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Spectre Divide Reduces Cosmetic Skin Price from $90 to $70 After Backlash
  • No cosmetic items should cost more than £10/$20 imho £50/$70 is a full game for crying out loud.

  • Phone companies to be asked to help tackle rise in snatch thefts
  • I guess the thinking is making them next to worthless means they'll get stolen less.

    Most networks will bar a stolen pones IMEI if it's reported but that doesn't stop them so this would have to be a step up.

  • Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created
  • Forgive me if this is an overly simplistic view but if the ads with cookies are all served on Google's platform say then would all those ads have access to the Google cookie jar?

    If they don't now then you can bet they are working on just that.

  • Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon
  • There are a lot of games that work. Still some that hold out, mainly due to their shitty anticheat software.

  • Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon
  • Great. So managing printers, network settings and quickly comparing settings from two places becomes a weird game of screenshots and guessing.

    Remote support workers of the world collectively shake their fist in despair.

    No way on this planet I will be able to explain the new UI to your average office worker.

  • Look at both Commercial & Homemade dog
  • Ok I'll bite.

    One of the best things about dogs is the unconditional love. Look up any list on things people like about them and it's there.

  • Look at both Commercial & Homemade dog
  • He had a choice between a dog that seemed happy and asked for nothing and a dog that immediately asked for love and praise.

    That is what I'm seeing.

  • Switch 2 cartridge format leaked via patent
  • The first generation DS could play GBA games.

    The original Wii could play GameCube games.

    The 3DS ran DS games.

    The GBA ran GB and GBC games.

    The WiiU could run most Wii games.

    Nintendo has history making backwards compatibility a selling point of it help sell consoles.

  • Removed
    47% of U.K. Millionaires Say They’re More Likely to Leave the Country After the Recent Election: Report
  • If they leave they'll be less idiots with more money than sense around so I'm all for it.

  • TIL there are fidget guns for children
  • I doubt going children even care that it's a fidget toy, they'll still be mindlessly clicking the clicky bits on it or waddling around shouting pew pew pew

  • TIL there are fidget guns for children
  • Cap guns, potato guns, water guns, just plain clicky/sparky/light up guns and so on, guns for kids are nothing new. Fidget in the name is a gimmick to use bright colours and sell plastic guns to more kids.

  • Is there any advantage to tying game logic to frame-rate?
  • Someone else may be able to offer a better solution but it's more to do with events being tied to the draw of a frame.

    Update positions of objects, check where things are each time a frame is drawn. Speed up the rate frames are drawn at and the logic does those checks much, much faster. Causing issues.

  • Modder Creates Nintendo Switch Lite OLED For Enhanced Pocket Gameplay | Retro Dodo
  • The screens they use will always come down to what they can get enough of at a decent price.

    You know there would have been screens that look better but use the battery up faster, or have supply issues if this one factory has a problem and they look at all that.

  • What are you into on Destiny lately?
  • The whole class item process really could have been handled better. They know everyone wants to get them but Bungie'd it by hiding the mission to start with then making it a mandatory 2 person mission.

    The mission itself is really good. If you don't have someone you know on mic it's going to be a frustrating experience.

    Then if you don't get the roll you want it's the random chest opening, this part drove me to look up a macro script to farm the chests.

    After all that I've been doing the usual stuff, chasing rolls of guns, red borders, catalysts, solo spoils chests and waiting for the next story drop.

  • DeviantArt’s Downfall Is Devastating, Depressing, and Dumb
  • AI generated content is great and all but it drowns out everything else on there. Anyone can type a prompt and generate a great looking image with a couple of attempts these days it seems.

    The people spending days, weeks, months and more on a piece can't keep up.

  • Apple, Android, IETF, Launch New Network Around The World.
  • When it comes to WiFi Mac's mobile phones have fudged them for "privacy" for years, if this goes main stream I see the same thing coming in for Bluetooth.

    They promise the macs are random but I don't have much faith in that.

    Looking up a real Mac to see what manufacturer it came from is something I do almost daily sorting out network issues for customers and really is not difficult. From there it takes a leap to guess what the device is if it's name doesn't help but more often than not it's easy enough to see what's out there, the random macs of phones stick out like a sore thumb as they don't come back as anything usually so you can then track that around the network and see what they are up to that way.

  • Astounding absurdity
  • To be fair, they may have a rule about anything without the original plug/cord I know places near me do. Still a shame it ends up going to waste.

  • haywire7 haywire
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