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Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • It's possible that the Dems would have held the House, barely, if the New York Democratic party hadn't completely screwed up redistricting, so that's maybe a "soft false." I think what he means by "charismatic" is someone like Reagan who appeals to the other side of the aisle (Reagan Democrats in this case); Trump is only charismatic to his own followers. I consider the Afghanistan withdrawal to be, overall, a highly positive thing; yes, it was handled badly, but it's the easiest thing in the world to keep a forever war going, and at least there Biden put a stop to it, so I give him high marks for that at least. Anyway, I wonder if that is considered a foreign policy failure; I don't, but others might. Not trying to blindly defend Lichtman or anything, just trying to cling to whatever shred of hope remains. I think it ends up sort of being how Lichtman himself interprets the keys a month or two before election day.

    EDIT: Rereading key #1, "After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections," I guess that even if the NY Dems hadn't screwed up there probably would have been a smaller majoirty than before, ergo false.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Ok, yeah, just trying to cling to what little hope there is here---DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY HAPPY PLACE. 😉

    I do think Lichtman's right about debates not changing outcomes, tho...but of course there's a first time for everything...

    Also, looking at the list, I’m pretty sure more than 6 are false.

    You mean for Biden now, or for previous elections?

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Yeah, he did kind of fudge that, it's true (IIRC he said that Trump would win the popular vote rather than the electoral vote, whereas it was of course the other way round). Although I think I remember before the election he said that Trump would "win," but he didn't say exactly what he meant by that.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Although if he did, then (I think) a key would be lost!

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • I mean, Lichtman himself will tell you he's not infallible, and his system is not without controversy, but he seems to have had a pretty good track record up to this point.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Presidential debate performances have historically had zero discernible impact on the election. See

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Need some hope? Watch this.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Most Americans don't care a fig about debates, or even watch them, but Joe's performance was certainly less than stellar, it's true. Um, early days, still? My fondest wish is that Joe would step aside for J.B. Pritzker.

  • From Infocom to 80 Days: An oral history of text games and interactive fiction
  • I have fond memories of playing these, but dear god was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy frustrating! There was another Infocom game, Trinity I think it was, where you needed to get some water or something like that, but you couldn't put it in an empty boot, you had to have the bucket for it to work. Kind of like playing "guess the mind of the programmer." Fun times, even so. And then there was Leather Goddesses of Phobos . . . 😊.

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    Can I like pictures on Pixelfed from Beehaw?
  • That's what I thought, but thanks for your response. Is the Fediverse/ActivityPub going to address this at some point? Maybe there should be a flowchart of some kind that shows which Fediverse platforms can interact with others (and how).

  • Can I like pictures on Pixelfed from Beehaw?

    Mrs. Hedge finally ditched Instagram and is moving to Pixelfed! 🙂👍🎉 Would like to like her posts but not sure if I can from here . . .

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    Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data
  • Hi ulkesh, looks like you might be responding to a comment I deleted because I felt like I was bragging and being too preachy. Anyway, do you use any other flavors of Linux besides Garuda (I had to look it up, I hadn't heard of it!)? How do you like it? And your DE environment of choice is, I guess, KDE?

  • How to buy music?
  • Have a look at and Let the buyer beware, though, that it's not always easy to download your purchases from 7digital, especially if you use Firefox, and Qobuz makes you download one song at a time unless you install some crappy app of theirs. Bandcamp is always my first port of call when looking to buy music.

  • Microsoft's Recall Feature Is Even More Hackable Than You Thought Microsoft's Recall Feature Is Even More Hackable Than You Thought

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    Adobe Announces That They Can Use Your Content for AI
  • As far as InDesign alternatives go, do people know about VivaDesigner or even LaTeX for that matter?

  • Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data
  • You know, in the wake of what I like to call "The Snowden Affair," and learning that Microsoft was a PRISM company, I became very interested in using Linux despite being a Windows person (and way way before that a Mac person, but that was pre-mainstream-internet, and I digress). I researched the various Linux flavors and settled, wrongly as it turned out, on Fedora. When I went to install it alongside Windows, I accidentally nuked Windows and was left just with Fedora. But, and here is my point, I learned. I learned sort of how Linux works, that I'm not particularly fond of the command line, and that I hated GNOME. Nevertheless, I persisted, and then I discovered Cinnamon and then Mint, and it's been fine and lovely ever since. Not that I advocate throwing young children into the water to teach them how to swim, but it was out of necessity, and a real anger at PRISM companies, that motivated me to learn, and so I did.

    EDIT: With all this AI data poaching going on, Mrs. Hedge did something which I thought she'd never do, which is to leave Instagram for Pixelfed. She's a Windows person; when Windows 11 comes out, I get the feeling that they too will pull this same scraping bullshit. It's already supposed to record everything you do, right? Might even get the Missus to switch to Linux.

  • Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data
  • What features do you feel are lacking? I don't think GIMP has full CMYK support yet, but I believe they're working on it.

  • Can State Supreme Courts Preserve—or Expand—Rights?
  • I feel like Obama was really spineless when he tried to appoint Merrick Garland to SCOTUS. It's not his fault that Scalia died when he did. I remember there were at least two petitions on whitehouse. gov with thousands and thousands of signatures that said words to the effect "seat MG at SCOTUS without Senate approval." Whenever I say that people point out that that could have potentially caused a constitutional crisis, but gee, the republicans never do anything underhanded or borderline illegal, right? As long as I've been alive, it seems to me that the dems have always been the weaker of the two parties, always fleeing in terror from GOP propaganda, never effectively fighting back, always on the defensive, never having flgured out how to deal with the tantruming child that is the republican party (and Trump). RBG wasn't too wise to wait so long to retire either, although I suppose that Obama would have allowed any replacement for her to be blocked as well. Sorry for the rant; well, anyway this article gives me some hope.

  • Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data
  • Time to switch to Linux 😁👍 (there are plenty of Adobe alternatives for it, although they don't necessarily offer 100% replacements). I'm convinced that Adobe is one of the major reasons that people stick with windows. If worse comes to worse you can run windows on Linux using a virtual machine (and believe you me, if I can do it then you can too).

  • Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data Adobe's ToS changes could be an AI overreach on user data

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    Can State Supreme Courts Preserve—or Expand—Rights? link needed please.

    Proton Mail release notes/changelog for Linux Desktop app?
  • Ah, I see, thank you. May I ask where you found that?

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    Does anyone know where I can find this? Doesn't seem to be on Github or anywhere else that I can find.

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    hedge hedge

    Shut-in, keeper of weird hours.

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