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This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • Can literally have the spores shipped to your door for shockingly cheap so long as you press the "I pwomise not to do what the link you have here says cuz that leads to mushies" box

  • Removed
    Mega Thread: Trump Fourth Indictment and 18 co conspirators into the 2020 Georgia Election Investigation (41 Counts, 13 against Trump)
  • Not even 3 years yet, chill on the exaggerating

    Court takes time, this is just a fact

  • Deleted
    RFK Jr. says he’d sign a federal ban on abortions after three months of pregnancy
  • Failed to deliver*

    *Because of conservative fuckery

    Wonder why you'd leave that out...

  • Kinkservative
  • Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too late

  • Locked
    Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?
  • IDs cost money, require visits to DMVs (which conservatives work hard to shut down in poor areas, or other fuckery with their hours or such), and if you want the federal level one cost more and require more paperwork

    We use the garbage and not-designed-for-this social security number for major IDing

  • [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people
  • Professional delivery truck with a lifting bed to slide the earth off the back easily wherever you ask them to

    A specialized vehicle, not a crappy pickup truck

  • [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people
  • The places around me will deliver it for quite cheap so the uh, 2 times in my life I need that I'll just do that?

    How often does the average person haul tons of earthen materials around?

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • Not understanding what words mean isn't an unpopular opinion, you're just wrong

    Not about the first bit, that's arguable

    You definitely DO need more labels than straight, gay, and bi. For example: asexual or sapiosexual, those don't fit into any of the 3 you listed

  • Massachusetts couple denied foster care application over LGBTQ views, complaint says
  • Who cares? Their point is to treat gender dysphoria, they don't fucking want their nuts anymore

  • After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'
  • Not out, on PTB

    So close to out but not really

  • After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'
  • "Theres no grinding in Overwatch if you ignore the grinding in Overwatch"

  • rule
  • Each log is painted a different primary color from the rainbow

    A rainbow is carved out of wood above the door

    And the inside is full of proper BDSM mounting equipment properly installed


  • Biden asks Congress for $40 billion to support Ukraine, replenish US disaster aid and bolster border
  • Uh, the war can still end without peace negotiations you know

    That's... That's what war is?

  • The time has come.
  • Have ducks, can confirm food will make you their favorite

    Though for the love of god don't feed them bread, it's awful for them

  • Advice on how to learn about guitar?
  • Everyone kept suggesting this to me but apparently I have weird musical taste and only like songs with fucking Barre chords and shit so all it ever did was make me give up, lol

  • New MMORPG
  • 70 by the time most people who start now get to Storm bloods content

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because basement dwellers are famous for going out to public places and experiencing a common annoyance

  • What's a low effort, but impressive, party trick to learn?
  • Even in this world where everything I buy or am gifted comes with another fucking bottle opener I still use the lighter or hard corner trick more than any other bottle opening methods

    Knew a guy once who could do it with his bare hands, no idea how though, looked like it hurt

  • Patreon having issues again causing thousands of people’s payments to be declined
  • You don't need it, but its a convenient website to let people save their info and support people financially across multiple professions all from one account

    Many creators use PayPal or similar to let people just one-time pay through said creators site or app, but Patreon/Ko-Fi/etc. Allow a little more without needing to do all the work yourself

  • gamermanh gamermanh

    I do things sometimes, on YouTube usually

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