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In the US, did Amazon kill the mall, is everyone too broke, or a combination of other factors?
  • I think higher education may have played a role. Kids have to spend more time studying for longer into their life. Less time for careless days of youth when every job requires 10 years of experience. Young people have been obsessing over how to fluff their CV with credentials rather thing just living life.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • I refer to it as the social graph. When a site starts using metadata to map how users are related on a social platform. And then implementing features based on that. It's not a buzzword but that's the technical root that stems everything that makes an enshittified Facebookified site.

    Unfortunately when reddit started becoming a social graph based site, the technical literacy of the user base also plummet. So nobody knew wtf a graph structure is.

  • America’s Frozen Housing Market Is Warping the Economy
  • Evidently given the state of affairs whatever share of "most people" has been tipping away from a balance.

    Call it unchecked greed. Call it nobody wants to work anymore. It's two sides of the same coin. The framing is just hurting someone or others feelings. The underlying problem is the same. Too many greedy people don't want to work.

  • America’s Frozen Housing Market Is Warping the Economy
  • It falls under a greater problem of our time. Everyone thinks they can be clever by becoming a passive income earner. So we get things like middle men which has been increasing the cost of things because every hand needs to grab a cut along the way. We have people becoming landlords slowly amassing rental properties which created a bigger and even life long tenant class. We get economies that revolve around stock markets pivoting industry from productivity to shareholder profit.

    I don't know if this is a trigger phrase like it is on reddit but it's true that nobody wants to work anymore. Societies require people to work to keep things going. Can't have everyone sitting on their ass waiting for others work for them.

    Nobody wants to talk about it because nobody wants to be the sucker that didn't get a leg up on everyone else. So everyone plays along with this massive collective cognitive dissonance.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • I watched RocketBoom until suddenly they ran out of money. I don't know what happened but it seemed like they were on the up and up. They even did videos with Sesame Street. If that isn't a solid endorsement...

    Then one day it was announced it was over.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • It was nothing more than an off the shelf ARM SBC inside. Some third party designed and made the board. Nobody had the bootloader keys to unlock the units. It was easily bricked. No keys to recover it. They had sold it as a device for "hackers" but nobody could really hack it. The whole concept was dead on arrival.

    Several years later people discovered weaknesses in Nvidias bootloader code. The Ouya is vulnerable. So they're finally wide open hackable. But nobody cares anymore.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • We are facing a very real possibility of the end of the web browser as we know it. Google owns the chromium engine. Mozilla is on ever more precarious footing. It's become logistically impossible to build competing products except for tech giant. Even then everybody else gave up and went with chromium.

  • Name one successful communist nation!
  • They ignored the point that capitalism uses violent oppression to suppress innovation. Kind of a main point of the video. The evidence that other ideological regimes cannot innovate is always implicitly that capitalists won by military might therefore the interlocutor is compelled to concede a flawed premise from the outset.

    It's like smashing the sportsball net then saying you won the game. Especially if one were to come from a scientific perspective that is not a proper comparison of technological innovation when you ensure nobody else can even try.

    Show us a world were different regimes compete scientific and technologically without resorting to violence against the others. We couldn't have it because capitalists sabotage your science experiment, take your equipment, then declare themselves the winner.

  • Can someone explain me USA obsession with prom and similar school rituals?
  • It goes to show the socioeconomic differences. The more affluent kids at my school went all out. There was expensive outfits, limos, and after parties at other venues. For others it was just mom dropping them off at the vanilla school hosted event and that's it.

  • Reddit - 2007 vs 2024
  • That's how they've shoved the Overton Window so far right the average normie believes reddits brand of conservatism is any where remotely left.

    "B-but a gay replied to me one reddit! That means it's left leaning!" Makes my eyes roll out of my skull.

  • Reddit - 2007 vs 2024
  • I like to point out how reddit loathed SJWs. That was the prior right wing boogeyman known today as "woke". They absolutely hated the people who were promoting socially progressive views.

    At the peak it was like every single day the site was circle jerking about how much they hated that. People reminisce about really distorted views of reddit like it used to be this cool left leaning platform. Sure if you ignore literally everything about what it was.

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • For some reason I memory holed the first distro I used. There's only vague recollection. I think it was SUSE or something. When Ubuntu came around I tried Linux again. That's when I started to get the hang of things.

  • The top 10% now own 93% of all stocks while the bottom 50% owns 1%. The stock market is a meaningless measure of the economy.
  • It's a rich peoples game. Those with mere pittance to invest will not end up with much even if they live a very long natural life and do not touch a penny of whatever they could invest until their death bed. Even then they've have to wait until the very end for that pittance. The whole thing is based on having a enough wealth such that small percentage returns equate to a lot in absolute value. A small or even larger than average percentage return from relatively little wealth is still very little.

    To change any of this would be to change the underlying issues of unequal distribution of wealth. The stock markets are derivative. If more had wealth then obviously they'd be investing more. It's not the other way around.

    Some believe they can cheat code their way to the other side by gambling which is not investing. Seems to have become popular again in recent times after certain cultural phenomenons. That again does not change underlying issues. A few lottery winners and many more silent losers only serves to amplify inequality.

  • Reddit forgotmylastusername
    Old reddit has removed the login fields

    It now redirects you to the new site login page. There's no way to sign up with out an email anymore(?) It was only possible on the old site.

    Practice repairing broken traces

    I got myself a T12 clone station recently. I've only had a junk iron that plugs into a wall socket and heats up to full blast whatever temperature with the big giant tip. Not very useful for more precise work.

    I had this damaged Arduino Pro Micro clone sitting in my box of random stuff. At some point in time I had decided cut out out 4 pin headers for some reason. Damaged the corresponding traces in the process.

    The repair worked! It was the MOSI, MISO, CLK, and RESET pins on the board. These pins can be used to have this board flash another Arduino board.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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