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Lemmy, what are some of your "oh shit" work stories?
  • before the pandemics arrived

    I know this was a typo and you meant to write paramedics, but all I could think first thing I read this was "what a lucky bastard"

  • Deleted
    What did you do to survive the night of/after a breakup?
  • Quite sudden breakup after almost 16 years. He didn't love me anymore.

    I made it through the first night listening to a recording of my mom reading my two favourite child books to me when I was three (these recordings were originally done on tape, but I digitalised them a few years ago and they are a bit of an auditory security blanket). That helped me through the night. Next morning, completely numb, I went to a bakery and bought something to eat, then I drove over to my best friend where I spent the whole day, crying and cursing but also laughing and most importantly talking. At the end of that, I was in a mindset where I knew this would hurt like fuck but it was better this way.

    What followed were six weeks where my ex still lived in the same apartment and slept in the same room (we didn't split in a fight, it simply was over), I fled to my best friend once per week and worked from there (self employed) and spent my weekends Friday afternoon till Sunday evening at my parents. I talked a lot with friends and family, took lengthy walks and overall just tried to make it through every day.

    Once my ex was gone for good, my best friend came over for three days and helped with a deep clean of the apartment and setting up some new furniture to replace what he'd taken with him. Then I started my new life.

    All I can say is, it gets better, it gets easier, and in hindsight it was one of the best things that happened to me.

    It was in August of 2018, after almost 16 years. In January of 2020 I met my new partner who taught me what I'd missed in all that time.

  • do you think the framework laptop is a good long term investment?
  • The waiting time heavily depends on whether you want Intel or Ryzen, and whether you want 13 or 16 inch.

    13 inch Intel should ship pretty much instant even now as far as I know, the just released Ryzen now has to catch up with pre-orders first, and 16" isn't yet released AFAIK.

    I bought a refurbished 11th gen Intel back in March and that got here in just a few days and I can't say anything about it didn't feel brand new. Have been using it almost daily since.

  • What shitty things have your favourite bands/artists done?
  • That really ruined the day of my partner when it came to light, he is .... was a huge Iced Earth fan for decades ๐Ÿ˜•

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Yes, 40, Germany. And I actually do.

  • What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • Another happy (though quite new) owner of a VIOFO here, A119 Mini v2 in my case. Great picture quality.

  • Failed driving test. parents want me to bribe???
  • Is this actually a thing here

    You would increase your chances to get helpful insight significantly if you'd clarify where "here" is. It's a big world with a ton of countries, and this is an international place.

  • How do I learn to detect logical fallacies in a conversation?
  • Maybe this helps, it has some good examples on what the various fallacies look like, and combining that knowledge with a hunch of "something here sounds fishy" is basically what I do I think.

  • Removed
    After 3.5 years I finally got Covid
  • And here as well! Thanks everyone!

  • Steam Summer Sale: Hidden Gem/ Recommendations thread
  • Definitely In Other Waters, an earlier work from the same people who recently brought you Citizen Sleeper. It's a narrative heavy game were you play an AI helping a xenobiologist. You perceive the alien maritime world through a quite minimalistic interface, and nevertheless that game had me on the edge of my seat from the start. Highly recommended, and IMO far too little known.

    Currently 70% off and less than 5โ‚ฌ. Also available as part of a bundle with Citizen Sleeper.

  • What are your favorite gaming YouTubers?
  • Christopher Odd, hands down.

    Discovered him around the time XCOM2 got released, because I was looking for someone to learn a trick or two from. Learned a lot from how he plays tactical games, but stayed for his calm and down to earth way (I absolutely can't stand that hyper, over-the-top crap that a ton of Let's Players do). Have also discovered the one or other gem through his videos.

    Can only recommend!

    Oh, and I also watch a ton of stuff on game design due to an interest into game development and recently did a blog post on my favourites there. To quickly summarise that: The Architect of Games, Design Doc, Game Maker's Toolkit, GDC, Noclip, Razbuten

  • What open source project(s) are you working on?
  • Yeah, that just had to be said since it's a bit of a pattern indeed ๐Ÿ˜… I warned Daniel that I'd drop that if they got me on for that topic ^^

  • What open source project(s) are you working on?
  • What a nice idea!

    My claim to fame is probably OctoPrint, a web interface for consumer 3d printers that I created over a decade ago now and have been maintaining ever since, since 2014 full time and since 2016 also 100% crowd funded. It's written in Python (backend) and HTML/JS (frontend) and licensed under AGPLv3.

  • foosel foosel

    Passionate code monkey ๐Ÿ’ Geek ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Gamer ๐ŸŽฎ Hobby baker ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿณ Creator & maintainer of OctoPrint ๐Ÿ™ GitHub Star ๐ŸŒŸ PSF Fellow ๐Ÿ

    she/her ยท speaks German, English


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