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Zbiorczy wątek powodziowy
  • Ogólnie w kwestii Dolnego Śląska polecam zarówno przeglądanie strony Radia Wrocław, a jak ktoś jest lokalnie to ogarnięcie radioodbiornika (najlepiej na baterie, jeśli zabraknie prądu) i słuchanie na częstotliwościach:

    • Wrocław, Legnica 102,3 FM
    • Wałbrzych 95,5 FM
    • Zgorzelec, Bolesławiec 103,6 FM
    • Kudowa - Zdrój 98,0 FM
    • Kotlina Jeleniogórska 96,7 FM
    • Kotlina Kłodzka 96,0 FM
    • Bogatynia 89,0 FM
  • wiadomosci gfle
    Sytuacja powodziowa w Polsce
    Am I the only one who struggles with the idea of building highways?
  • I always go with the following strategy:

    • Tons of public transport to ensure that local commute doesn't have to rely on cars. In general, if I start to get the feeling that I need to place a highway in the city to solve the congestion problem, then I look what route is under served by public transport.
      • Buses or trams (if I want to be fancy) for shorter routes, metro for longer distances.
      • Passenger trains for inter-city and longest local transport.
      • Cargo trains in industrial hubs, but careful with those, as they tend to generate a lot of traffic when trucks come and go. I usually do some sort of a traffic sponge (one-way road that leads only to the cargo train station) for trucks to wait without blocking other traffic.
    • I use highways sparingly and only for longer distances, like connections between cities. I try to build them outside of the city, so it would also act as a bypass - the cars which are not going into my city but through it won't generate traffic in the city itself this way.
  • French authorities arrest Telegram’s CEO
  • They aren't, Telegram is not a secure messenger. There are e2e chats, but those are not groupchats, they are not always available (not on the desktop or using the web client) and in general they are rarely used. All those big groups and channels are unencrypted and there's nothing stopping the authors from looking into them.

  • Nextcloud or Syncthing - which one do you suggest?
  • I personally switched from NextCloud to Syncthing.


    • is easier for me to maintain,
    • allows for the "server" to be behind NAT,
    • lets me have multiple "servers" at the same time (eg. something at home and a VPS)
    • lets me have certain "servers" set as untrusted, so all data on them is encrypted, while others can have it unencrypted for easier access I put "server" in quotes, as Syncthing doesn't really have a server, all clients are equal peers.

    On the other hand, NextCloud:

    • gives me a way to share files by link with others,
    • lets me browse files via a web interface,
    • mobile app lets me access files as I need them instead of having to synchronize everything.
  • Wolne oprogramowanie robione przez wolnych ludzi gfle - mapa wydarzeń związanych z wolnym oprogramowaniem //

    // Connecting people via the most comprehensive collection of FOSS events in Europe and online. Unity in diversity!

    Has anyone used meshtastic?
  • I did! Don't expect too much stability out of it, but I was surprised to say that the latest version worked pretty stable and nicely for me. I can definitely recommend it.

  • Finished Portland missions in GTA 3
  • Unpopular opinion: non-pro can handle the OS just fine and then some. Try out SailfishOS (unfortunately not OSS) - it's as smooth as butter. Or UBPorts - it works great (unfortunately both Sailfish and UBPorts aren't as polished when it comes to actual hardware support on PinePhone, but they show nicely what could be done). I don't think I even need to mention Sxmo, which is no surprise that it works great, but its approach is definitely not for everyone.

    It's just Gnome/Plasma that are mainly developed for "big" computers and are pretty wasteful. But the situation is definitely improving.

  • służby gfle
    Policjant miał razić paralizatorem mężczyznę skutego kajdankami. Wszystko nagrała kamera na mundurze Policjant miał razić paralizatorem mężczyznę skutego kajdankami. Wszystko nagrała kamera na mundurze

    Bydgoski policjant kilka razy miał użyć paralizatora wobec mężczyzny skutego już kajdankami. Sprawa wyszła na jaw przypadkiem, podczas wyrywkowej kontroli nagrań rejestratorów noszonych przez funkcjonariuszy. Policjant został ukarany przeniesieniem na inne stanowisko, gdzie nie ma możliwości używani...

    Policjant miał razić paralizatorem mężczyznę skutego kajdankami. Wszystko nagrała kamera na mundurze
    Informacje ze świata gfle
    Fińska policja zatrzymała skrajnie prawicowych terrorystów planujących zamachy z użyciem broni drukowanej na drukarkach 3D Far-right terror plot printed 3D guns to ignite Finland 'race war'

    Police say the suspects shared 'accelerationist' ideologies to target immigrants and infrastructure to collapse society.

    Far-right terror plot printed 3D guns to ignite Finland 'race war'
    What is the best selfhostable messaging service for family?
  • Matrix works, but it's way harder and more expensive to selfhost than for example XMPP, which can be hosted even on cheapest VPS or first RPi. I would definitely take the cost and "how hard is it to maintain in the long run" into consideration.

    Mattermost also works and is pretty easy to selfhost, but it doesn't have federation.

    Another option is always an email with - I don't think it offers voice calling, but email is one of the most basic services one can host, and many automated solutions to help with that exist.

  • Hakt! – Hakuj i działaj gfle
    Rosyjskie FSB ma podgląd telegramowych wiadomości prywatnych (ang) The Kremlin Has Entered Your Telegram Chat

    Russian antiwar activists placed their faith in Telegram, a supposedly secure messaging app. How does Putin’s regime seem to know their every move?

    Hakt! – Hakuj i działaj gfle
    Windows nie jest bezpieczniejszy od Linuksa: obalanie tez samozwańczego researchera Madaidana [ang] Windows is not more secure than Linux - Debunking self-proclaimed wannabe researcher Madaidan

    No, Windows is not more secure than Linux - Do not get trolled by wannabe self-proclaimed security researcher Madaidan.

    Widziałem na Szmerze kiedyś podlinkowane bzdury od Madaidana. Nie dajcie się na nie po raz kolejny nabrać 😉

    Wolne oprogramowanie robione przez wolnych ludzi gfle
    CVE-2021-4034 - Local Priviledge Escalation w PolicyKit [ang]
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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