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The vague Apple Neural Engine, what does it do with the premium we paid for ?
  • Tasks the Apple Neural Engine Takes Responsibility For

    It’s time to dive into just what sort of jobs the Neural Engine takes care of. As previously mentioned, every time you use Face ID to unlock your iPhone or iPad, your device uses the Neural Engine. When you send an animated Memoji message, the Neural Engine is interpreting your facial expressions.

    That’s just the beginning, though. Cupertino also employs its Neural Engine to help Siri better understand your voice. In the Photos app, when you search for images of a dog, your iPhone does so with ML (hence the Neural Engine.)

    Initially, the Neural Engine was off-limits to third-party developers. It couldn’t be used outside of Apple’s own software. In 2018, though, Cupertino released the CoreML API to developers in iOS 11. That’s when things got interesting.

    The CoreML API allowed developers to start taking advantage of the Neural Engine. Today, developers can use CoreML to analyze video or classify images and sounds. It’s even able to analyze and classify objects, actions and drawings.

  • F1 infrastructure debate ramps up as teams seek to level playing field
  • iPhone reader mode for the win.

  • Dark mode is really annoying
  • I’m 53 and I can’t stand non dark mode. So either I’m an outlier or your theory is wrong.

  • Why isn't there an end-to-end encryption standard for email so that we can get rid of fax machines?
  • Most companies now use fax severs which use the same SIP trunks that phone calls to the business use. Even if they are using old POTS lines the fax machines themselves are usually not in a secure area, but out in the open where anyone can walk by and pick them up.

    I had to have a discussion with our cyber group that didn’t understand this and insisted that we encrypt our digital fax sever. I tried many ways to convince them that it simply was not possible to encrypt faxes when we were getting or sending faxes to random people in the general population. It really tested my patience and my ability to stretch the truth so they would drop their idiotic request.

  • iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • From the article:

    “His office began investigating how Google handles user location data after reporting from the Associated Press in 2018 found that many Google apps across iOS and Android recorded location data even when users have chosen privacy options that explicitly say they won’t”

  • iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • I won’t argue that it didn’t suck st launch, because Apple Maps did. Now depending on where you are at it is just as good or better in getting from A to B. It still lacks in searching for places to go and details on them.

    But as for the opt in/opt out? Google pretty much tracked you regardless

    I use Apple Maps as it is better integrated with the rest of my apple products and I just don’t trust google with my data. It gets me to where I need to be without issue.

  • iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • Guess it was that and google not letting apple use Siri with it. Edit: turn by turn direction not Siri.

  • We need a 4th emergency service for people in crisis to just evac them from bad situations, almost like the witness protection.
  • It was a shame they went with such a terrible name for this. It just gave the other side way more bs talking points.

    Hell the Austin Tx police department (union really) is still butt hurt that they even thought about taking away money from them that they are still refusing to respond to most calls.

  • iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • They only rushed it as google wanted user data and apple didn’t want to give them that. So yes it was rushed, but for all the right reasons.

  • Spotify’s first US price hike for Premium is coming next week
  • And yet they still don’t offer high quality audio.

  • My office has automatic faucets in the bathroom and I've started sticking my hands under the faucet at home and wondering for a second where the water is.
  • I have a fair bit of home automation setup at home. So if I walk into a room the lights turn on, walk out and they turn off.

    Every time I am visiting someone or in a hotel I am deeply confused why the lights don’t turn on themselves.

  • [Self Promo] My Lemmy client, Bean is now available on TestFlight
  • I did know but actually forgot about that. I already had the text size in my control center. Regardless I will stick with apps that give me that option in the app itself. Memmy and voyager have it and are my gotos.

    I should add that I forgot about it as well defined apps have it in their app settings and do t make me go looking for it elsewhere. And I get it. Maybe I’m not the demographic you are after. I wish you well with the app.

  • [Self Promo] My Lemmy client, Bean is now available on TestFlight
  • Downloaded and like every app I go looking for the option to increase the font size. Sadly like most Lemmy apps this seems to not be high on the list for early releases . Can’t test it if I can barley see the text in the post and comments without squinting.

    Hopefully it is high on the list of things to add. Until them it is still Memmy for me.

  • Apple Weather's forecasts are so bad my meteorologist made a post about it
  • Per apple it looks like for the US they use the weather channel.

  • Apple Weather's forecasts are so bad my meteorologist made a post about it
  • Apple sources it us data from the weather channel. Which is a pretty shitty source. Would be nice if they had options for the other sources.

  • Apple Weather's forecasts are so bad my meteorologist made a post about it
  • For you it might have been. But it went to shit for me long before the Apple announcement. As with most things location, location, location.

    As other have said there are various weather models produced by different companies. And some are better in certain areas than others.

  • The 11-mile long, 600 lbs IMAX print of ‘OPPENHEIMER’
  • Guessing this will beat Interstellar record for longest IMAX film. Interstellar has the record being 2 hours and 47 minutes. But looks like Oppenheimer is 3 hours long.

  • The 11-mile long, 600 lbs IMAX print of ‘OPPENHEIMER’
  • Guessing this will beat Interstellar record for longest IMAX film. Interstellar has the record being 2 hours and 47 minutes. But looks like Oppenheimer is 3 hours long.

  • It's official: Smartphones will need to have replaceable batteries by 2027
  • Am I missing something? I read the European report like 8 times and no where does it mention replaced without tools. Most of it talks about controlling the lifecycle of the battery.

  • gdbjr gdbjr

    I think you are overestimating my character.

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