe game

    cross-posted from:

    > A twist of Tic Tac Toe inspired by VSauce written in React + JS. > > I will happily accept contributions, if you're interested you can check for any open issues or create your own!

    Tic Tac Toes - A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game I made GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game

    A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game. Contribute to iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - iByteABit256/tic-tac-toes: A "three dimensional" Tic Tac Toe game

    A twist of Tic Tac Toe inspired by VSauce written in React + JS.

    I will happily accept contributions, if you're interested you can check for any open issues or create your own!

    Kyutai is a French AI research lab with a $330 million budget that will make everything open source
  • The potential monetization being the donations to give them a living wage? What exactly is the criticism about, that they shouldn't get a living wage through donations and should rather make the platform paid or ruin it with ads?

    Why do so many people get off on attacking the idea of FOSS, much of the software that is running our everyday lives is supported through FOSS (and lots of them are also being donated to so that the devs can afford to put food on their tables).

    There are also many devs (on Lemmy as well) that contribute a lot without being paid, simply because they like the project, want to make it better, and want to learn by doing.

  • Wing Chun iByteABit [he/him]
    Wing Chun Footwork (From a concept to a POWERFUL APPLICATION)

    Footwork is very important in all martial arts and Wing Chun has its own techniques for moving around and especially shifting.

    You might wonder if shifting is all that useful in a real scenario, this video shows a way that you can apply it to get your opponent off their center line and take advantage while they can't counter your attacks.

    As important as it is to keep your own center line, you should also look for opportunities to get your opponent off of theirs.

    Locked Removed
    Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef On Palestine's Treatment | The Full Interview
  • Many people have clarity over what's going on, the hard part is dodging and outsmarting human trash like Piers while still making use of their platform to spread the truth and counteract their propaganda.

    That's the really hard part and the reason why I respect him immensely for this.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you can blame him for anything, you can say that he couldn't imagine just how bad late stage capitalism could get.

    Though I'm not sure if that takes away from his other arguments or makes them all the more prevalent.

  • Wing Chun iByteABit [he/him]
    Learn Siu Nim Tao from the master himself

    As the first form in Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tao is the foundation for learning the correct stance, hand positions, fundamental techniques and getting used to your center line. In Cantonese, Siu means small, young, or just born. Nim (sometimes written as Lim) means idea, thought or reason. The word Tao means starting or beginning. Together, the phrase translates as “The Little Idea for Beginning.”

    Siu Nim Tao is taught in three sections. The first third concentrates on developing good structure, relaxation and Gung Lik or “Elbow Energy.” This section is performed slowly and without muscle tension. Many consider this part to be almost like a preparatory meditation. In the beginning it is taught without any coordination to breath, and the focus is simply on remaining mindful and “in the moment.” It is not uncommon to feel warm and calm during the performance of this section.

    The second section of Siu Nim Tao begins to develop Fajing, or the “release of power.” You begin to use both hands simultaneously while maintaining a solid stance. To release power efficiently you should stay completely relaxed and wait until the last moment of the movement.

    The third and final section of Siu Nim Tao teaches the basic techniques of Wing Chun. These include Tan Sau, Bong Sau, Jeung strikes and others, and are performed one hand at a time.

    Since Siu Nim Tao is the first form, many people mistakenly believe that it is only for the beginning student. Instead, Siu Nim Tao is intended to be practiced throughout your entire lifetime. Each stage of your development brings a new level of insight, meaning, emphasis and refinement. It becomes a mirror of your development.


    Είναι 2.5 ώρες αλλά αξίζει να το δει κάθε Έλληνας και Ευρωπαίος ανεξάρτητα πολιτικής άποψης

    Best place to write and host a programming guide

    I would like to do a small-medium guide on something I did that I couldn't find so many resources for, what do you think would be the best place to do this without so much hassle and preferably with free hosting?

    pictrs-safety is ready for use! I'm crossposting this here just to make sure that you get to see it.

    cross-posted from:

    > In the past months, there's a been a issue in various instances where accounts would start uploading blatant CSAM to popular communities. First of all this traumatizes anyone who gets to see it before the admins get to it, including the admins who have to review to take it down. Second of all, even if the content is a link to an external site, lemmy sill caches the thumbnail and stores it in the local pict-rs, causing headaches for the admins who have to somehow clear that out. Finally, both image posts and problematic thumbnails are federated to other lemmy instances, and then likewise stored in their pict-rs, causing such content to be stored in their image storage. > > This has caused multiple instances to take radical measures, from defederating liberaly, to stopping image uploads to even shutting down. > > Today I'm happy to announce that I've spend multiple days developing a tool you can plug into your instance to stop this at the source: pictrs-safety > > Using a new feature from pictr-rs 0.4.3 we can now cause pictrs to call an arbitary endpoint to validate the content of an image before uploading it. pictrs-safety builds that endpoint which uses an asynchronous approach to validate such images. > > I had already developed fedi-safety which could be used to regularly go through your image storage and delete all potential CSAM. I have now extended fedi-safety to plug into pict-rs safety and scan images sent by pict-rs. > > The end effect is that any images uploaded or federated into your instance will be scanned in advance and if fedi-safety thinks they're potential CSAM, they will not be uploaded to your image storage at all! > > This covers three important vectors for abuse: > > * Malicious users cannot upload CSAM to for trolling communities. Even novel GenerativeAI CSAM. > * Users cannot upload CSAM images and never submit a post or comment (making them invisible to admins). The images will be automatically rejected during upload > * Deferated images and thumbnails of CSAM will be rejected by your pict-rs. > > Now, that said, this tool is AI-driven and thus, not perfect. There will be false positives, especially around lewd images and images which contain children or child-topics (even if not lewd). This is the bargain we have to take to prevent the bigger problem above. > > By my napkin calculations, false positive rates are below 1%, but certainly someone's innocent meme will eventually be affected. If this happen, I request to just move on as currently we don't have a way to whitelist specific images. Don't try to resize or modify the images to pass the filter. It won't help you. > > ### For lemmy admins: > > * pictrs-safety contains a docker-compose sample you can add to your lemmy's docker-compose. You will need to your put the .env in the same folder, or adjust the provided variables. (All kudos to for the docker support). > * You need to adjust your pict-rs ENVIRONMENT as well. Check the readme. > * fedi-safety must run on a system with GPU. The reason for this is that lemmy provides just a 10-seconds grace period for each upload before it times out the upload regardless of the results. A CPU scan will not be fast enough. However my architecture allows the fedi-safety to run on a different place than pictrs-safety. I am currently running it from my desktop. In fact, if you have a lot of images to scan, you can connect multiple scanning workers to pictrs-safety! > * For those who don't have access to a GPU, I am working on a NSFW-scanner which will use the AI-Horde directly instead and won't require using fedi-safety at all. Stay tuned. > > ### For other fediverse software admins > > fedi-safety can already be used to scan your image storage for CSAM, so you can also protect yourself and your users, even on mastodon or firefish or whatever. > > I will try to provide real-time scanning in the future for each software as well and PRs are welcome. > > ### Divisions by zero > This tool is already active now on divisions by zero. It's usage should be transparent to you, but do let me know if you notice anything wrong. > > ### Support > > If you appreciate the priority work that I've put in this tool, please consider supporting this and future development work on liberapay: > > > > All my work is and will always be FOSS and available for all who need it most. >

    Πακέτο με άλλες αλλαγές για την "ευελιξία" του εργάτη έρχεται και η απαγόρευση των εργατικών απεργειών Κατατέθηκε στη βουλή το νομοσχέδιο για τα Εργασιακά

    Κατατέθηκε στη βουλή το νομοσχέδιο του υπουργείου Εργασίας για τα Εργασιακά , που φέρει την υπογραφή του κ. Άδωνι Γεωργιάδη . Υπενθυμίζεται πως το νομοσχέδιο...

    Κατατέθηκε στη βουλή το νομοσχέδιο για τα Εργασιακά

    Μαζί με τις υπόλοιπες "φιλικές προς τον εργάτη" αλλαγές, η κυβέρνηση προσπαθεί στα σιωπηλά να απειλήσει τις εργασιακές απεργίες με υψηλά πρόστιμα και φυλακίσεις, δίνοντας στους εργοδότες μας την άνεση να κάνουν ό,τι θέλουν με εμάς και τις ζωές μας. Είναι πάνω μας να σταματήσουμε να δείχνουμε ανοχή.

    The future of back-end development

    What are your opinions on the future of back-end web development? Is the Java ecosystem going to wither away as more modern and better solutions are emerging and maturing?

    If so, which language/framework and/or programming paradigm do you think will become the new dominant player and how soon?

    Personally I would love to see Rust becoming a new standard, it's a pleasure to write and has a rapidly growing ecosystem, I don't think it's far away from overtaking Java. The biggest hurdle imo is big corporations taking a pretty big risk by choosing a relatively new language that's harder to learn compared to what has been the standard for decades.

    Playing it safe means you minimize surprises and have a very large amount of people that are already experts in the language.

    Taking the risk will definitely improve a lot of things given that you find enough people that know or are willing to learn Rust, but it also means that you're trading off Java flaws with Rust flaws. That's the case however with every big change, and Java flaws are a good enough reason to make a big change.

    Office apps for Android?

    I'm looking to replace WPS Office which comes by default with Xiaomi phones, what FOSS alternatives do you recommend?

    I'm also open to proprietary apps as long as they're substantially better than the FOSS alternatives

    m/greece appearing empty

    The Kbin magazine m/greece is showing up if I search it from, but it has no content at all.

    Is federated with Kbin?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    iByteABit [he/him]
    Posts 19
    Comments 382