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Started learning Perl
  • I'm fascinated by Raku myself.

  • Anyone here heard of Wikifunctions, and if so what do you think?
  • It didn't make any sense to me when it was originally announced, it still doesn't. I don't understand the project's goals or how it's supposed to reach those goals. The mission statement is incomprehensible to me.

  • what's the best python libraries for beginners to download and learn with?
  • Sounds like your project is building arrays in different dimensions and multiplying them.

    Maybe give polars and pandas a try.

    Definitely check out SciPy

  • what's the best python libraries for beginners to download and learn with?
  • People keep telling me that scrapy is the best for scraping but I haven't had time to try it yet.

  • what's the best python libraries for beginners to download and learn with?
  • Entirely depends on the project you want to build

  • What was it that convinced you to start using NeoVim? | How long was your "evaluation period"? | What convinced you that NeoVim was the best for you?
  • That awesome!

    There are always many ways to deal with workflow annoyances you run into. Most people go looking for plugins or write a plugin or remap some keybindings, but many forget to read the manual to look for builtin solutions. In the case of using d, you can assign the deleted text to a register other than the default register for yank/delete commands.

    dd will delete a line and send it to register +

    "xdd will delete a line and send it to register x

    p will put the text from register + after the cursor

    "xp will put the text from register x after the cursor

    Use any lowercase letter for a register. There's always more beneath the surface of simple vim features.

    Relevant sections of the User Manual:

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • You'll own nothing and you'll be happy - Ida Auken

  • PowerShell: the object-oriented shell you didn’t know you needed | Chris Warrick | 29 April 2024
  • Chris Warwick doesn't post to his blog often, but when he does he's thoughtful and informative.

  • Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs
  • The author mentioned limitations only vaguely at the end of the article.

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Consider using

    Although I understand if you don't wish to stop using git.

  • best way to access databases in different projects
  • My local library gives me access to O'Reilly Online, so free textbook access for just about any topic.

  • Firefox Focus complaints
  • Have you submitted feedback to Mozilla?

  • Why python while Julia is so much better?
  • Your reply is a lazy and uninformative answer that I'm inclined not to take seriously.

  • Why python while Julia is so much better?
  • In what ways do you see Julia as better?

    Better for what?

  • Why python while Julia is so much better?
  • This is the biggest factor.

    Also Julia's ecosystem is in infancy in comparison.

  • Meta (Facebook) is sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR

    Meta FAIR is releasing several new research artifacts. Our hope is that the research community can use them to innovate, explore, and discover new ways to apply AI at scale.

    Sharing new research, models, and datasets from Meta FAIR
    Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising | The Mozilla Blog
  • It's not clear to me if this is an acquisition of the venture capital subsidiary, but this part of Anonym's FAQ is disappointing:

    Privacy is an ambiguous term! Our primary focus is reducing or eliminating the need for advertisers and ad platforms to share personally identifiable information, attributes and behaviors about individuals with each other. It’s this kind of data sharing that often violates the expectations of users and creates legal and policy compliance issues.

  • Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising | The Mozilla Blog
  • That article makes is very clear that Laura Chambers is filling an interim role as CEO for less than a year as they look for someone else to take the role on a longer term basis.

  • Let's reproduce GPT-2 (124M) | Andrej Karpathy | Jun 9, 2024

    Video description: > We reproduce the GPT-2 (124M) from scratch. > >This video covers the whole process: > > First we build the GPT-2 network, then we optimize its training to be really fast, then we set up the training run following the GPT-2 and GPT-3 paper and their hyperparameters, then we hit run, and come back the next morning to see our results, and enjoy some amusing model generations. > > Keep in mind that in some places this video builds on the knowledge from earlier videos in the Zero to Hero Playlist (see my channel). You could also see this video as building my nanoGPT repo, which by the end is about 90% similar.

    Setting up Python on Windows Setting up Python on Windows

    There are many ways to set up Python on Windows—too many ways. According to the Zen of...

    Setting up Python on Windows
    Python Big O: the time complexities of different data structures in Python Python Big O: the time complexities of different data structures in Python

    The time complexity of common operations on Python's many data structures.

    Python Big O: the time complexities of different data structures in Python

    Trey Hunner writes:

    > This article is primarily meant to act as a Python time complexity cheat sheet for those who already understand what time complexity is and how the time complexity of an operation might affect your code. For a more thorough explanation of time complexity see Ned Batchelder's article/talk on this subject.

    Read Python Big O: the time complexities of different data structures in Python

    Your backend is too complicated | Using Gleam to Simplify Your Backend

    Isaac Harris-Holt writes:

    > Modern software engineering can be a bit of a nightmare. You've got all these different third-party services to keep track of, and often many first-party microservices too! As it turns out, things can be made more simple using Gleam. Let me show you how.

    Cmdline - Neovim docs | Command-line window | In the command-line window the command line can be edited just like editing text in any window. Cmdline - Neovim docs

    Neovim user documentation

    In the command-line window the command line can be edited just like editing text in any window. It is a special kind of window, because you cannot leave it in a normal way.

    There are two ways to open the command-line window:

    1. From Command-line mode, use the key specified with the 'cedit' option (default CTRL-F).

    2. From Normal mode, use the "q:", "q/" or "q?" command.

    • This starts editing an Ex command-line ("q:") or search string ("q/" or "q?"). Note that this is not possible while recording is in progress (the "q" stops recording then).

    When the window opens it is filled with the command-line history. The last line contains the command as typed so far. The left column will show a character that indicates the type of command-line being edited

    Filling in gaps in the Overview documentation on

    I'm sharing this Discord Message from someone that was doing their best to fill in their gaps in understanding Odin after reading the Overview documentation on

    > This was somewhat confusing, I could change the package foo at the top of the file and it makes no difference and everything works. > > From reading this Server, I learned a lot, like this: > > - 1 - The package is only linked to the directory name (folder) and nothing else, except; > - 2 - The files in the package directory must all have the same package foo header with the same name, but it does not have to be the same as the package directory name, just unique (see below); and > - 3 - No two packages can have the same directory/folder name (globaly unique); and > - 4 - No two packages can have the same package foo header names (i.e., must be globally unique but not tied to any package (directory) name needed - but would be a good idea, I mean why not...); > - 5 - You cannot have cyclical imports - ever; > - 6 - The package foo header seems powerless for the most part as far as programmer use, but I read it is used by the ABI as a prefix for symbols in the final binary; > - 7 - Sub-packages do not exist, so even nested directories are standalone packages and also do not infer dependence; > - 8 - In Odin you should put as much in one package as possible and do not use packages for namespaces since it will not work (see using) and do not use packages to organize your files, see 9 for proper reason to use packages; > - 9 - Use separate packages only as reusable (stand alone) libraries; > - 10 - Organize files within a package directory by their filenames (ala Java) and not subdirectors for all the reasons above; which is what I will do using snake case for the file names. > > If I blew it above let me know. > > imho the Overview would do better to include a little more detail like some of the stuff above. When I searched this server I found a huge amount of the above and just cobbled it together from 6-7 posts. I think what was not clear from the overview was: 1, 5, 6, 7 (its there but not clear), 9. It is clear that many people are confused by this, but on the bright side searching the Discord was very useful.

    gingerBill indicated this is a common source of confusion for newcomers to Odin: > package name has nothing to do with the thing you import. > > This is probably one of the most confusing things about Odin's packages. The exist for stable ABI and consistent linking names.

    Hopefully, I can create a minimum working example that can be illustrative for others and have a PR merged into the Overview documentation. Until then I just want something that can be found outside of Discord for other learners.

    Defaulting to Zero · Our Machinery | Niklas Gray | Archived 1 Jul 2017

    Niklas Gray writes:

    > I often find that when I work on the low level implementation of something I discover ideas that I can bring back and use to inform the high level design — to make it easier to work with, more performant, more orthogonal, etc. Thus, the flow goes back and forth from high-level to low-level, instead of just in one direction. If I’m stuck in some part of the high-level design, starting to work on the implementation is often the best way to get unstuck. > > One such idea, which is really simple, but tends to lead to better and simpler code, is the idea of defaulting to zero. I.e. to always use 0 as the default or nil value. For example...

    Read Defaulting to Zero

    Multicollinearity in Logistic Regression Models : Anesthesia & Analgesia

    Bayman, Emine Ozgur PhD*; Dexter, Franklin MD, PhD, FASA†. Multicollinearity in Logistic Regression Models. Anesthesia & Analgesia 133(2):p 362-365, August 2021. | DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005593

    Jeremy Soller 🦀 ( | Is reaching out to the KDE developer community to assist in planning interoperability between COSMIC, Plasma and KDE. Jeremy Soller 🦀 (

    If you are a #KDE developer, I want to talk to you about: - How can COSMIC apps better fit in when running a Plasma session - How can KDE apps better fit in when running a COSMIC session Please feel free to reply or DM!

    Jeremy Soller 🦀 ( [System76 Principal engineer, Pop!_OS Maintainer, and Redox OS BDFL] writes:

    > If you are a #KDE developer, I want to talk to you about: > > - How can COSMIC apps better fit in when running a Plasma session > - How can KDE apps better fit in when running a COSMIC session

    POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024 | 3rd annual virtual event organized by the Postgres team at Microsoft | 48 Hours of Virtual Presentations and Meetings Starting Tue, June 11 @ 3:00 PM UTC POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024

    Join us at POSETTE: An Event for Postgres (formerly Citus Con), a virtual and free developer event happening on Jun 11-13, 2024. Come learn what you can do with the world’s most advanced open source relational database—from the nerdy to the sublime. Organized by the Postgres team at Microsoft.

    POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024
    ericjmorey ericjmorey

    Data Science

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