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Bulletins and News Discussion from April 22nd to April 28th, 2024 - The Scramble For Africa: Green Edition - COTW: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • I made some updates to the HexAtlas since I last posted:

    • Search: Nominatim Integration allows to search any place
    • Mobile UX: It's should be now easier to navigate on mobile
    • Mastodon: See posts (WIP)
    • Sessionstorage: Settings/Selections are now saved even when you refresh the browser window (until you close the tab)
    • Had to remove leftypedia.. I couldn't figure out why it was only working locally.. CW: Spoilertags are still not functioning

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • I added the paper and your comment to the issue on GitHub. Personally I don't have experience with what I takes to implement a feature like this and will definitely reach out to you when I'm ready to takle this task. Thank you for looking into this.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • Is there some desire to add a way to look up a relation between two countries in the UI? Or, even more specifically, an industry in a country with an industry in another?

    Yes! Ideally you'd be able to select two or more countries and see capital and commodity flows and show (imperial) relations. Not sure how to achieve that yet, but I view this as a long-term project.

    Do you have experience with the math etc. involved?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • Hmm.. I'm mostly familiar with front-end and for most of the integrations, I've been able to leverage various APIs, where a lot of that backend-stuff is solved already (i.e. asking the server to get X Data and getting X back; like the IMF Data Tab). Downloading the spreadsheet and doing this myself, I'd have to get familiar with writing that type of code and the math first and it would take me a long time to implement. If someone would like to help doing the back-end it would be cool (please reach out). For now I feel like I still have so much left to do on the front-end of things. I'm also thinking about reaching out to the listed researchers at the bottom, once I'm ready to tackle it

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • Cool! Unfortunately I found no way of directly linking to the country. (I also checked the network in devtools, but nothing I'm familiar with or could use) It'll have to be a generic link for now

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • Most errors should be fixed now. I wasn't able to match these:

    No match found for country: Ashmore and Cartier Islands

    No match found for country: Bajo Nuevo Bank (Petrel Is.)

    No match found for country: Clipperton Island

    No match found for country: Coral Sea Islands

    No match found for country: Northern Cyprus

    No match found for country: Dhekelia Soverign Base Area

    No match found for country: Indian Ocean Territories

    No match found for country: Baykonur Cosmodrome

    No match found for country: Siachen Glacier

    No match found for country: Null Island

    No match found for country: Spratly Is.

    No match found for country: Scarborough Reef

    No match found for country: Serranilla Bank

    No match found for country: US Naval Base Guantanamo Bay

    No match found for country: Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 25th to March 31st, 2024 - Friendship Ended With Taiwan, Now China Is My New Best Friend - COTW: Honduras
  • Thank you for making a pinned post, I'll use the opportunity to make two calls:

    (The other thread was at the end of it's lifecycle already)

    1. Under the Nexus > Misc tab you will find a basic integrations of:
    • World Inequality Database
    • UN Comtrade
    • International Labour Organization
    • International Energy Agency
    • World Bank
    • OECD

    If there's (economic) data you'd like to see feel free to reach out. I at the very least will add linking, but will also make an effort for deeper integration at some point.

    1. In order to increase usability of the atlas please add the location to the comment body. Also please consider following: Since there's a province/territory scope, and a lot of these are empty atm you can post local news from your area also. It would be cool for comrades that would like to now what's going on locally in different parts of the world. If doxxing is a concern: create a new account.


    • You read interesting news about a certain location
    • Post the news in the format you're used to, but
    • If you use the exact wording how you find it in the atlas to "tag" (see what I mean below), you will make sure it pops up in that scope

    e.g. Xinjiang, China , Eastern Asia , Asia, CN, CHN (in that exact wording; the Atlas works by using the lemmy search function to find these strings, by having it in the comment body you make them findable)

    We as a community could for example also decide to use the ISO3166-alpha 3 for one type of news/post and the full nomeclature of the country/region for another type (not sure if need actually, it's just a thought/suggestion, but maybe someone has a cool/good suggestion)

    Thank you :)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • Comrade suggested to add more economic data and I was able to (at least link) to various data sources. I will look for deeper integration another time: You will find these in the Nexus > Misc Tab

    World Inequality Database

    UN Comtrade

    International Labour Organization

    International Energy Agency

    World Bank


    Feel free to propose more suggestions (I probably repost this call in the next newsmega as mondays ususallly seem to be the days these threads get reset)

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • Hi comrade,

    I added a bunch of open data in the Nexus > Misc tab for you. Hope you find some of it useful. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to see more :)

    World Inequality Database

    UN Comtrade

    International Labour Organization

    International Energy Agency

    World Bank


    When I'll have more time I'll look for deeper integration

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • Thank you for your suggestion, I pushed an update just now. But I noticed that it only works locally and not on I'll be able to debug later this week

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • It's probably because I manually edited Israel to be Palestine and it screwed with the file 😅 Thank you for reporting it I'll be able to fix it later this week. Feel free to add issues to if you find more

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • I ended up making it public :)

    It's not my first project, but the first one that I ended up making open source. I've been mostly coding for fun on front-end personal projects. Software Engineering is such a big field, that all I know is that I don't know enough probably never will

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • PSA: If you want to make the Atlas even more useful, make sure to add the name of the country, province, continent, etc. into the comment body when sharing news. This way the comment shows up on it

  • Introducing: HexAtlas

    Thank you for your offer! Let me know if you need help setting it up

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • Right now I only managed to add IMF data as a proof of concept (There's a bunch of indicators to choose from). There's a lot more datasets that I would like to be able to see on there and the ability to compare countries/regions. Ideally we could visualize capital and commodity flows between two selections

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • After some consideration I decided to make the code public under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ( AGPL-3.0 license )

    Thank you for your input:

  • Introducing: HexAtlas
  • I gave it a quick and dirty integration in Nexus > Misc (Link it externally)

    Unfortunately to have deeper integration I'd need to be able to get a json response (or do an iFrame, which I would like to avoid). It's a similar problem I was facing when looking for ways to integrate They use a google search plugin :(

    Also it seems like there aren't that many pages in the format:{country}/index.htm and you often land on a 404 page :/

  • Introducing: HexAtlas

    Hello and warm greetings to my fellow news mega enjoyers and to the wider hexbear, lemmygrad and community,

    I've been finding myself browsing the newsmega often and was often thinking of a way that would help me contextualize the discussions and news that I'm reading. I remembered an atlas I had in school that would show the location of industries and natural ressources (and more) and decided try to recreate a digital version similar to When I stumbled upon lemmy-js-client I found a fun way to display lemmy comments geographically, which I would like to share with you:

    ⚠️ Spoiler Tags are not implemented thus CWs are not hidden

    Nexus Features:

    I'm open for suggestions, but would like to continuously add new features:

    • (well documented)
    • (will be difficult)
    • Moon of Alabama (looks easy) (Thank you for pointing out the transphobia)
    • Usability and performance improvements
    • and maybe more cool features where the guiding ideas are: "IRL Victoria 3 UI" and a "cockpit for newsmega-enjoyers" (e.g. comparing regions and seeing commodity/capital flows, real-time 1% flight data, vessel data - to enjoy the ansar allah blockade, virgin chad ranking, etc.)

    Basic usage:

    • You can either search for a place or click on it. You'll see various scopes: provinces/territories, countries, intermediate regions, sub regions, continent. You can click also on these to change the scope. What it actually does is send it as a search query into lemmy and you see the search results to it (I built a fancy search page). IN the Fediverse Tab you can select the instances, sort types, and other settings from lemmy. On the Nexus Tab you have a similar behaviour, just for the various modules. You'll see the wiki of whatever is selected on the map :

    • use query to search location by query e. g. brics and find discussions pertaining to the selected location.

    • the query field can also be used to find and filter content by communities that are not listed

    • on Mobile long press pictures to unblur it (not fully tested) on desktop hover with mouse

    tldr: Attention [Pink]: Select an option [Purple] to reveal selected information [Yellow].

    It's in a prototype stage so please keep in mind:

    • ⚠️ Spoiler Tags are not implemented thus CWs are not hidden ⚠️

    • It's mostly optimized for desktops. Sry comrades with old hardware - no optimization, yet :( post inspired me to look into this tho.

    • Provinces/Territories: While I was doing manual edits to some regions I realized I'm doing something very political (duh). Following this, I'm looking for solutions to implement user defined regions (if there's interest from you) e.g. #fromTheRiverToTheSea #brics #udssr #whatever Comrade offered help, but I have only experience with front-end and am not sure how and what to propose. All my ideas are leveraging the current state of development and might be annoying to you. If you have experience, suggestions, etc. on how to make this work, feel free to start a discussion, reach out, etc.

    • Provinces/Territories: If you want something particularly aggravating changed asap, feel free to start a discussion and vOtE! I'll update manually.

    • Countries that span two continents are only displayed as belonging to one e.g. Russia - Europe (Dataset used:

    • Right now this project is exclusive to hexbear, lemmygrad, and their federated instances. I have an inner conflict: Generally, fuck intellectual property and I would like to make it foss, but this would make it available for lib/chud content as well. Should I? Help me resolve this.

    • No login implemented

    Please consider this a tribute to this community, which I've been lurking and a member since the r/CTH days (nevar forget). I started web development not too long ago and am deeply inspired by dev titans among others:

    Thank you and the mods and admins for making hexbear/lemmy what it is today.


    Enjoy your weekend :)

    (After I post this I will leave the computer for a while and wont be able to really check and respond for a few hours)

    Death to fascism

    Death to capitalism

    Death to imperialism

    Trans rights are human rights


    EDIT: After some consideration I decided to make the code public under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ( AGPL-3.0 license )

    hex_atlas hex_atlas [comrade/them, he/him]

    Posts 1
    Comments 29