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Bruh I watched s2 of “Triggerpoint” at my parent’s place because they had it on, might be the purest ideology shit I’ve watched in years

Long story short the stupid lefties are evil murderers because people that are anti capitalist must be the most reprehensible cold blooded killers in society.

But don’t worry cool edgy cop lady is here to stop them - damn cops are cool. But even better, before she was a cop she was a troop!

Honestly stunning that this shit is walking around masquerading as prestige TV. It’s a whole lot of “boomers be afraid at every waking moment, there could be a bomb under your toilet seat!!” mixed with “and the bomb was put there by your woke grandkids that never visit!” and “cop good!”

0/10 would not recommend unless you like to be angry about irrelevant aspects of our cultural silage heap

Posting a Gex every day until I’ve posted 100 Gex, day 82

Today I’m posting a picture of a media-obsessed anthropomorphic lizard. Oh and Gex I guess.

Anyone remember “Ahmed the dead terrorist”?

Our culture is diseased now but damn the post-9/11 zeitgeist was cursed as hell

oceania glimmer_twin [he/him]
Fascist infighting in Queensland Police seize neo-Nazi paraphernalia in series of raids across south-east Queensland

Exclusive: Three men charged with damage offences, with the state government yet to outlaw display of hate symbols

Police seize neo-Nazi paraphernalia in series of raids across south-east Queensland
Is the Labor Theory of Value junk?
  • I would actually say read VP+P and Wage Labour and Capital before reading Capital. It gets across 90% of the main ideas from Marx that you’d want to explain to a friend or co-worker to try and set them down the commie path.

    Plus they’re much shorter and easier to read.

  • From the Wikipedia page on The Witcher series

    Love my non-political fantasy series that heavily features racism, colonialism, the consequences those things have for the colonised, and their armed resistance to colonisation.

    So do we hate Johnny Depp or not wtf happened there

    I don’t hate myself enough to delve deep into the depp/heard lore. I see that people seem to think he’s absolved, is that real? Do they both suck equally? Tell me how to feel, fellow echo chamber members!

    oceania glimmer_twin [he/him]
    Pig laughs and calls an aboriginal man a c*nt while searching for him after chasing him into a river (the man was dead because he fucken drowned) Police officer laughs and uses expletive to describe missing Aboriginal man in video shown at inquest

    Body cam footage played in court shows constable saying ‘fuck this little cunt’ during initial search for Gordon Copeland, who drowned in NSW river

    Police officer laughs and uses expletive to describe missing Aboriginal man in video shown at inquest


    oceania glimmer_twin [he/him]
    Lessons from the Your Rights at Work campaign Lessons from the Your Rights at Work campaign | Red Flag

    As unions launch a round of protests under the Change the Rules banner, it’s worth recalling the history of the Your Rights at Work campaign, which concluded in 2007.

    >Directed against the Howard government’s anti-worker WorkChoices legislation, Your Rights at Work protests were the biggest working class mobilisations in Australian history. The campaign cost John Howard his seat in parliament and tipped his Liberal government from power. > >Yet the fruits of the campaign were meagre for the trade union movement. Labor rolled into government at the 2007 election with a blank cheque from unions about what reforms to enact. The result was the Fair Work Act, a suite of minimal improvements alongside the retention of most longstanding anti-union laws.

    What a perfectly succinct way do describe the entire neoliberal paradigm
  • I really wish this game was better. Got very repetitive and shallow very quickly and the RPG elements weren’t amazing. I really like that they went so openly anti-capitalist, even that’s presented in a pretty low-hanging-fruit “every single capitalist operator is extremely blatantly evil” kind of a way

  • Genuine question: why does everyone hate Trotsky(ists/ism)?
  • There is a lot of controversy around “Lenin’s last testament” which you mention. Besides, as much as I enjoy Lenin why should he get to arbitrarily pick his successor in between having strokes lol.

    Their ideological differences aside, by all accounts Trotsky was and always had been a huge asshole with a superiority complex (not to say he wasn’t actually a very intelligent guy, but y’know how some people are assholes about it?), and Stalin was just better at schmoozing people. So when it came down to it, he was better at politicking his way into power, while Trotsky would alienate people.

    Now, after Trotsky was no longer involved in running the USSR, my personal thought are that he basically just became dogmatically against whatever was happening in Russia under Stalin, because of personal grievance. And keep in mind that it’s much easier to sit on the sidelines, criticising everything, than to be involved in the actual running of a nation trying to establish socialism for the first time.

    There’s also a materialist argument to be made that if the power struggle had gone the other way, and Stalin got exiled, things in the USSR would have gone pretty similarly under Trotsky - or that someone else would have taken over earlier than 1953, because, again, everyone personally thought Trotsky was an asshole who was annoying to work with, lol.

    This isn’t to say everything Trotsky ever did is poison, and that he should be completely disregarded. He has some good writings, and we’re talking about a guy who led the Petrograd Soviet and then the Red Army during the civil war. He was definitely smart and a true revolutionary. But I think after his ousting from power he became very embittered (perhaps understandably), and became the kind of socialist we criticise today, sitting on the sidelines in a capitalist country and constantly attacking AES.

    TROTSKYISTS on the other hand are pretty insufferable lmao, because you can pretty much discard the first half of my previous paragraph, and just apply the second half to them.

  • :agony:

    It’s literally the most childish of the first trilogy by far

    The Beatles “Revolution” is a microcosm of why the 60s counter-culture movement represented liberal bourgeois thought

    The entire thing is indicative of the failure of the hippy project to even contemplate enacting real change. You wanna change the world? Nah, take LSD instead, “don’t you know it’s gonna be alright?”.

    The idea that any of these people genuinely believed they were doing anything other than assisting in the maintenance of the status quo is laughable.

    Of course I’m not saying I thought rock stars represented the ideological pinnacle of the movement, but I’d claim that this sort of thought is indicative of the wider milieu.

    Daily struggle session time: the Beatles fucking suck
  • Haha, I like em, and maybe they were influential or whatever, but they have a lot of garbage in their catalogue for sure. The white album for example could easily be cut in half, didn’t need to be a double album.

    I think Rubber Soul is their best album, after that a lot of their stuff went way too far up its own ass, I don’t need to listen to a bunch of white dudes playing the sitar tbh.

    Also my “hot take” (and amongst a certain crowd it is definitely a hot take) is that the Rolling Stones are better than Beatles - sure the Beatles were better for like, four years in the 60s, but the stones have another 50 years of material after that. The stones didn’t even release some of their best albums until after the Beatles were broken up. So over the course of their whole output I much prefer the stones.

  • Play outer wilds.
  • Just finished it the other day - the time loop kinda took away from the experience for me tbh, towards the end I was rushing around being like “gotta do this in 20 minutes or I have to start all over”. Kinda detracted from the chill space exploration. Still a cool game.

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    glimmer_twin [he/him]
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