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What RSS feeds do you follow and why?
  • Yap, for example RSSHub-Radar works fine for me. Would you share with us any good suggestions, please?

  • Apkm→apk
  • With PC GUI: APKToolGUI

    With Android APK: APKExtractor

    Terminal: combinating jar files like APKEditor.jar, apktool.jar, apksigner.jar

  • Disable windows updates
  • Bonus points if Anyone can link me to the page I used a few years back that had all sorts of privacy enhancing and telemetry disabling option on the left side and would create a reg file for applying those changes on the right

    Sounds like might be the answer?

  • My CSS ain't like the other developers...
  • Are you referring to generating CSS code or their own CSS (design) on the website? For the second, you can try it with the GPThemes browser extension

  • What's the closest you've come to having a car accident?
  • Four athletes and a trainer, en route to a state competition. Halfway to our destination, our vehicle decided to betray us, grinding to a halt. Time was ticking, the competition loomed, and panic started to set in. We called our friend.

    The rain was that sly drizzle, the kind that makes you think, "it's nothing" but then your car hydroplanes and you're suddenly facing a concrete wall.

    We in hurry, the narrow road and drizzling rain set the stage for disaster. As we navigated a very sharp turn, our friend lost control and, reacting instinctively, slammed on the brakes. The car spun wildly, multiple full 360, and we finally coming to rest in a ditch. Dazed and disoriented.

    Only God knows how, but we realized we were mostly unharmed, shaken but alive. And then, as if the scene wasn't dramatic enough, a massive truck roared past. A few sec earlier, and the outcome could have been, well, definitely different.

    With a mix of relief and adrenaline, we climbed out. And there, just meters away, we spotted a somber reminder of our mortality - a cemetery. It was a sobering sight, and yet, we couldn't help but find humor in the irony of it all. We burst into laughter, the tension finally breaking.

  • looking for a stable FOSS YTM app that just works
  • Have you tried any of the InnerTune forks?

    Hm, I have never had any big issues with them. Have you checked the RiMusic crash logs?

    There are not many left (not 100% YTM tho):

  • What is your best story when you were in a foreign country?
  • What nightclub in what town in Serbia?

  • I'm looking for a FOSS Weather app for android
  • I couldn't agree more. Hmm. Maybe OSS Weather [fdroid link] has a radar map, but it didn't provide much information. Unfortunately, I don't remember

  • I'm looking for a FOSS Weather app for android
  • The Breezy Weather (fdroid link) is a fork and continuation of GeometricWeather. As I can see, there are hourly forecasts for the next days, just scroll horizontally (AccuWeather and Open-Meteo providers, tho, I haven't checked others).

  • Best free and open source keyboard alternatives to google gboard
  • If you are a Florisboard user, there is a version with dynamic Material You themes here. It's really good while we wait for the new versions with this official built-in