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Hexday 2024, Happy 4th year anniversary nerds!!! - New General Megathread for the 24th-26th of July 2024
  • So if i understand correctly the us doing wars: 1.they dont care if they win as long as they sell the killing stuff, even if it doesnt work, just sell it. 2. Somehow dollar hegemony is kinda linked. 3.they just like killing a lot of people, especially poor and/or non white.

    But i feel like, as a community, we focus a lot on winning/losing wars. Why??

  • TERF island is running out of Italians.
  • The exchange escalated beyond comprehension. Literally

  • TERF island is running out of Italians.
  • Vs pasta pubblica

    I propose the italian language be made illegal

  • Locked Removed
    Do you believe parapsychological powers exist? Premonitions, telepathy, etc.
  • Like when we get the feeling of being stared at, turn around, and someone is actually staring ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ isnt that telepathy??? How does that kind of communication work??

  • Krauts bandying their genocidal history about like it gives them a PhD in fascism makes me burn white hot with rage
  • Can you expand on the efficiency myth? I thought germany had a lot of industry, thats why they industrialized even genocide. Am i blabbering shit?

  • What if instead of the Soviet Union it's the Broviet Union and it's just for the fellas
  • I refuse to accept anything else than Joseph Stalin, leader of the Joviet Union

  • help
  • Wait doesnt normal paper clog the pipes?

  • help
  • Perfect for drying spices

  • Fanning the Flames
  • this is true, but both my outdoor cats share the absolute disgust for the only amphibian i know of in my garden. That toad is a legend.

  • Talk about an incentive to be on your best behavior.
  • Im pretty sure the number of parties that can run for election and actually get elected, doesnt say much about democracy. Just look at the eu and their austerity policies, through the decades if you wish. Also i think the multiparty system was tried in Chile in the 70s, they didnt oppress opposition. They got couped. The multiparty system is a western thing, and the chinese dont need to pretend they're white. I'd say a more accurate way of measuring democracy is to ask: is the government following the interest of the people? In that sense ok theyre not perfect, but give me a multiparty system thats better than china.

  • Foucault eat your heart out
  • Not sure if its helpful but in cases like these i usually alternate laghter and cry, stsrting with more laugh and ending with more crying. Im sure you too can do it in 5 minutes

  • Pigs have a deeper raltionshionship with their slop
  • Sounds like a cult. How can i join?

  • NYT: "The Tunnels of Gaza. How the subterranean maze below the Gaza Strip works."
  • She's that close to simpathize with palestinian resistance, she knows the suffering. How can she not understand the struggle for liberation?

  • fucking now what
  • No, thats antisemitic conspiracy, no jew would be stupid enough to do that. Arent lobbies a form of corruption, and control of gov outside democratic ways? Wouldnt that give legitimacy to the jewish kabal conspiracy theory?

    Jokes aside, im worried by the media conflating judaism and zionism. Im worried it will spark a new wave of old style antisemitism. I mean, in the event where westerners will have to make sense of the genocide. Or are we too islamophobic to get second thoughts?

  • hopelessbyanxiety hopelessbyanxiety [he/him, she/her]

    Idk i feel like im losing braicells. Anyway trains go brr.

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