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YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision
  • The leaked internal DNC poll is what I'm referencing here. Why would the poll conducted under the direct supervision of the DNC for their own personal use be exaggerating Biden's weakness?

  • The moment Liz Truss looses her seat
  • Is this the lettuce woman?

  • YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision
  • He's polling worse than "generic Democrat" and he can barely form a coherent sentence. Fundamentally, I just don't believe there is a person who would vote for Biden, but not Harris or Whittmer or whoever, but there's lots of people who lack confidence in Biden and would be more likely to vote if someone else was nominated.

  • Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be backfiring
  • I wouldn't be so sure. I think the calls for Biden to step down are evidence that DNC-types (at least some of them) are realizing the gravity of this situation.

  • Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be backfiring
  • To fully prevent most of what's laid out there would require supreme court rulings, which isn't going to happen under a conservative court. The only way to prevent it is for Democrats to win (Biden needs to step down imo) and then pack the court and/or impeach a couple of conservative justices.

  • Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but now it may be backfiring
  • Biden's cooked, he needs to step down and let Literally Anyone Else take the nomination. Other than that, I agree completely

  • YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision
  • I think the most realistic way of undoing this ruling is for Biden to step down and Harris or someone else to take over. They would very likely win, and if the turnout is strong enough, they could use a legislative majority to either pack the courts or impeach/replace a few Republican Justices. The now majority liberal court could contrive some excuse to make a new ruling on presidential immunity and overturn the previous one.

    It requires a lot of things to go fairly well and for the Democrats to be more organized and competent than they've ever been, but it is Possible, unlike a constitutional amendment imo.

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • Is it really intuitive if I have to open dconf-editor to change the system font?

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • SteamOS is an arch derivative, so you could also just install arch, add the SteamOS repos, and set the steam UI in gamescope to launch on login

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • If you really hate flatpak just make an arch distrobox and download off the AUR. Or install Nix or something

  • Flatpak haters seem to believe that if an app isn't on their distro's repos, it's the developers' fault.
  • Is there some way to set an install hook that automatically makes those symlinks when you install a flatpak?

  • Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • No, it's licensed under the LGPL, which means source code can be freely distributed and distros would continue to package it for free no matter how hard Redhat tried to paywall it.

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • I expect Microsoft's handheld to fall under the Xbox brand, so it'll probably be incredibly locked down and not something you could use like a PC

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • They're all still amd64 tho, so it's fairly trivial to install linux on them. For the full Steam Deck experience you could get one of those SteamOS isos or just configure it to launch the steam console UI inside gamescope at boot

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in that has mainline Linux kernel support 👀, it might be possible to run full desktop Linux on it

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • I think sometime in the next few years an ARM based portable gaming PC could challenge the Steam Deck. ARM is a more efficient architecture, so it could have significantly more battery life, the only hurdle is getting x86 emulation performant enough.

  • Google’s carbon emissions soar by 48% due to AI
  • The technology is promising, it's just not remotely ready for what they're trying to use it for, and may never be in its current iteration (transformer-based LLMs). Like, yes, an AI will probably eventually be able to read many articles from search and integrate that information together in a useful way, but right now it's almost as likely to just start making shit up halfway through and tell you to eat glue lmao.

    The problem is that AI is the new corporate buzzword like web was back during the dot com bubble. The web did end up being massively successful, but it just wasn't ready for like 90% of what investors wanted from it back then.

  • why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Damn, trumpoids made it to lemmy? How? Shouldn't you be spending time with your grandchildren or getting your brain melted by AI slop on facebook or something 💀

  • It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • You might be able to run WSL and just run a tiling wm/compositor inside that, depending on what it is you do and whether the company would allow WSL

  • gh0stcassette gh0stcassette

    20, they/she, math+CS student

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