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Well, We Have a Speaker. He’s an Election Denier and an Extreme Christian Fundamentalist.
  • The worst of the worst, exactly what the GOP were holding out for.

  • Biden worries ‘extreme’ supreme court can’t be relied on to uphold rule of law
  • Obviously states and ctitizens in general can not agree on the proper interpretation of the Constitution, therefore SCOTUS exists. So long as there is a SCOTUS there needs to be equal representation. 9 people holding life-long seats are far too few for far too long. Special interest groups can take control too easily as has happened.

  • Biden worries ‘extreme’ supreme court can’t be relied on to uphold rule of law
  • I think each state should have 1 justice. Enough of this supreme 9 crap.

  • This the big leagues kid
  • .

  • Is this even legal?
  • Use Linux and quit worrying about this kind of shit.

  • Anyone else feel like ~99% of their life was kind of wasted?
  • In the end everybody's life is wasted. Of 120 billion or so humans who have ever lived only a couple of hundred thousand even have more than the most basic details recorded about them. In 100 years you will be a distant name, in 1000 more no one will know you ever existed. Just live however you are comfortable with and quit worrying about wasting it.

  • Now that we are all switching to Lemmy, now is the time for all the redditors with embarrassing usernames to make their username right! Don't screw up this time!
  • Everything from old Yahoo mail hacks to government database breeches. Worked for a few years as a pentester for a national bank chain. I even helped a local police department catch a pedo back around '01. Many of the details of my past are now long irrelevant and I would rather not incriminate myself considering my current work.

  • Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic
  • I used reddit for 11 years, founded multiple subreddits, and was a head mod on even more. I had over 150,000 karma. I spent hours a day for over decade in that shithole. I recently walked away. My account still lives but it is no longer a mod of any sub and I have deleted every single comment I ever made. I struggle every day to stay off reddit.

  • hurricane hurricane
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