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/kbin meta harasho
I made a simple script to open posts in a new tab Kbin Open Posts in New Tab

Automatically add target="_blank" to all links embedded in h2 tags on Kbin.

I made a little greasemonkey script to open only feed posts in a new tab by default. I remember in the past seeing some posts of people asking if this is possible so I figured I'd share it just in case anyone else would like to use it.

Dystopian Reddit runs on fake content (must read)
  • To be fair, subredditsimulator was most likely never intended to do what you are thinking. As you develop features, you need a test data set to check it against before you go live with it. My understanding of subredditsimulator was that it was reddit's test bed to be able to try things before they get widely rolled out.

  • harasho harasho
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