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Parkitect: Deluxe Edition | Official Trailer | PS5/4 and Xbox One/Series
  • I like it. It's sort of a follow up to Rollercoaster tycoon 1 and 2. Same kinda play style, but then in a modern game. I had some good fun with it. Personally I like it more than Planet Coaster, where I found the customization too overwhelming.

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • Block out the heat and sun during the day. Have everything open during the night, with a tactical fan placed wherever it helps the most.

    But this only really helps the first few days. After that it's down to accepting the situation and being so tired that you fall asleep anyway.

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • 2K per year, subsidized by the Dutch government afaik, because International students pay way more.

  • That erratic pulsating sensation on your legs after a brisk walk- what is it? And more questions
  • Maybe it's the same thing I recently had. After running a half marathon in April this year and cycling another 20km from and to the course, I also had some weird muscle cramps when finally taking a rest. It was almost like something was crawling under my skin. My muscles felt like they were cramping together and releasing very quickly and very locally in tiny spots all over my calves. It was such a surreal feeling. Kinda creepy and weird, but at the same time also kinda nice and satisfying.

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • Not anymore, since I got a real job.. They do sometimes give some money as a present to buy something nice, but it's no longer necessary. They did help me during my study though, paying the ~€2K uni fees every year and some other smaller stuff, so I could focus on rent, groceries, study material, etc. Combined with that, I had some side jobs to keep the study loan pretty small and manageable .

    Based on anecdotal evidence, that was kind of the middle of the road. Some friends had very rich parents, who basically paid everything. Other people basically had to pay everything, which lead to huge loans. I think this level of support was pretty much optimal. It forced me to think about money instead of just buying everything I wanted, but also made it easy for me to focus on my study instead of surviving.

  • Pr(ule)ide flag
  • This one is so much better than the Dutch pride flag in the post. It's awesome

  • Tribes 3: Rivals already in trouble as developers shift focus elsewhere. "Neither game had enough success yet to support the studio"
  • Yeah the bots were fine. I definitely liked splitgate more than the new tribes though. Even against humans I felt like I had way more chance to get some kills and overall the game felt more polished.

  • Tribes 3: Rivals already in trouble as developers shift focus elsewhere. "Neither game had enough success yet to support the studio"
  • I was interested in the game, but for me the problem really was the skill level of the player base. Getting killed 20 times before getting a kill is no fun at all. I played during the test period, and I think it definitely would be fun with other noobs, but every game just has people in it who are miles above the rest.

  • How I date
  • Even better

  • This is getting out of hand! Now there are more than 3 of them!
  • Honestly, I like the prequel universe more. The movies are just a bit weird sometimes

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Not a fan. I totally understand the need for climate protests, we're way too slow. And I also het that you're not gonna get headlines with a small protest somewhere. But why not disrupt things that are actually polluting, instead of throwing soup or paint at works of art. You'll also make enemies by blocking a major road or something, but at least it makes some sense.

  • sometimes means every time
  • That depends on the person. I'm autistic and for me it's just a moment to minimise stimuli and recharge a little bit. No fear involved, just a little overstimulated and in need of a reset.

  • Average vs Fame
  • I'm perfectly content with my current average life. Fame would only bring more worries and stress, even if it'd also bring more luxury

  • The constant negativity is killing me
  • Yeah it's pretty bad. People harassing actors and other people involved is disgusting. I'm also not the biggest fan of some of the new content, but sometimes it seems like a significant portion the fanbase just wants to hate on everything.

  • NumPy 2.0.0 released
  • Awesome! Numpy has been such a useful tool during my data science study. Happy to see that they're not afraid to make some bigger changes.

  • Morning suffering
  • As someone who went on a run before breakfast this morning: I feel like the penguin on the right most of the time. I'm barely keeping up with my chores and social life, I reduced my working hours to 36 per week because 40 was too much. Being able to go on a run is one of the few things I am sort of keeping up with.

  • final year project
  • I might misunderstand what you mean with "implementing" an LLM, but unless you have a good understanding of deep learning and math I wouldn't recommend to implement one from scratch. There's a lot of complex math involved in these kind of topics. If you mean implementing an application around an existing LLM, for example writing a chat website that interfaces with ChatGPT or a local LLM, then it's doable (depending on you current skills).

  • What does your booger feel like rn?
  • Ever since getting COVID in 2020 my nose is basically 2 like 70% of the time. Painfully dry, completely useless at filtering anything. It depends greatly on the humidity and temperature though. In spring/summer it tends to behave a bit better.

  • People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • I have a license, but never use it. I'm Dutch. My work and the train station are less than 10 min by bike, the supermarket is a 5 min walk. I can do almost anything by bike and sometimes public transport and it saves me hundreds of euro's a month.

  • gerryflap gerryflap
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