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Germany will not allocate additional funds to help Ukraine – media
  • Article context: instead of using the German budget, officials are exploring the possibility of using frozen Russian assets for future aid. So Germany isn't cutting off all aid to Ukraine, as the title might induce. Regardless, this is understandably causing internal debate.

  • Deutsche Herrschaft
  • Schmetterling.

  • August 2024: Flux Support, New Frontend, For Loops, and more!
  • It's good. It makes cakes.

    Used ComfyUI with Flux (the fp8 Low Ram version) and a simple workflow to get started.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Man believes in stories. Such as religion, or money, or companies.

    Ref. Yuval Noah Harari.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • For a nuanced approach, here follows some critisism. Link to original post: "Mobius" is just an ad for Corcel

    See post by Confident_Appeal_603

    Update: the discord server members / friends of Mobius are brigading the comments.

    See the model card:

    It's a non-commercial model they want people to pay to use through their API, and won't allow anyone else to publish the weights, even though they tout the ability to finetune it in the hype post.

    Looking deeper into things and it's using Bittensor to "decentralise AI production", and it's using blockchain. Another crypto scam.

    It's quite odd. as a researcher, the claims to cut down on training cost by 2/3rds really stuck out to me, as I would also like to benefit from this advancement. but when you look at how they supposedly achieved this, it's just another SDXL finetune with 25 million images.

    A fun gem from the model card:

    • highly suggested to preappenmed watermark to all negatives and keep negatives simple such as "watermark" or "worst, watermark"

    A model without any bias shouldn't really need "watermark" in the negative prompt.

    Here's the license text from the model card:

    Mobius is released under a custom license that governs its usage and distribution rights:

    Non-commercial use: The model is fully open and available for any non-commercial use. Researchers, students, and enthusiasts are encouraged to explore, modify, and build upon the model freely, as long as they do not use it for commercial purposes.

  • OpenAI releases GPT-4o, a faster model that’s free for all ChatGPT users
  • Very Her-like.

    It suddenly feels so rude to interrupt the AI voice mid sentence.

  • Does this plan make sense? v3
  • Thank you for this approximate description of most Nordic countries.

  • The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS.
  • To whoever mentioned Librewolf previously as a better alternative to FireFox: Thank you.

  • Microsoft now permits uninstalling Edge, Bing, and OneDrive to adhere to the EU's Digital Markets Act.
  • Thanks for sharing. It looks like a great other option.

    Edit: Darn. It is recognised as a trojan:

  • Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood
  • I spent the better half of 45 minutes writing and revising my comment. So thank you sincerely for the praise, since English is not my first language.

  • Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood
  • Interesting timing. The EU has just passed the Artificial Intelligence Act, setting a global precedent for the regulation of AI technologies.

    A quick rundown of what it entails and why it might matter in the US:

    What is it?

    • The EU AI Act is a comprehensive set of rules aimed at ensuring AI systems are developed and used ethically, with respect for human rights and safety.
    • The Act targets high-risk AI applications, including those in employment, healthcare, and policing, requiring strict compliance with transparency, data governance, and non-discrimination.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Prohibited Practices: Certain uses of AI, like manipulative behavior manipulation or unfair surveillance, are outright banned.
    • High-Risk Regulation: AI systems with significant implications for people's rights must undergo rigorous assessments.
    • Transparency and Accountability: AI providers must be transparent about how their systems work, particularly when processing personal data.

    Why Does This Matter in the US?

    • Brussels Effect: Similar to how GDPR set a new global standard for data protection, the EU AI Act could influence international norms and practices around AI, pushing companies worldwide to adopt higher standards.
    • Cross-Border Impact: Many US companies operate in the EU and will need to comply with these regulations, which might lead them to apply the same standards globally.
    • Potential for US Legislation: The EU's move could catalyze similar regulatory efforts in the US, promoting a broader discussion on the ethical use of AI technologies.

    Emotion-tracking AI is covered:

    Banned applications: The new rules ban certain AI applications that threaten citizens’ rights, including biometric categorisation systems based on sensitive characteristics and untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage to create facial recognition databases. Emotion recognition in the workplace and schools, social scoring, predictive policing (when it is based solely on profiling a person or assessing their characteristics), and AI that manipulates human behaviour or exploits people’s vulnerabilities will also be forbidden.


  • Thoughts on BOOX Tab Ultra C?
  • Yeah, I haven't read good things about Onyx either. Chinese-inside™. Scummy business practices.

    I prefer Kobo as an alternative.

  • 63829047
  • 0118999881999119725 ... 3

  • Ukraine drives Russia back out of a most crucial territory
  • Here's a summary:

    Unbait ttle: "Ukraine Gains Upper Hand in Electronic Warfare Against Russia"

    In the ongoing conflict, Ukraine has effectively countered Russia's electronic warfare (EW) capabilities. Initially at a disadvantage, Ukrainian forces have developed their EW strategies to successfully disrupt Russian electronic operations, crucially affecting the course of battles. The article highlights the significance of EW in modern warfare and underscores the urgency for the US military to revitalize its EW capabilities, drawing lessons from the Ukrainian experience.

    Summarised with ChatGPT.

  • No escape
  • Wiggly-wiggle with elbow.

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    Jeg har været OK tilfreds med mm-vision til både arbejdet og familien. Før ~2015 samlede jeg selv, men det kan ikke rigtig betale sig længere pris- og tidsmæssigt.

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